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Cut EXP gain 35% across the board


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Cutting XP gains would make the currently optional Heroics, bonuses and bonus series mandatory, or force people to grind mobs, pvp, or space missions to stay at level to their quests. It would alienate a wide swath of the playerbase. Not a good idea, no offense.


Because God Forbid you should have to something other than follow the story-arc to level up.


There are flash-points, heroics, bonus areas (just stop calling them bonus areas, problems solved) as well as Warzoness and Space Combat.


I agree with OP-- reducing experience gains, maybe by 20% instead of 35% as OP suggests--would have made the level-grind in TOR much more logical and in-line with other MMO's. You shouldn't be able to land in a zone like Taris and be done with that zone in a few hours of concentrated questing. You shouldn't be able to skip 75% of entire zones because you're levelling so fast. You shouldn't be levelling so fast and easily that you can skip literally ALL flashpoints without impeding your own progress. (Another thing that adds to TOR's problems of being a glorified SPRPG. The FPS are there but past the first couple, few people run them.)


I remember when in other MMO's you arrived in a new zone and made sure you know as much as possible about it because you knew you were going to be levelling there a while.

Edited by Mannic
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Hell no!



I am level 48 right now, and the way things keep progressing, i am going to finish corellia before i hit 49, and then my only ways to level will be space missions, warzones, and flashpoints.


All because i decided i didnt like a planet so i skipped maybe half of the side quests

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Removing XP turns optional content into mandatory content, making the game even more linear than it already is. Just put the game on the same rails you have in space combat if that's what you want. The effect would be the same.


The only way lowering XP would be vaguely acceptable is if there was twice as much content.

Edited by ApesAmongUs
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I personally have been playing off and on with the wife since the 18th. We play usually play at night time for 4-5 hours. Last night was our longest sit down and play session at 7 hours straight :). We have skipped all of the heroic quests save a couple that were above 2+ except a couple (Although we ALWAYS complete the bonus quests and the kill x amount of said mob because we like to and its fun) as well as all of the flashpoints except black talon.


I am currently level 41 and she is currently level 40. We are SERIOUSLY considering doing nothing but crafting missions and grinding for credits and not leveling at all because we dont want to reach level 50 and have no one at that level to do anything with. She and I are not pvp fans and do not plan to do any pvp at all. We want to do end game operations but with no one at max level, we would be kinda screwed. Is anyone else having this same fear of reaching max level?


I can easly go datacron hunting and find them all and I am sure that would take at least 3 days to get to them all and find them. She however has no interest to find them all.

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You shouldn't be able to land in a zone like Taris and be done with that zone in a few hours of concentrated questing. You shouldn't be able to skip 75% of entire zones because you're levelling so fast. You shouldn't be levelling so fast and easily that you can skip literally ALL flashpoints without impeding your own progress. (Another thing that adds to TOR's problems of being a glorified SPRPG. The FPS are there but past the first couple, few people run them.)


Forcing people to run Flashpoints sure would slow down the leveling process--considering it takes longer to assemble a group than it does to clear most planets. The big problem with forcing Flashpoints is there over abundance of DPS classes. There simply aren't enough healers to go around.


Certainly would be nice to slow down leveling. But that would require more quests be added. Adding a quest to TOR is more complex then simply defining the quest and objectives. The animation and voice acting makes what is trivial in other MMOs, a full blow production. Most likely the main reason other MMOs have two to three times more quests than TOR.

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Worst idea ever. There will be plenty of stuff for you to do, the whole point of an MMO is evolution and new content. Have you done every single quest including the bonus series from every planet?


I need the extra experience points to hurry and get to lvl 50. Why? So I can quit this game. My only goal is to get to 50, but questing in this game is like putting your head in a vice. The swooshing sound of a lightsaber has lost its luster. I still like the music though. No performance problems. The graphics still looks like warmed over ****.

Edited by Chiricahua
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Hell no!



I am level 48 right now, and the way things keep progressing, i am going to finish corellia before i hit 49, and then my only ways to level will be space missions, warzones, and flashpoints.


All because i decided i didnt like a planet so i skipped maybe half of the side quests


I suspect you skipped a lot more than half of a planet if you aren't 50 by the end of the last planet (story-wise). I have consistently started planets at the max level for their content since leaving Coruscant.

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Because God Forbid you should have to something other than follow the story-arc to level up.


