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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jedi Knight class finale balance adjustment (No Spoilers Please)


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Hello everyone!


We have identified some key areas in which the single player experience of the final Jedi Knight quest was balanced to be far too difficult for a solo player to complete. To that end, we are addressing the problems in an upcoming patch. As soon as the fixes are ready to test, you will see them appear in the PTS patch notes.


As always, thank you for your feedback, and your patience! :)


Cameron Winston

Combat Design

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I honestly don't want to see the difficulty of the fight adjusted as much as I want to see the bugs removed from it. Issues include:



- Falling through the map (this auto-killed me and pushed me out of the instance altogether, all the way back to Dromund Kaas city before the phase entrance).


- The chest to acquire better T7 gear is still bugged, unable to be opened unless (so I hear--I didn't test this myself) you leave the instance and come back to it, having to re-fight all the mobs to get back there. But if you've killed all that trash twice, why bother? Gearing t7 better isn't going to help much against the Emperor himself.


- Abilities not firing when pressed (This is a separate issue from JK's themselves)--I died twice to being unable to fire off my interrupts (plural, as I tried Force Kick and Force Stasis, as the others were on CD at the time) as he did his one-shot move.


But hopefully anyone who tries this fight after some attention is given to it won't be inclined to give some game designer a lightsaber to the face. That's pretty much all I wanted to do, even after I managed to defeat the emperor. Just too many bugs for it to be enjoyable.


Edited by Trineda
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I really dont know how ppl soloed this mission without a healer, its incredible the lvl of difficulty, i had a 50 lvl healer and a 50 lvl sage with me and we were on ts like wow ! the emperor himself wasnt so difficult but getting there was outright devastating


I found it totally out of context and inexplicable that you as a sentinel have to have a healer companion for 10 lvls, you get your combat rotation in place with him, you learn to fight mobs and captains with him and on the final mision you cant do it with him and on top of that you get to spend 50 k on repairs and at the end you get 10 k in credits back and a medal that you cant wear, c'on !


Cheers and im glad i did it as it is, hopefully the rest wont have that problem :)

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Holy cow, I complained about something on the forum and within 24 hours they fixed it. I don't even care if that's dumb luck, you guys get major props from me.


Now I want to try and beat the boss before you guys make it easy!


You're late to the party mate, people have been complaining about it for weeks. I'm honestly glad for everyone who will do this mission from now on and not feel like they have to be an MMO god to complete it (and, worse, being unable to progress to Ilum and Belsavis dailies because of it).

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I didn't read this forum till now? FML!


I spent 100k upgrading my T7, then 40-50k on repair bills, killed the emporer and then realsied I couldnt open the chest. Crashed and coudlnt get back in the zone so I then reset and spent another 30k to kill him again only to have the same bugged chest. I have now spent 2-3 hours in the temple waiting for a GM to respond to my ticket. After 180k I want that chest!!!!

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Heh I was just trying this quest right now and finally decided to break my personal 'no class mission spoilers' rule because I've been having such a nightmare in the last (temple) section. I haven't even got to the final fight yet


I also had to use a Fleet Pass to abort the first attempt and spend a small fortune upgrading T7, as I've been using doc since L33 (low DPS guardian spec). Despite that T7 dies repeatedly when he leaps into an assassin's Spinning Strike move (sometimes there are 2 or 3 together and I can't interrupt them all), unless you micromanage the daft droid.


Nice to know it's not just me but I've blown a small fortune in repair bills, medpacs and stims already...


[edit] Well, after trying the final fight more than a few times and dying horrifically quickly the first few times, I got the hang of it and nearly (I think) beat him on the Nth or N+1th time. Went back in to try again and he bugged... one lighsaber throw to the face and he was beaten :( If I hadn't spent the whole evening trying this and maybe 50 or 60K in repairs, I'd reset the quest and try again. As it is I just feel a little cheated.


Also, the chest was bugged for me too. How did this ever make it past testing in the first place?

Edited by Cybermeister
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I really dont know how ppl soloed this mission without a healer, its incredible the lvl of difficulty, i had a 50 lvl healer and a 50 lvl sage with me and we were on ts like wow ! the emperor himself wasnt so difficult but getting there was outright devastating


You can solo it pre-50 without even having T7 out and without even having good gear if you don't just stand there going toe-to-toe with the guy the entire fight.


He's a caster and there's two pillars to Line-of-sight him with. Pretty much just dodging the circles he puts on the ground and interrupting or LoSing his casts will win you the fight, nothing that you won't see in any higher level PvE or PvP content.

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You can solo it pre-50 without even having T7 out and without even having good gear if you don't just stand there going toe-to-toe with the guy the entire fight.


He's a caster and there's two pillars to Line-of-sight him with. Pretty much just dodging the circles he puts on the ground and interrupting or LoSing his casts will win you the fight, nothing that you won't see in any higher level PvE or PvP content.


The problem is not him, its getting to him in the first place

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As per post by the developers, this fight was NOT DESIGNED AROUND LINE OF SIGHT MECHANICS.



So stop telling us to use them.


Then just keep slamming your head against it and waiting for it to get nerfed because you just want to stand there mashing a DPS rotation to kill every mob you find.


The rest of us 1 or 2 shot it and moved on with our class.

Edited by Bovinity
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The problem is not him, its getting to him in the first place


True, the trash is harder than the actual boss (even if you save your companion) but still doable. Even with my T7 having some empty gear slots and level 35 crap in other slots, we made it through by planning out each pull and good ability usage. =)

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True, the trash is harder than the actual boss (even if you save your companion) but still doable. Even with my T7 having some empty gear slots and level 35 crap in other slots, we made it through by planning out each pull and good ability usage. =)


Yea, I am the same way. Just got to this quest yesterday, and my T7 unit was in lvl 30 - 35 gear. The main issue that I was running into was coming up on a group of 3-4 and at least 1 if not 2 of them were Strong, and having to down them all and heal up before the pat came back my way (which was always an elite). I would have been fine if it was just them, but once the elite jumped in, gameover.

Edited by Flaszap
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Oh, no doubt I ate a couple deaths when I didn't plan for a patrol mob coming by. (There's also that part right near the beginning where you enter, turn the corner, and there's a group of mobs in a blind alcove where I kicked the bucket.)


It was a challenge to be sure, but I didn't take an unreasonable amount of deaths, especially considering the state of my companion.

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