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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I think patch 1.1 is going to force me out :(


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I don't roll alts because I actually have a job and a social life. I'm a very busy person so I roll a single toon and play that same character the entire time I play a MMO. Thanks for trying though, but YOU appear to be the problem in telling how other people should play the game and live their lives.


I'm pretty sure he was just pointing out all of the OTHER things you could do, instead of PVPing. and honestly, if you wanted to PVP all that bad, then why the hell did you roll on a PVE server?


thats like....saying you want water, then filling your cup with Jack Daniels.

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There are some pretty stupid posts in this topic.


Yeah, he likes PVPing, he never said he wanted to world PVP 24/7, which tends to be a gank-fest, and has its own set of issues. World PVP and scenario PVP are two seperate things, and on active servers, scenario PVP is usually very active. The 1.1 patch is going to break that in favor of trying to put a band-aid over a much bigger issue, shoving it out of the eyes of most players in the meantime.



I made a huge topic explaining why the bracketing thing isn't fixing the real cause of fifties steam-rolling. Here's a hint. It isn't fifties. It's something some of the fifties are doing that they shouldn't be, that's making them better then any other fifty out there.



Also, cross realm queues are counter-intuitive to building a community. If I wanted to play a game with a bunch of faceless goons i'd go play Counterstrike, not a MMO. Nevermind that it really cuts down on knowing just who you're playing with, quality wise.


Dirk Anger from the Starwheedle server might be a complete moron and i'll never know it until he decides to repeatedly grab the ball on our team, and run to our goal line, handing the enemy team a point. But I can look at the guilds and players that queue regularly on my server, and know whether to focus on certain types of objectives, or to just drop group because five them are going to spend the match AFKing in the corner to farm commendations.

Edited by Radiatonia
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I mean, you're quitting over a temporary problem. In a month or two the VAST majority of the playerbase will be at or approaching 50. So I mean, if steamrolling lowbies gets your rocks off, yea...go chose a new game.


But eventually the 50 bracket will be the overwhelmingly played PvP bracket.

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I mean, you're quitting over a temporary problem. In a month or two the VAST majority of the playerbase will be at or approaching 50. So I mean, if steamrolling lowbies gets your rocks off, yea...go chose a new game.


But eventually the 50 bracket will be the overwhelmingly played PvP bracket.


Well that brings up another issue, in that once the tables turn, the lowbie bracket may be empty... and lowbies won't be able to pvp :(

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If you love so much PVP .... what are you doing on PVE servers :confused::confused:




and I know the OP has responded saying he never had an issue with doing PvP on a PvE server in other games and that's why he rolled on a pve server (since the pvp east coast servers were full). I'm sure those were well-established games...where many people had already reached the max level so there were more people who liked to pvp. The group you want are the casuals who like to pvp...people less likely to enjoy getting their leveling interrupted by pvp...and the casuals just haven't leveled up to 50 yet. (using my guild as a baseline for casuals....and our highest is in the mid 40's right now)


So either start another character and keep yourself busy while the others level up...or move to a different server that is made for pvp. Complaining that there is no pvp on a pve server is...well....stupid.

Edited by Thunder-God
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Congrats on the 50. :)


Your server isn't 'dead' by any means, but it's a lower population server than some others. The good news is, the population is growing daily as more people buy the game and get online (we can see the growth). However, you're right in that the number of level 50 players is going to be small and won't increase dramatically in a short period of time.


Cross-server queuing for PvP is something that the development team wants to happen, but it's not going to be available in the near future. In the interim, you might want to try re-rolling a new character, either on your own server or another server (perhaps a PvP server?). On your own server, you'll be able to PvP all the way from L10 to L49 without any issue, and by the time you get close to the cap you can see how the L50 Warzone 'scene' is. On another server - especially a PvP server - you may find a more PvP-centric community.



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and I know the OP has responded saying he never had an issue with doing PvP on a PvE server in other games and that's why he rolled on a pve server (since the pvp east coast servers were full). I'm sure those were well-established games...where many people had already reached the max level so there were more people who liked to pvp. The group you want are the casuals who like to pvp...people less likely to enjoy getting their leveling interrupted by pvp...and the casuals just haven't leveled up to 50 yet. (using my guild as a baseline for casuals....and our highest is in the mid 40's right now)


So either start another character and keep yourself busy while the others level up...or move to a different server that is made for pvp. Complaining that there is no pvp on a pve server is...well....stupid.


Oh hey another Death Wind Corridor-ee!


Anywho, I don't think asinine is the right word (way to ninja-edit that!), I think he does have somewhat of a valid issue. There apparently is a decent amount of instanced pvp happening on his server now, but they're going to take that away with a 50 bracket. We didn't know that was going to happen, and in his defense there could be several legitimate reasons for rolling on a pve server when you like pvp.


