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The reason people complain about Tracer missle spam.


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First people have to have something to complain about whenever they are killed by anyone.


The reason people complain about the BH tracer missile spam is because that is the only thing they see them cast when in fact there are several other abilities they use, or at least I do. They just don't see them cast them because they are instant and are normally following at tracer missile.


Yes tracer missile is most used but its not the only thing I use 15 other abilities in pvp most of them used in a single fight. 13 if you don't count cc break and medpac.


I use heatseeker missiles (31 point arsenal ability) and rail shot to follow up tracer missiles for added burst. Explosive dart, Heatseeker and tracer missile for a big burst. Other abilities i use include my level 50 merc ability that makes my next cast instant, vent heat to manage my heat resource. My damage shield to reduce damage, 3 AoE abilities during aoe fights. A couple heal abilities, my stun and knockback.


In fight I use tracer missiles followed by my instant damage abilities for extra burst. I make my next heal instant cast for a quick 3k heal, medpac for 4-5k heal, kolto overload for a small HoT, shield to reduce damage, stun and knockback, and vent heat. I also use unload when it is off cooldown and has its damage boost procced (from talents).


I don't always have to use all abilities, sometimes people just fall over from 3 tracer missiles and a heatseeker missile.





TLDR: People only see tracer missile being cast so thats what they pick to complain about.

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First people have to have something to complain about whenever they are killed by anyone.


The reason people complain about the BH tracer missile spam is because that is the only thing they see them cast when in fact there are several other abilities they use, or at least I do. They just don't see them cast them because they are instant and are normally following at tracer missile.


Yes tracer missile is most used but its not the only thing I use 15 other abilities in pvp most of them used in a single fight. 13 if you don't count cc break and medpac.


I use heatseeker missiles (31 point arsenal ability) and rail shot to follow up tracer missiles for added burst. Explosive dart, Heatseeker and tracer missile for a big burst. Other abilities i use include my level 50 merc ability that makes my next cast instant, vent heat to manage my heat resource. My damage shield to reduce damage, 3 AoE abilities during aoe fights. A couple heal abilities, my stun and knockback.


In fight I use tracer missiles followed by my instant damage abilities for extra burst. I make my next heal instant cast for a quick 3k heal, medpac for 4-5k heal, kolto overload for a small HoT, shield to reduce damage, stun and knockback, and vent heat. I also use unload when it is off cooldown and has its damage boost procced (from talents).


I don't always have to use all abilities, sometimes people just fall over from 3 tracer missiles and a heatseeker missile.





TLDR: People only see tracer missile being cast so thats what they pick to complain about.


Its the sound effect. It honestly sounds like PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW..

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Its the sound effect. It honestly sounds like PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW..


That's one of the reasons I'm going back to Assault. It feels like I get massive pvp aggro instantly as Gunnery. I could snipe off kills a lot easier as Assault. I rack up a TON more as Gunnery, but it's all burst.

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Pheelin long time, a whole game release? ;p


Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't the majority of your damage still come from tracer missile? I know most of your class all I do is interrupt that and your damage just kinda becomes a joke. Perhaps it is the only thing people complain about because it's the only cast we see, however, if it IS the majority of your damage, then the complaint is kind of justified considering it's your main spam ability.

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The ability needs to be tuned down, if not for being overpowered, then for the simple fact that it removes the need to actually play/explore the class you choose, any build that ends up spamming the same single ability more or less 24/7 is flawed.


encourage people to actually play the game, it will keep them intrested longer.

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No, we complain because it is an autofacing spam ability that is quite powerful and its something that not a lot of classes can counter besides one interrupt for four seconds that is on an extremely long cooldown. And after that four seconds, all we hear is more of the annoying sound effects and finally death. Its the main source of any BH's damage. I wouldnt mind turning up some of their other abilities for a nerf on Tracer missile. Because then BH's would actually have to try.
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If you don't think that ability is a bit on the strong side, you have not played any other classes.


Have you played a lvl 50 BH? Against other geared players. I'm in almost full champ gear I've seen operatives kill me before I can get up from the knockdown. Sorcs that do 550k dmg and 150k healing in one match. My top dmg is 440k in a single warzone and I haven't seen any other bounty hunter go over 360k, I average 300-350k when I have a healer with around 40-50k healing because of medpac. I am no where near nor have I seen anyone else besides sorc at 550k dmg + 150k healing in a match.


