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Suspension of disbelief has faded (spoilers within)


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I can't pretend anymore when I play TOR, the newness has worn off. This MMOization of SW has succeeded in making the SW universe mechanical and boring, just like all MMOs now.


Lightsabers are supposed to be supremely deadly, are they not? Why do Jedi/Sedi characters need to chop things 50 times to kill them? One swipe is all it took in the movies. Speaking of Jedi, why are Jedi/Sith NPCs so bloody weak? There isn't one bit of difference between a Jedi and a simple melee mob except for it's name. Jedi/Sith NPCs should be champion level ONLY and not just fodder for me to level up on. I've killed 100's of Jedi with my character alone. These characters are the only part of the SW world that is special, they need better treatment.


Another thing about Jedi/Sith which was very poorly implemented. If Jedi player's light/dark meter is way down in the Dark side, that means he is evil and a Sith and vice versa. There's little reason for that meter to even exists for these character classes, as if you "turn to the darkside" it means absolutely nothing, just what color your lightsaber can be...


Blasters are supposed to be lethal, they are rifles and pistols that shoot plasma. My character's WEAKEST attack is when I just shoot an enemy with my guns, health bars barely even move. Only after shooting anyone or anything about 100 times will they die, I never saw this in the SW movies! "Nothing beats a blaster by your side"...couldn't be more wrong.


The bottom line is, they should have made combat less "tanky" and more about avoiding attacks. I never saw Luke Skywalker just stand there being blasted over and over while he repeatedly chopped a storm trooper with his lightsaber.


Speeders are anything but speedy. The fastest one only goes 120% faster than regular foot speed. That's like a car that only goes 25 MPH at top speed, they can do better.


Last but not least, the class stories.



My BH story had me kill the leader of the whole Republic. I haven't checked, but I'll bet that each class' story completely ignores every other class' story. So, only for Bounty Hunters is the Republic leader dead? That's such a great design and kudos for spending all that time creating useless stories that aren't any different than the "kill x amount of y and come back" MMO quest. All the class stories could have been intertwined in an epic saga, but once again there isn't a single thing the players can do to change the game world except what gear they are wearing.


Edited by Arzhanin
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Lightsabers are supposed to be supremely deadly, are they not? Why do Jedi/Sedi characters need to chop things 50 times to kill them?


I laughed really hard at the prospect at one hit K-O'ing people in a MMO setting.


You should take the lead designer's job.

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Maybe a spoiler warning in the title or at the beginning of your post?


I read the first parasentence (yes, parasentence) Then decided to comment, read your post, then when back up and searched for the spoiler. Why would I do that to myself? I'm sad now.


But OP, because of that spoiler, nothing you say is valid to me (and I am an important person, my mommy always told me that)

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I laughed really hard at the prospect at one hit K-O'ing people in a MMO setting.


You should take the lead designer's job.


Yeah, I am glad he put that at the beginning. Saved me a long read.


Credibility is completely gone after that part.


Also, flagged for spoilers.

Edited by Evray
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....Do you not understand that this is an MMORPG. Not even KotOR had one hit kills and I've never played an RPG that 1 KOs enemies just because the lore "said so." When you play this type of genre, you have to have that supension of disbelief. I'm sorry, but you do. What would they base the core game mechanics on otherwise?
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I can't pretend anymore when I play TOR, the newness has worn off. This MMOization of SW has succeeded in making the SW universe mechanical and boring, just like all MMOs now.


Lightsabers are supposed to be supremely deadly, are they not? Why do Jedi/Sedi characters need to chop things 50 times to kill them? One swipe is all it took in the movies. Speaking of Jedi, why are Jedi/Sith NPCs so bloody weak? There isn't one bit of difference between a Jedi and a simple melee mob except for it's name. Jedi/Sith NPCs should be champion level ONLY and not just fodder for me to level up on. I've killed 100's of Jedi with my character alone. These characters are the only part of the SW world that is special, they need better treatment.


Another thing about Jedi/Sith which was very poorly implemented. If Jedi player's light/dark meter is way down in the Dark side, that means he is evil and a Sith and vice versa. There's little reason for that meter to even exists for these character classes, as if you "turn to the darkside" it means absolutely nothing, just what color your lightsaber can be...


Blasters are supposed to be lethal, they are rifles and pistols that shoot plasma. My character's WEAKEST attack is when I just shoot an enemy with my guns, health bars barely even move. Only after shooting anyone or anything about 100 times will they die, I never saw this in the SW movies! "Nothing beats a blaster by your side"...couldn't be more wrong.


The bottom line is, they should have made combat less "tanky" and more about avoiding attacks. I never saw Luke Skywalker just stand there being blasted over and over while he repeatedly chopped a storm trooper with his lightsaber.


Speeders are anything but speedy. The fastest one only goes 120% faster than regular foot speed. That's like a car that only goes 25 MPH at top speed, they can do better.


Last but not least, the class stories.



My BH story had me kill the leader of the whole Republic. I haven't checked, but I'll bet that each class' story completely ignores every other class' story. So, only for Bounty Hunters is the Republic leader dead? That's such a great design and kudos for spending all that time creating useless stories that aren't any different than the "kill x amount of y and come back" MMO quest. All the class stories could have been intertwined in an epic saga, but once again there isn't a single thing the players can do to change the game world except what gear they are wearing.


Hi, welcome to an MMORPG. Enjoy your stay.




