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Jedi Knight class finale balance adjustment (No Spoilers Please)


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Anyone that claims to have beaten the emperor solo is either :


1. Lying

2. Using a glitch to bug the Emperor out.



I tried again today with t7 geared up properly and myself wearing at least level 50 purples with several pieces of champ gear, got him to 25% before getting overwelmed by 15 clones.


The problem is not the emperors damage, it's the frequency and number of the clones spawning and how long they remain in the field, if anything his damage is like Angrals which is managable.


Now 2-3 clones that would dissipate once hit at a time would be much better, letting them wrack up to 15 with a timer on them, definatley no that's why everyone is getting hammered on that fight.



I know you said no spoilers, but it's kinda impossible to not include them when you are describing the symptoms of the problem.


If you are having ANY problems with the clones, you're not using awe and hitting them one at a time. Clones are the easiest piece to contend with -- and you CAN kite the hallways until it's back up if you don't want to slow and pillar hump.


If you're a sentinal, I understand -- if you're a guardian and calling people liars because you can't do it, that's just bad form.

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For those of you who brought friends, how did you do that? I tried to bring along a lvl 20 Sage guildie (grouped with him) and Dromund Kass wouldn't even show up on the list of planets in his ship.


He has to board your ship and you have to take him there.


Not sure how much a lvl 20 is going to help you though.

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Actually I object to being called a liar or a cheat. Just because you're struggling to play your class dont accuse others of cheating or lying. This quest is doable, even on a sentinel which is slightly buged/ gimped atm due to key lag. Guardians should do this with no real problem after a few tries. Use your skills and learn your class and you'll find it's hard but possible and actually beating him un-nerfed is a far better sense of achievement than beating him after he's been nerfed into the ground because of whiners. After all what other class has got the ultimate ****** to beat in their class quest.


Anyone that claims to have beaten the emperor solo is either :


1. Lying

2. Using a glitch to bug the Emperor out.



I tried again today with t7 geared up properly and myself wearing at least level 50 purples with several pieces of champ gear, got him to 25% before getting overwelmed by 15 clones.


The problem is not the emperors damage, it's the frequency and number of the clones spawning and how long they remain in the field, if anything his damage is like Angrals which is managable.


Now 2-3 clones that would dissipate once hit at a time would be much better, letting them wrack up to 15 with a timer on them, definatley no that's why everyone is getting hammered on that fight.



I know you said no spoilers, but it's kinda impossible to not include them when you are describing the symptoms of the problem.

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Anyone that claims to have beaten the emperor solo is either :


1. Lying

2. Using a glitch to bug the Emperor out.


Yeah, sorry, but there's no need to insult people just because you can't handle a quest. Some of us looked at the mechanics and had no issue at all figuring out the ways to handle every part of the fight.


Also, your comment about there being 15...well, that alone shows that you're trying to just ignore the mechanics of the fight altogether.

Edited by Bovinity
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This really wasn't that bad. I died about 5 times, for the learning curve of what is going on. I got him to 6% on my 2nd try. I'm guessing it's easier with a Watchman spec Sentinel. The part that pissed me off the most was just getting to the boss to begin with.
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I have learned how to effectively play my Sentinel up to 50 and felt like a total bad *** whipping through stuff on Corellia at 50. Of course once I got to DK and was stuck using an under-equipped droid, I began to feel a little naked. I made it through DK with only a few problems. I got to the temple grounds and had my *** handed to me a few times. Getting through the trash is difficult, but not impossible. Sentinels, remember to use your Force Camouflage too. That helps you sneak through a few places that are otherwise a little tight. I did have to kill some stuff, which usually ended up being one strong, or maybe 2 elite guard (regular mobs, not strong or elite), and maybe a couple of droids along with it. I could make it through most of those battles with a little health left and only died once or twice. Again - Force Camo helps.


That being said, I got into the temple, and it wasn't too hard to find paths around most of the bad guys. There were a few times I got jumped, but if you are careful about how close you get then you can make it around. Once I aligned all the glyphs, the chest appeared as it was supposed to but did not open, as it has been doing for so many others. I don't have my fleet thingy with me and I'm damn sure not going to leave the place because I don't want to go through all that again. T7 seems to be ballast anyway and apparently there is only junk in the chest. I managed to save Rusk without dying and ended up in the temple throne room with the emperor. I have tried several times to no avail. It would be nice if Sentinels could force push him down the stairs, because I would have taken that route by now. I've tried the pillar stuff but it just isn't working. I can dispatch the first round of clones fairly easily, but the emperor continues to hand me my *** over and over. I feel like I don't even have a chance! This quest is so unbalanced compared to the entire rest of the game. Of course I don't think it should be an easy one shot kill (like it has been for some who can throw their saber), but it also doesn't need to be something that is totally frustrating and disenchanting. It feels like a fruitless grind at this point. I don't know how much longer my available cash is going to hold out for repairs and medpacks. I hope they get this fixed SOON. Any ETA on a timeframe yet? Am I just going to have to leave this quest in limbo until it can be made a more fair fight?