Yes BH are strong and Yes I do crush lowbies with tracer missiles but I am a geared 50. I don't hit geared 50s as hard so in patch 1.1 the dmg will change a bit.


If you just stand there and let me dps you down and you just take it you deserve to die. You shouldn't be able to live through a T1 dps class if you just sit there and take it.


Line of sight them, the smallest objects LoS me, poles, huttball pad almost everything just move. Get in their face and interrupt them stun them etc. Don't be bad and you won't get killed as much.

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The reason why people complain is because it's a dumb ability. As a filler ability it does way too much damage, and if it's not supposed to be a filler than it either needs a CD, or it needs it's damage dropped. Your posts makes everyone sound like idiots when really people have been playing video games for like 20 years now... People know when something is a little off buddy.
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Have you played a lvl 50 BH? Against other geared players. I'm in almost full champ gear I've seen operatives kill me before I can get up from the knockdown. Sorcs that do 550k dmg and 150k healing in one match. My top dmg is 440k in a single warzone and I haven't seen any other bounty hunter go over 360k, I average 300-350k when I have a healer with around 40-50k healing because of medpac. I am no where near nor have I seen anyone else besides sorc at 550k dmg + 150k healing in a match.


Yes BH are strong and Yes I do crush lowbies with tracer missiles but I am a geared 50. I don't hit geared 50s as hard so in patch 1.1 the dmg will change a bit.


If you just stand there and let me dps you down and you just take it you deserve to die. You shouldn't be able to live through a T1 dps class if you just sit there and take it.


Line of sight them, the smallest objects LoS me, poles, huttball pad almost everything just move. Get in their face and interrupt them stun them etc. Don't be bad and you won't get killed as much.


Yes because you cant just fire it back up right when we get back into LOS? Good one...

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Have you played a lvl 50 BH? Against other geared players. I'm in almost full champ gear I've seen operatives kill me before I can get up from the knockdown. Sorcs that do 550k dmg and 150k healing in one match. My top dmg is 440k in a single warzone and I haven't seen any other bounty hunter go over 360k, I average 300-350k when I have a healer with around 40-50k healing because of medpac. I am no where near nor have I seen anyone else besides sorc at 550k dmg + 150k healing in a match.





So, essentially, you're not overpowered because fully PvP geared 50s of other overpowered classes do a bit better than you?

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If you don't think that ability is a bit on the strong side, you have not played any other classes.


While it is strong, it's also our biggest weakness. If you interrupt an early tracer missile you have more or less won (especially with the unload bug). ALL our other abilities are reliant on tracer missile to really do any noticable damage.

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Pheelin long time, a whole game release? ;p


Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't the majority of your damage still come from tracer missile? I know most of your class all I do is interrupt that and your damage just kinda becomes a joke. Perhaps it is the only thing people complain about because it's the only cast we see, however, if it IS the majority of your damage, then the complaint is kind of justified considering it's your main spam ability.


Whats up!


Yes it is the main damage source, everyone has a main damage source. If you made something else spammable and tracer missile on a 20 second cooldown people would complain about that new ability.


It takes me 3 casts of tracer missle 4.5 seconds to do the damage an operative can do to me in 1 hit. Both vs geared opponents. I get hit for 6k from geared operatives and only hit geared people for 2k, squishies sometimes 3 max. non crits 1500.


The damage I do vs lowbies is absurd but that will be fixed soon because I wont be able to fight them anymore.

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So, essentially, you're not overpowered because fully PvP geared 50s of other overpowered classes do a bit better than you?


So your logic is that everyone is overpowered, if that is so then everyone is equal so you cant complain. Operatives and sorcs > BH currently. The only one that can really complain are the tank versions of Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight.

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So your logic is that everyone is overpowered, if that is so then everyone is equal so you cant complain. Operatives and sorcs > BH currently. The only one that can really complain are the tank versions of Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight.



While I understand how it could seem like Sorcerers count as everyone else, you have only mentioned 2 classes as being stronger than you. Both of which are generally agreed to be overpowered.


Is there a reason you're avoiding mentioning the rest?

Edited by Faolon
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The ability needs to be tuned down, if not for being overpowered, then for the simple fact that it removes the need to actually play/explore the class you choose, any build that ends up spamming the same single ability more or less 24/7 is flawed.


encourage people to actually play the game, it will keep them intrested longer.