There are flash-points, heroics, bonus areas (just stop calling them bonus areas, problems solved) as well as Warzoness and Space Combat.


I agree with OP-- reducing experience gains, maybe by 20% instead of 35% as OP suggests--would have made the level-grind in TOR much more logical and in-line with other MMO's. You shouldn't be able to land in a zone like Taris and be done with that zone in a few hours of concentrated questing. You shouldn't be able to skip 75% of entire zones because you're levelling so fast. You shouldn't be levelling so fast and easily that you can skip literally ALL flashpoints without impeding your own progress. (Another thing that adds to TOR's problems of being a glorified SPRPG. The FPS are there but past the first couple, few people run them.)


I remember when in other MMO's you arrived in a new zone and made sure you know as much as possible about it because you knew you were going to be levelling there a while.


Id like to point out somthing here.


My wife and I didnt want to do the flashpoints except black talen so we did so. We didnt want to run those heroic quests as one we did took the group 3 Hours to finish. It wasnt easy and the mobs spawned way to quickly after they were killed. We wiped 4 times on the last boss guy do to add aggro and them spawning to quickly. Not to mention the wiping trying to get there once ot twice. It was some stupid heroic 4 man quest that involved going into a droid factory and going ALL the way to the bottom level (Found a datacron down there) and then proceeded to get to each objective, it was very time comsuming.


I dont believe forcing people to do that OR the flashpoints is a good thing to require. By all means, require every heroic flashpoint at end game but not while leveling.


As far as the planets are concerned. I will admit that me and my wife did NOT go and explore each and every planet 100%. We got a ton of quests and finished them all including our class quests. When our class quests told us to leave the planet, we would be sure to finish any other quests we had first as well as any bonus kill x mob quests before we would leave.


Once our questlog only had our class quest to talk on our ships, the planet was over and no, we didnt find any other quests to do other then heroics. I think that maybe bw should make more 2 man heroics + companions and probably a few more flashpoints and then but the EXP by say 10-15% MAX. That I would be ok with as it still wouldnt force me to do heroics or flashpoints. It would however require me to make sure i did every bonus and regular quest on every planet and that I am ok with.

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I suspect you skipped a lot more than half of a planet if you aren't 50 by the end of the last planet (story-wise). I have consistently started planets at the max level for their content since leaving Coruscant.


Im an imperial agent and my wife is a sith inquisitor. We were told last night to go to bethisda or somthing like that to quest on. My question is, what IS the last planet. If its the one we are on, we are totally screwed. I think our planet said it was level 41-somthing and we arrived their at level 40. Not sure if this will be an issue.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Does no one else think it's going too fast?


I agree with you.


But I don't expect any company to nerf xp gain once the game is launched.


Space combat? Gives xp...skip that (


PvP? Gives xp...skip that (


Heroics? Gives xp...skip that (


You can only do quests + bonus quests and out-level the planets by time you are in your thirties.


I would say that SW:ToR is faster than Rift......./sadpanda

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Forcing people to run Flashpoints sure would slow down the leveling process--considering it takes longer to assemble a group than it does to clear most planets. The big problem with forcing Flashpoints is there over abundance of DPS classes. There simply aren't enough healers to go around.


One of the reasons it takes so long to get a group for FP's is because no one feels like they are needed. You can just bypass them all. So, IMO, a drop in XP would actually make FP's more relevant and easier to find a group for one.


The instant gratification crowd that never wants to have to wait for anything or share anything or have to (gasp!) actually play with other people once in awhile is absolutely killing MMOs. Making MMOs soloable is so beside the point. It's would be like taking MW multiplayer and making it soloable against bots. Sure, it can be done (Quake 3 had this ability,) but why even bother calling it MP at that point?


I'm starting to wish BW would actually create on offline version of the game so people who just wanted KOTOR 3 could get the hell off the servers and stop making them appear more populated with MMO players than they actually are.

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Instead of forcing people to do something, how about you *give* them an incentive to group up :eek:? In WoW you received less kill-exp. in group as you did when moving alone. So just, for example, turn the exp. rate in groups to normal or slightly higher. Might be more appealing to gamers who desperately need to reach max. level as soon as possible.


Or instead of suggesting bullcrap like -35 % exp. gain across the board, just give the gamers an accessory with this effect so that those who wish for a slower experience can have it withhout forcing it down on others.