I just don't think a hard-bracketed lvl 50 bracket is the way to go, some sort of compromised middle ground would be a better route imo.

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i have a really good feeling the reason why they postponed the patch was so they can have 1-2 weeks to implement a cross server queue for level 50s if only that level bracket. Whether you disagree with having cross server or not. Some of the servers factions are not balanced therefore one faction may be waiting in queue for a long time.


Now what is hilarious to me is people think this is going to destroy community. How does this destroy server community? By the way have they been adding servers? If not that means they reached a good peak of subscribers that will be in this game for the long run, its only going to decrease from here unless they do something that will attract players.

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Maybe you should pick a pvp server??


pve'ers like me, play on pve, so that pvp'ers don't ruin our experiences, so maybe you should reroll on a pvp server.


problem solved.


Also, the whole idea of this game is the leveling, so don't rush.


Precisely. I have no interest in EVER PvPing for any reason.

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I like the game for the most part. I see its potential and also wish certain things were implemented at launch instead of some point down the road.


But all I really do is pvp. Sadly, I'm on a dead server (Nathema). Patch 1.1 is going to have all level 50's in their own pvp queue. There's only a couple level 50's on the server that actually pvp. That means without a cross-server pvp queue I and other level 50's will NOT be able to pvp anymore.




Seriously guys, I'm totally bummed out over this.


It's bad enough that I cannot do any of the Ilum war dailies because the Republic never goes there to cap the bases back. Now I won't even be able to pvp in warzones...


Let me get this straight... you pick a PvE server.. then complain that there isn't enough PvP... and that all you do is PvP.. am I missing something here?

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Let me get this straight... you pick a PvE server.. then complain that there isn't enough PvP... and that all you do is PvP.. am I missing something here?


I think he's more complaining about the fact that he is able to pvp now, and he won't be after the patch. So PvPing on a PvE server is working out for him now, and BW is going to break it, with some good intentions mind you, but they're still breaking pvp for him.

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So either reroll, and shut up or just shut up.


Thank you for making Bioware's stand on this so clear... cause that's their answer : ''no, we won't help you, no we won't add features to find content, just shut up''.


Nice attitude! You think that will get this game far?


Ya.. taking an honest good answer of a post from the Devs and rewriting it to make them sound like jerks. I hope you guys quit sooner rather than later, so the rest of us who really enjoy the game and actually appreciate all the things bioware is doing, can enjoy the game in peace.

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I think he's more complaining about the fact that he is able to pvp now, and he won't be after the patch. So PvPing on a PvE server is working out for him now, and BW is going to break it, with some good intentions mind you, but they're still breaking pvp for him.


Fair assessment, but BW has always said that some form of bracketing would happen post-launch. Knowing this, I picked the fullest PvP server I could find.

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I think he's more complaining about the fact that he is able to pvp now, and he won't be after the patch. So PvPing on a PvE server is working out for him now, and BW is going to break it, with some good intentions mind you, but they're still breaking pvp for him.


1. The new system isn't even out yet.

2. He is taking the sky is falling approach... so once it's actually implemented it might not be THAT bad.

3. As time goes on, more people will reach lvl 50, thereby adding to the pool of players he will be able to play against.

4. If a person plans to ONLY PvP at end game, but picks a PvE server, then he will be disapointed.

5. Lastly, I feel that what the Dev said was very reasonable. He was giving the options for the OP. When people get stuck into their narrow minded view and throw a tantrum that their one little means of game play be met, then ... I have to laugh.

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I'll admit, having a Bioware rep say reroll is a bit disheartening. Regardless of who and how many people he is saying it to.


Really? Discouraging to have someone make a new toon for something to do until more 50's show up? Here are my top 5 reason's people like you get discouraged.


1. Mom tells you dinner won't be ready for an hour. Tells you to have a granola bar to hold you over.

2. Your favorite episode of keeping up with the kardashians is over, and you have to wait until next week for new episode.

3. Carebears cartoon show was cancelled years ago.

4. Someone used the term "GAY" as an insult... and that is just wrong.

5. Someone in game said they would join your group to help you with a quest, but changed their mind.

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I like the game for the most part. I see its potential and also wish certain things were implemented at launch instead of some point down the road.


But all I really do is pvp. Sadly, I'm on a dead server (Nathema). Patch 1.1 is going to have all level 50's in their own pvp queue. There's only a couple level 50's on the server that actually pvp. That means without a cross-server pvp queue I and other level 50's will NOT be able to pvp anymore.




Seriously guys, I'm totally bummed out over this.


It's bad enough that I cannot do any of the Ilum war dailies because the Republic never goes there to cap the bases back. Now I won't even be able to pvp in warzones...






man were in week 3 here. more ppl will reach 50 soon. Just be patient.