This PROVES my original point. We DONT spam only this ability, its the only ability you see being used because everything else is instant except for unload. We use about 15 or so other abilities that you don't see/pay attention to.

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For some odd reason I feel like the people who think Tracer missile is over powered are players below level 40 with little or no pvp gear. Lets be honest. Half the people I see getting destroyed by bounty hunters(who mostly are level 50 on my server) are lowbies who are at the wrong place at the wrong time.
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This PROVES my original point. We DONT spam only this ability, its the only ability you see being used because everything else is instant except for unload. We use about 15 or so other abilities that you don't see/pay attention to.


What other single-target spell do Mercs/Commandos use? The only other spell is Unload. Although mine are only level 26 right now. Hmm.

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Whats up!


Yes it is the main damage source, everyone has a main damage source. If you made something else spammable and tracer missile on a 20 second cooldown people would complain about that new ability.


It takes me 3 casts of tracer missle 4.5 seconds to do the damage an operative can do to me in 1 hit. Both vs geared opponents. I get hit for 6k from geared operatives and only hit geared people for 2k, squishies sometimes 3 max. non crits 1500.


The damage I do vs lowbies is absurd but that will be fixed soon because I wont be able to fight them anymore.


I don't think it's much of a complaint as much of that it is your highest damage total dealer, it's that it holds such a large majority. If you have 3-4 abilities hovering around 15-20% of your total damage and the rest below that, then it's fine for the most part. However, if yuor tracer missile is like 60% and everything else fills that 40%, then we have a problem. Which I know right now it's kind of hard to state the %age of damage each ability is doing and I don't have a BH of my own to really see for myself, but I can tell you it feels like all you guys do is tracer missile, instants or not, and those tracers hurt rather quickly.


And as to the operative...operative damage dealers are meant to be VERY powerful in their opener, though how powerful that opener is right now I feel is a little too high, but that is how they're supposed to work. They tell me that their steady dps out of stealth is a joke. Though I don't have nearly enough experience fighting them to make a judgement of that(truth be told I think I can count how many I've fought on one hand). High level ones obliterate me before I can stand up, however, lower level ones with which I now know what cc from them to break, are hardly a challenge at all and I'm not even 50 yet so you can't really call it expertise. Operative weakpoint is breaking their early cc and shutting down their opener.


However, the thread is about BH. And right now I see BHs do two things: Tracer Missile and Grapple me into traps....that's it.

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While it is strong, it's also our biggest weakness. If you interrupt an early tracer missile you have more or less won (especially with the unload bug). ALL our other abilities are reliant on tracer missile to really do any noticable damage.


Problem isnt it's damge its the fact it follows it's target, should be more like troopers mortar shot which is fired at a target area. Move out of the area and you take no damage

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Most people don't get this ability at all.


Tracer missile places a "heat signature" on the target. You can stack up to 5 heat signatures on a target at a time. Each heat signature reduces armor by 4%.


When you first get tracer, you have to fire the stupid thing 5 times to get maximum damage out of all of your attacks. Not to mention that some attacks (ie. railgun and heatseeking missile) get bonus damage for each heat signature on the target (if you maxed out the arsenal tree).


Heat signatures reset after 15 seconds.


So, an arsenal merc has no choice but to fire tracer missle several times at the beginning of a battle to provide maximum damage potential. Not just for himself, his entire group benefits from the armor reduction.


It does do decent damage, but not as much as Power Shot which uses the exact same time and heat cost.


It's designed poorly, and needs to be changed, but it's not the mercs fault.

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No, we complain because it is an autofacing spam ability that is quite powerful and its something that not a lot of classes can counter besides one interrupt for four seconds that is on an extremely long cooldown. And after that four seconds, all we hear is more of the annoying sound effects and finally death. Its the main source of any BH's damage. I wouldnt mind turning up some of their other abilities for a nerf on Tracer missile. Because then BH's would actually have to try.


Everyone but us has an interrupt ability, interrupt one tracer and they can't cast again for 4 seconds. Then as they are almost done casting their second stun them you just stopped them from casting tracer for 4 seconds then having them waste a full second or more stunning them at the end of their cast. Stun is 4 seconds so if they don't break cc they are useless for 9 seconds.


The people i have the most trouble with are the ones that know how to time cc and interrupt properly.

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