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Yeah I totally missed this mysterious chest!


But really, I just did this on my guardian... what was the big deal? Angral took me twice as many tries :|


I was a defense specced guardian btw, and I think I'll go ahead and recommend you take t7 off taunt etc duty. Not sure it really makes a difference, but I managed to keep him alive 2 rounds of ghosts- awe got him through the first round nearly unscathed

Edited by Hyperionthethird
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Like others, the chest was totally bugged for me. I wasn't able to click on any of the panels. They had the blue "glowy" effect of something that could be used, but neither left nor right click worked on them. I'm not too bent about it, T7 is fun but he isn't the companion I take around with me.



Like others, I chose to drag the emperor out to the stairwell and force push him off. That strategy worked fine and after two attempts the fight was over. While I would have preferred to go toe-to-toe with him, throwing him off the stairs was nearly as equally satisfying.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this is post fix or not, but fighting the Emperor now is easy.


You go into preferences, turn off the "show enemy NPC nameplates" option. When you attack the Emperor, only his nameplate will show during the adds. IGNORE the adds, they do little damage.


Interrupt his casting and kill him. this is probably post fix, though. I'm kind of late to the party here.

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Anyone that claims to have beaten the emperor solo is either :

1. Lying

2. Using a glitch to bug the Emperor out.

3. Tried it several times, trying to see what worked and what did not.


Jedi Guardian / Full Defense + 1x Improved Sundering Strike


Died 8 or 9 times... spent a fortune on T7 to equip him ( he now has more bling bling that I do :( )


It is critical to interrupt anything he throws at you. Reserve your force kicks, force pushes, stuns, force stasis just for that. Awe also makes a difference. Be sure to remember to use your damage reductions abilities.


Worse is, in the final fight, I forgot to use my buff, a might stim and call on the force (because I was tired - finished him at 00:15am) and still managed to beat him.

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I just finished the class quest line and have to say the Emperor was disappointly easy. I've read over and over that killing him is really tough but we must be living in the post-patch era because he didn't drop me below 73%. Actually, the first time I made the mistake of attacking the ads and didn't notice him charging up an attack that nailed me for 11k-ish, but the second time around I focused fully on him and interrupted everything he had. By the end of the fight T7 in his pathetic level 37 greens and a few Correllian commendations was still alive and I was at 73%. Tank specced Guardian - ez mode.


*Edit: Chest was unfortunately bugged for me as well which was quite frustrating.

Edited by Calibretto
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Teeseven was using his starting equipment - I didn't even bother picking up his Tython or Coruscant equipment, since I used Kira as soon as I could.


Playing a tank specced Guardian, I found that I had to actually use cooldowns and medpacs on this, because T7 - bless his little robotic heart - was more of a cheerleader than a partner.


Interrupts were important, but the damage still added up. Alternating our standard interrupt with one of our CCs proved very useful.

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This is... disappointing.


Bioware, you really need to realize that this is the kind of thing that makes people quit the game.


You've known about these bugs for a while, and you say a fix is "coming". When? There's nothing on the test server, and nothing on live. I guess the millions of subscribers make you not worry about it so much, but I'm very disappointed in this.

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This is... disappointing.


Bioware, you really need to realize that this is the kind of thing that makes people quit the game.


You've known about these bugs for a while, and you say a fix is "coming". When? There's nothing on the test server, and nothing on live. I guess the millions of subscribers make you not worry about it so much, but I'm very disappointed in this.


It HAS been fixed...


Unless you're being vague about something else and pretending like everyone should know what you're talking about.

Edited by Jonlo
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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know if this is happening to anybody else. But the last four times that I've tried to beat the empire about half-way through the fight he force pushes me, no matter how much health I have I die on impact (one time I had about 2/3s of my health left). Any thoughts?
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I just finished the class quest line and have to say the Emperor was disappointly easy.


I completely agree. I also perused the forums and all I found was how hard it was. I died the first time around, but the second I just interrupted his Force Blast and beat him quite easily. I found T7 took down the adds without me having to tell him to, he was geared with mediocre level 35-40 gear.