Cortosis-weave was a swordsmithing technique commonly used on high-quality vibroblades and other melee weapons when combat with opponents wielding lightsabers was considered to be likely. It also was a descriptor for equipment that had been crafted utilizing cortosis ore. Cortosis-weave was employed primarily because it made the weapon able to withstand lightsaber blows. They could also be fashioned into armor or other gear. Weapons needed very little cortosis to be effective but armor required a substantially larger amount. The greater quantity provided an additional benefit to wearers though—a lightsaber would deactivate after contact was made with cortosis armor. Cortosis was extremely rare though and, thus, extremely expensive, resulting in few weapons and armor made with it. Several cultures developed various techniques for insulating traditional melee weapons against such sparring damage, but the art of bonding cortosis to blades in such a manner was first perfected by Echani weaponsmiths sometime prior to the Mandalorian Wars.
Edited by Viera
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Hey folks,


We've gone ahead and added some spoiler warnings and tags to the post. Just in case you did not know, you can and should use the [noparse]


[/noparse] tags around any content that is deemed to be a story spoiler for the game. Thanks. :)

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Armor was a protective covering worn mainly by militants. Some examples of armor are Mandalorian armor, Sith battle armor, and light battle suits. Most armor would stop a standard blaster bolt, although only advanced, heavy battle armor could withstand a heavy cannon bolt.


There was armor designed to withstand blaster bolts. Lol.

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They could have simply exchanged health for armour for instance. As there are types of armour that resist light saber and blaster attacks. Or maybe they could have used shields instead of health, instead of the lame shield mechanic they have now. Like, your shields take damage rather than you, or when playing a jedi/sith your armour takes damage. And then when that armour/shield is shredded/down, you die.


Sure it's a simple change in names basically. But it would have made things more believable.

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Swords are deadly too. Did you really come play a Star Wars game and worry about your suspension of disbelief quotient being exceeded. Would you rather a game where an NPC could kill you with one hit? Because, if it's deadly to them, then it's deadly to you too.
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Blasters are supposed to be lethal, they are rifles and pistols that shoot plasma. My character's WEAKEST attack is when I just shoot an enemy with my guns, health bars barely even move. Only after shooting anyone or anything about 100 times will they die, I never saw this in the SW movies! "Nothing beats a blaster by your side"...couldn't be more wrong.



It's because 99 of those shots miss.


Like in the movies.

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Even the more "action-y" games are like this. Seriously, it's suspension of disbelief. You might think it sounds neat for a game to be realistic, but all it'd boil down to is you needing flawless latency.


One second of lag? BAM. Dead.


The closest I've seen a game to being "realistic" was Mabinogi. You could kind of "tank" early monsters - spiders and the like - but anything after the first town would pretty much take you down in one shot. The best, and most upgraded armors in the game, would reduce damage by MAYBE 10%. When most enemies by that point hit in the 100's, when your HP is around 100, maybe 200.

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I can't pretend anymore when I play TOR, the newness has worn off. This MMOization of SW has succeeded in making the SW universe mechanical and boring, just like all MMOs now.


Lightsabers are supposed to be supremely deadly, are they not? Why do Jedi/Sedi characters need to chop things 50 times to kill them? One swipe is all it took in the movies. Speaking of Jedi, why are Jedi/Sith NPCs so bloody weak? There isn't one bit of difference between a Jedi and a simple melee mob except for it's name. Jedi/Sith NPCs should be champion level ONLY and not just fodder for me to level up on. I've killed 100's of Jedi with my character alone. These characters are the only part of the SW world that is special, they need better treatment.


Another thing about Jedi/Sith which was very poorly implemented. If Jedi player's light/dark meter is way down in the Dark side, that means he is evil and a Sith and vice versa. There's little reason for that meter to even exists for these character classes, as if you "turn to the darkside" it means absolutely nothing, just what color your lightsaber can be...


Blasters are supposed to be lethal, they are rifles and pistols that shoot plasma. My character's WEAKEST attack is when I just shoot an enemy with my guns, health bars barely even move. Only after shooting anyone or anything about 100 times will they die, I never saw this in the SW movies! "Nothing beats a blaster by your side"...couldn't be more wrong.


The bottom line is, they should have made combat less "tanky" and more about avoiding attacks. I never saw Luke Skywalker just stand there being blasted over and over while he repeatedly chopped a storm trooper with his lightsaber.


Speeders are anything but speedy. The fastest one only goes 120% faster than regular foot speed. That's like a car that only goes 25 MPH at top speed, they can do better.


Last but not least, the class stories.



My BH story had me kill the leader of the whole Republic. I haven't checked, but I'll bet that each class' story completely ignores every other class' story. So, only for Bounty Hunters is the Republic leader dead? That's such a great design and kudos for spending all that time creating useless stories that aren't any different than the "kill x amount of y and come back" MMO quest. All the class stories could have been intertwined in an epic saga, but once again there isn't a single thing the players can do to change the game world except what gear they are wearing.



I mean they said they were making an mmo, what did you expect???

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I laughed really hard at the prospect at one hit K-O'ing people in a MMO setting.


You should take the lead designer's job.


Honestly it's not that difficult. Heck, the SW D20 RPG that KOTOR is based on this had already solved this. Just treat 'hit points' as a type of stamina that represents your ability to block or dodge or deflect hits, animate instead dodging and weaving and deflections, and only have the last hit animate as a direct hit.

Edited by DarthMoord
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Honestly it's not that difficult. Heck, the SW D20 RPG that KOTOR is based on this had already solved this. Just treat 'hit points' as a type of stamina that represents your ability to block or dodge or deflect hits, animate instead dodging and weaving and deflections, and only have the last hit animate as a direct hit.


But then every fight between two blaster users would be 20 seconds of the most deadly marksmen in the universe missing at point blank range repeatedly. That would break the immersion either more. I just imagine that this was a time in star wars history when there had been a huge advancement in armour technology but weapons technology was severely lagging behind.

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