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As it is, there is no leveling grind. And I'd rather keep it that way.


You do end up a level or 2 above certain planets if you go through bonus series and all side quests, but there's the thing: you do not need to run everything or grind mobs on your way. It depends on if you run all heroics/flashpoints, which might be problematic depending on timezone/server population when you play the content. Besides, I don't see why would making it necesary to run every quest while leveling make it good or better than it is now.


It does feel faster than necessary on first playthrough, but that's because I try to do everything. And I definitely do not think grinding heroics/flashpoints (multiple times) for xp would help game experience. The grind is out, leave it as it is please. Nothing I hate more than running same content 10x times while leveling.

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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.


No thanks. Adding more content is more fun than slowing down the leveling.

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One of the reasons it takes so long to get a group for FP's is because no one feels like they are needed. You can just bypass them all. So, IMO, a drop in XP would actually make FP's more relevant and easier to find a group for one.


The instant gratification crowd that never wants to have to wait for anything or share anything or have to (gasp!) actually play with other people once in awhile is absolutely killing MMOs. Making MMOs soloable is so beside the point. It's would be like taking MW multiplayer and making it soloable against bots. Sure, it can be done (Quake 3 had this ability,) but why even bother calling it MP at that point?


I'm starting to wish BW would actually create on offline version of the game so people who just wanted KOTOR 3 could get the hell off the servers and stop making them appear more populated with MMO players than they actually are.


OR they'd go and grind mobs like they do in many games and STILL avoid FPs? Or space combat.


So giving you options to make up xp loss of not running FPs by either doing bonus series or pvp or space combat is BAD, we should all be forced to grind FPs daily, and we are playing single player game because we don't do that?


There will be enough group content grind at cap, why do people want to force their views of enjoyment on others all the time.... Somehow its ruining your experience because I CAN solo level if I feel like it, if I were sitting offline instead because my friends aren't available or I feel like playing off peak hours and can't find groups in reasonable time that would make you feel better?


Making things too easy is one thing, and I can support the need for more challenge and challenge vs rewards in FPs is not exactly what it should be. They do need boost in xp and quality loot imo. But forcing your gamestyle as superior and the only one acceptable is just preposterous self-entitlement.

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You do end up a level or 2 above certain planets if you go through bonus series and all side quests, but there's the thing: you do not need to run everything or grind mobs on your way. It depends on if you run all heroics/flashpoints, which might be problematic depending on timezone/server population when you play the content. Besides, I don't see why would making it necesary to run every quest while leveling make it good or better than it is now.


I don't think many (certainly not me) would argue you are wrong here, in that yes... you do not need to run everything on a planet as you level up. And I would never, ever want to introduce anything that would stop people levelling as fast as they want if they are happy with the current situation. What I do want (and I am certain I am not alone in this having followed threads on this subject now for weeks) is something in the game that allows me to run everything if I want to without overlevelling on planets and removing challenge (and without artificially micro-managing my character by gimping him with weak gear). So it is my fervent hope that Bioware will eventually recognise that having a simple game mechanic to reduce or switch off xp gain for the not-insignificant group of players that want it will be great for them, and not ruin (or even affect!) the game for anyone else.

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The missions seem to have the xp tuned to allow someone to skip all the heroics, flashpoints, bonus series and still be able to head to the next planet. Which leads to overleveling, but I'm guessing they were worried about some people having to grind due to skipping missions?


The 3 things I think really need to be looked at XP wise are Warzoens, Space Missions and Compaion conversations.


Warzone and Space Missions should be cut, space missions especially need a reduction in xp.


Conversations with companions need their xp cut 90% or more. I shouldn't be getting 15k xp for pushing the #2 key. I'd rather a companion gift or some other kind of reward.

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I keep reading forced to do flashpoints! really?! Isn't the grouping with outhers a really big part of the MMO experience? I agree they made leveling too fast much too fast IMO.


I would love for an MMO to adopt a more EQ style of play of almost having to group with others. if you are not grouping isn't this a single player game with the ability to chat with others?

Edited by guided_by_voices
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A agree that leveling happens a bit too fast. But rather than make cuts across the board, I feel that leveling should get significantly slower once you cross the halfway point - lvl 25.


Let players get to their speeders at the current breakneck pace. But then make it a slow climb to the pinnacle of 50.


More quests and additional story would be the optimal solution to fill in the gaps.

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