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Um blame that on the fact that you STEAMROLL everyone else with your max rank abilities and 10 CCs every second. You deserve it.



Nothing like a team of premade 50s that are invulnerable, stunmasters with exceptional healing.

And your team are in their 20s.

I think this should of been implemented long ago, it's an exploit IMO.


Even with a health boost, we are no match for the level 50s that get to participate in the same Warzone with the lower levels.


It needs to be 50 on 50.

Edited by Fraxture
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Fair assessment, but BW has always said that some form of bracketing would happen post-launch. Knowing this, I picked the fullest PvP server I could find.


Have they (honest question)? I couldn't find any quotes far back that mentioned bracketing, and wasn't sure if that was their intention. If so, were they waiting for people to hit 50 so that bracket would be populated? If that was the case, it would appear that didn't wait long enough for some servers, and too long for others.


You and many MMO vet's knew this I'm sure, I stuck to a pretty full PvP server because I learned the same lesson after being on the failure that was an empty Dentarg in TBC. Others may have not know that or had different experiances that lead to different lessons.


1. The new system isn't even out yet.

2. He is taking the sky is falling approach... so once it's actually implemented it might not be THAT bad.

3. As time goes on, more people will reach lvl 50, thereby adding to the pool of players he will be able to play against.

4. If a person plans to ONLY PvP at end game, but picks a PvE server, then he will be disapointed.

5. Lastly, I feel that what the Dev said was very reasonable. He was giving the options for the OP. When people get stuck into their narrow minded view and throw a tantrum that their one little means of game play be met, then ... I have to laugh.


1-2. True, it may not be that bad, but then again, is it better to wait until it is that bad before you bring up the potential issue, or try to get it looked at before the issue arises? I personally would rather not wait several weeks for a fix if it turns out my main couldn't pvp at all. That might just sap my enjoyment of the game and make me not want to play at all.

3. Also true, but then once the tables turn, the opposite happens. Lowbies may complain that there's no low level pvp, and that aspect of the game is gone for them now.

4. I disagree, there's always the mindset of "I don't like being ganked while leveling, but I love organized/instanced/fair PvP" It's a pretty appealing concept to many, and I can see why. There even may be no queue issue on higher pop pve servers, but sadly the OP is on a low pop AND PvE server.

5. Sure, Rerolling is always an option, but I picked my favorite class to play first, and invested 100+ hours into him so far. I love my Juggernaught, and to be told that if I want to enjoy half the end-game content I'd need to reroll, I'd be pretty upset (especially because the jugg doesn't really come into it's own until much later).

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HURRR HURRR lets make great communities in our MMO!


*runs off and develops cross server pvp, the single WORST thing to happen to MMOs EVER*


screw off BW, you pieces of crap. i can't believe i bought this game expecting you to stay true to your voice

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1-2. True, it may not be that bad, but then again, is it better to wait until it is that bad before you bring up the potential issue, or try to get it looked at before the issue arises? I personally would rather not wait several weeks for a fix if it turns out my main couldn't pvp at all. That might just sap my enjoyment of the game and make me not want to play at all.

3. Also true, but then once the tables turn, the opposite happens. Lowbies may complain that there's no low level pvp, and that aspect of the game is gone for them now.

4. I disagree, there's always the mindset of "I don't like being ganked while leveling, but I love organized/instanced/fair PvP" It's a pretty appealing concept to many, and I can see why. There even may be no queue issue on higher pop pve servers, but sadly the OP is on a low pop AND PvE server.

5. Sure, Rerolling is always an option, but I picked my favorite class to play first, and invested 100+ hours into him so far. I love my Juggernaught, and to be told that if I want to enjoy half the end-game content I'd need to reroll, I'd be pretty upset (especially because the jugg doesn't really come into it's own until much later).


1-2. If you want to complain about "potential issue's", you will never get anywhere in life. Uh oh.. I have a toe on my foot. I may potentially stub it one day. I better cut it off.

3. Ah .. poor lowbies... heaven forbid they actually level up to join the rest of the population.

4. Were you the kid in school, that when playing tag and was about to be tagged yelled "TIMEOUT!!" ..

5. So, you power level to the end, and are then upset that everyone else didn't spend 100 + hours as fast as you and now the world needs to listen to your qq'ing.

Edited by Permetheus
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Nothing like a team of premade 50s that are invulnerable, stunmasters with exceptional healing.

And your team are in their 20s.

I think this should of been implemented long ago, it's an exploit IMO.


Even with a health boost, we are no match for the level 50s that get to participate in the same Warzone with the lower levels.


It needs to be 50 on 50.


Yeah im tired of these 50s thinking there the ******* killin my level 11 no skill having bungholes and these tracer missle spamming merc's worse then arcane mages no skill i quit playing my mid 40s merc was to boring switched to a sin have more fun so far

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