I was level 49, Tank specced. I am not sure what it would be like DPS specced, but can only assume his health would drop quicker (yours too!)


Only advice I can give is, don't worry about any interrupts other than Force Blast as this is a 1 hit wonder. Use Cooldowns and Med Pacs (that's what they're there for).


Edit: Contradicted myself :p

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I was level 49, Tank specced. I am not sure what it would be like DPS specced, but can only assume his health would drop quicker (yours too!)


Only advice I can give is, don't worry about any interrupts other than Force Blast as this is a 1 hit wonder. Use Cooldowns and Med Pacs (that's what they're there for).


Edit: Contradicted myself :p


Also there's the line of sight trick. That's how I got through it.


I died once, then the second time around I just ran around those columns at the base of the stairs when he would cue up his one shot attack.


Dunno if that's been mentioned yet in the thread, but if not thought it might help some of you. Or maybe they "fixed" that. I do remember reading where some dev said "it should NOT be a fight based on line of sight" or something similar.


Oh, and as all fighting typically goes, and as the previous poster suggested...use those med pacs and cool down SOONER rather than later. Extra resistance helps you much better with 90% health than with 5%. At least in my experience that's the case.

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I'll post a video tonight but this fight was way too easy. I expected it to be very difficult based on the forums... Post patch people having the same experience?


Straight up combat no exploits, 50 sent watchman spec with good gear (orange, blues, purples) and 40ish green gear for Pet. I wish I could retry combat spec.


fight went:

got him down to 20% with cool downs, i had 80% and T7 died, then I got pushed back and instant killed 30k HP hit.


second fight, same strategy but didn't have as many cool downs, walk in the park, disappointing.

Edited by madro
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I just finished the class quest line and have to say the <fight> was disappointly easy.


He's right. Did it last night and was let down at how easy it was. They way overnerfed him. I went into my first attempt with the plan to not use stims or medpacks or even any cooldowns over 1 minute and just learn the fight, expecting to die, but then knowing how to do the fight.


Imagine my surprise when 50 seconds later he's beaten and T7 is merrily chirping at me. No stim, no medpack, no Saber Ward, no Warding Call, no Enure, and certainly no Call on the Force.


I even flubbed up the use of Force Stasis and Force Push, accidentally wasting them on Force Lightning, which typically doesn't do that much damage and thus leaving myself open to some Thunder based attack. Such a mistake should have cost me the fight if he was properly tuned like it did with Darth Angral.


They should have nerfed him, but not that hard. I was hoping for a fight in difficulty along the lines of the Sith Marauders on Tatooine...you can easily do it if you play smart and use most of your cooldowns, but you end the fight almost dead.


Notes to help those who are doing this fight:


1. The puzzle chest to get the T7 gear is in the temple, just before the mezzanine. You

need to make the 6 pillar 'buttons' arranged such that the symbol in the middle is the Imperial symbol. I still don't know how to do this...I just pick a symbol that seemed to make it look close and mashed buttons. Eventually the chest appeared. Maybe someone can help out with this tip. It's still bugged, but all you need to do is solve it, then go all the way out of the instance and reset it. You do this by right clicking over your character icon and selecting Phasing->Reset local instance. When you make your way back to the chest you won't have to resolve the puzzle and it will be accessible. Yes, the mobs will reset but...


2. ...they must have nerfed the trash leading up to him too because the toughest fight I had was 1 Strong and 2 Normals and they were easy. Further, you can sneak by all but about 7 pulls from the beginning of the instance till the end.

Update: Now that I remember there was one solo Elite leading up to him. Easy. I bet I could have avoid him if I stuck close to the wall too.


3. You certainly don't need the T7 gear from the puzzle chest. But it's a full set of modable greens, so given point 2 above, why not? Took me about 15 minutes to walk back to the beginning of the instance, reset it, clear all the mobs and get back to the chest. Fastest and cheapest gearing of a companion you could ask for.


4. Ignore the adds, let T7 handle them. They do practically no damage anyway.


5. You can probably ignore his Force Lightning as it doesn't do too much damage. In doing so you will be able to easily interrupt everything else, and should.


6. His toughest abilities have long cast times. Let him get about 75% through the cast bar before interrupting. That will add numerous seconds where he's doing nothing to you while you're beating the heck out of him.


Edit: and one more point...




7. If you play all republic characters like me, enjoy the view of Drommund Kas while you can, it's a cool looking zone.


Edited by OlweMedu
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