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Everything posted by Mezail

  1. @Elly_Dawn Ah thanks, didn't think to check there, Doh Well, thinking of how long it took them to fix the skin textures on some of the companions, just so they were no longer invisible I won't hold my breath. I still think there has been cover up patch as someone decided the bottoms were a bit too "lo-rise" but be nice to lose the action figure butt joints
  2. Anyone else notice they have now censored then old Dancer bikini bottoms? They now sit higher at the rear which in turn has created a sort of square "Action Figure" butt on them. Odd, we now have same sex flirting and have always had the suggestion of sexual encounters, even if it was with a blacked out screen but careful how much butt we show. If they haven't got the balls to stick to their guns or, if they never intended people to wear the legs like bikini bottoms then give up and make the "skirt" part of the dancers outfit part of the legs rather than part of the top (I never really understood why it wasn't, tbh but exploited the fact so I could "exploit" my female companions:p) Wonders if the new owners of the franchise have had a chat with them about showing the vaguest hint of butt crack. Or are there more people complaining about this in game. Decline of the Western Civilisation, Part 3: The MMO Years
  3. Yeah, another... Ok, almost done with Vette's storyline and romance, I've not finished the final conversation with her but it does seem that once I reciprocated her feelings toward me my character no longer has flirt options with female quest NPC's, is this intended or my imagination? I mean any time a female NPC flirts with me new, where I would expect there to be a flirt, there's a rude and obnoxious reply! I mean, I really think the world of you, Vette but I didn't know getting involved in you would turn me into such a dick. Is there a way back from this or is BW trying to instil some moral teachings about commitment and relationships?
  4. You mean I don't stand a chance with Jaesa LS? What a B**ch! And I just chose her Saber upgrade as a quest reward, damn this is just like RL! How did I end up in the "gay best friend" role so quickly? Oh I know, she's always been there when I've been on the Market terminals, all those shopping trips, that must of been it Now I am just waiting for Vette to tell me that she has been thinking about my behaviour after I hooked up with her friend, Taunt and that she feels attacked, betrayed and never wants to speak to me again... Erm... Sorry, carried away there I can't see this being changed, too much work involved but maybe if they are bringing in more cut scenes with the apparent same gender romances there might be hope /Sign I've been using Jaesa a lot since I want to open her story while I have to wait a few levels before I can progress with Vette's and I have to say I am surprised and a bit disappointed that the option isn't there but it's not really a game breaker. Just would have been nice to be able to have the choice. Is Jaesa's story dependant on level, affection or story line progress? I've only had two scenes with her so far at 6000+ affection. I'm sure this must of been posted somewhere already but:- Jaesa Vette
  5. Did you have Jaesa follow you as Light or Dark? Romance with Jaesa is only an option is you had her turn to the dark side, if she becomes a light side Sith there is no option for romance, not actually sure why that is but I don't expect it to change since that would mean bringing in the voice actors and rendering more cut scenes, there is a petition for it on this forum tho link below We want Jaesa, Light Side, to be as dirty as her Dark Side counterpart
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