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Are You Enjoying SWTOR?


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While Several people, Including me, seem to be enjoying SWTOR immensely, there seem to be a group of people playing the game who either plan on ditching once Pandaria/GW2/Etc releases, or who claim SWTOR's just "more of the same". Despite this, SWTOR's Reddit page is pretty huge, and I'm not seeing a ton of negative posts on there. People I've played the game with seem to love the game, and While I'm really (really) looking forward to GW2, I plan on supporting SWTOR, as long as there's a strong fan community and plenty of quality content from Bioware.


So, which crowd do you fall into? Do you love or hate the game, and if so, why?

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I LOVE the game.


I hate the fact that:


  • there are no server forums.
  • instanced worlds are taken to an extreme.
  • the ui is locked down.
  • GUIs are needing many improvements (GTN, /who, Guild, etc...).
  • community is on it's own.



I still love the game itself. I just don't know if it will be enough, given enough time passing by without improvements.

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As an older gamer (see 30+) I must say I love this!

It's a refreshing change to the kiddie friendly fest of WoW (or what it has become) the Eastern style Grindfests of Aion, and the general pap of some F2P games!


The story is deep and keeps me wanting to come back, and has some amazingly twisty sections that really pop up and shock you!


As someone has mentioned however there's always a flip side.



  • No Server Forums
  • Locked/Unscalable UI
  • Good chunk of bugs**


**This isn't an issue for me however, new games always have issues, and I have no worries standing by the game though them!

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Im deeply enjoying this game ! :)


what could be done to improve :

*GUI (GTN is especially mess. the pain of trying to find headgear among 70pages of pants...)

*PVP 90% hutball....not fun anymore :( ...crossserver warzones ?

*show IMP/REP ratio when selecting server (Im sure the servers have statistics like that ... chars over 15lvl to avoid super low alts)

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No,and he's my reasons.


The EU and NA/US players can't agree on anything.The American's seem to think because its made by Bioware then its a US game and won't agree on anything the EU says.When it comes to ignorance ive seen my fair share of Americans attacking the Europeans on only a stupid " server maint " times.


But then,its pretty much like that in the real world too lol


America is the best therefore ......... yup therefore your hypocrisy and ignorance wins all.


Lower the price of the monthly fee's for the Europeans seeing as they lose over 4 days a month of gametime while the Americans play for longer but the EU actually pay more * if you look at the conversion tables for money *


Bish Slap.

Edited by Qlimitus
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Still levelling at the moment, and it's certainly the most entertaining levelling experience I've had in an MMO insofar as it's actually quite engaging and doesn't feel like something I just want to get over with unlike most of the stuff I've played in the past. That said, in my opinion 'MMOs == Endgame*' is one of gamings few tautologies, so it's to early to give it a proper thumbs up, and have got intention of seriously looking at the endgame stuff for a few months (will level an alt on the other side) as it strikes me as rather pointless trying to eat the cake before it's baked.


* Okay, not totally true. 'MMOs == the social side' is more correct. The endgame, however, is the glue that keeps the social aspect going, otherwise all you've got is seriously expensive chat client with obnoxious hardware requirements.

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I am absolutely enjoying the game. The game has all the basic features of a good themepark MMO, but takes it a huge step forward with the voice-over and decision system.


The game does need some improvements. The GTN needs a huge overhaul as it is hard to find anything and you can't search for items until after you have picked the main and sub categories. The long load in times for zoning into planets seems to be an issue, as I have heard others having this also. It is averaging about 2 minutes for me to load into planets. I don't have the absolute top of the line rig, but I can play any game released in the last year on high settings.

Edited by Ohnoto
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I love the game.. all the WOW losers can go back to that cartoon world if they want. I could care less if these people max out their charcters and say they are done. Start another once since you have all this time. Get over yourselves and give credit where its due. Bioware is great.. but Ive never been a fan of EA.. theres my opinion!



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While Several people, Including me, seem to be enjoying SWTOR immensely, there seem to be a group of people playing the game who either plan on ditching once Pandaria/GW2/Etc releases, or who claim SWTOR's just "more of the same". Despite this, SWTOR's Reddit page is pretty huge, and I'm not seeing a ton of negative posts on there. People I've played the game with seem to love the game, and While I'm really (really) looking forward to GW2, I plan on supporting SWTOR, as long as there's a strong fan community and plenty of quality content from Bioware.


So, which crowd do you fall into? Do you love or hate the game, and if so, why?


love the game, but the community is none existent.




i plan to "beat" the game in 8 days and shelf it forever

Edited by oredith
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I'm having a blast with the game so far. I joined an active guild and if I'm not leveling, I'm running Flashpoints or Heroics with other guildmates. I think the key to enjoying any mmo is find a great group of of people to play it with. :D

that's pretty cool if you have an established guild.


what do you do if you don't have a guild and are looking for one. the forums do not allow for that. just try to find a guild that's recruiting on your own server from the forums.. go ahead.. :p

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My SO and I have been playing together, and its the first MMO we've ever played in which it actually feels like we're playing -together- rather than...just happening to be in the same spot at the same time.


The mutual dialogue stuff and ability to join eachother on class quests really, really proved to be a game changer. Such a seemingly tiny thing; such a monumentally different experience.


We'll be here until the wheels fall off if Bioware delivers more and better of the same.


For solo play...I'm a smidge dissapointed that it's a lot like WoW. The only character I'll ever get past about Social III, for example, will be the ones I play exclusively with my SO, for example. Running flashpoints and the occasional operation with other chars' guilds doesn't really rack up the social points unless you grind your face off a lot.


...Or, presumably, do them at a more 'normal' pace for the next four years. Might see Social X on any of my other chars in a few years. Dissapointing overall in that framing.


Story-wise...excellent. I'm loving this method of immersive delivery and emphasis.


I'm not loving whoever wrote the Inquisitor storyline past chapter 1 though. If it's the same group, they dropped the ball bad in my never-humble opinion...and if it's a different writing and directing team, they did a crap job of what they were clearly trying to do.


Nitpicks and personal displeasures aside, yep. This is mah game into the forseable future.

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