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Everything posted by Pheelin

  1. I wish they would change the tracer missile because we do rely on it a lot and it is boring and we have to sit in one spot to do it. Pyro tree is more mobile but the overall damage for warzones is a little bit lower the single target damage is nice. TBH i would rather get some more mobility. Or make some other ablities viable.
  2. Pheelin

    PVP Lucky Dip Bags

    His point is he has grinded far more than others that have gotten full sets. I had some luck early on got a lot of peices now at almost valor 50 I've gotten like 6 pairs of pants, 15 implants, a few chest pieces and a bunch of relics. My companions that can wear the gear have them now and I have offspec gear but I am still missing 4 pieces 2 of which are both of my weapons. Centurion gear blows.
  3. Then you should kill them when they do that. If I get interrupted when my other abilities are on CD then it sucks but if other abilities are up I use them.
  4. That would break the Mercenary class 100% where it would become unplayable. Remove force leap, the pull abilities and stealth from the game so that I can have time to attack before people run through me 100 times a second while spamming abilities. Or let me use it on the move
  5. I am no where near invincible in almost full champ gear marauder, operative, assassins, powertechs, and snipers can all kill me just as fast as I can kill someone sometimes faster. You are a heal operative don't expect to kill anyone 1v1.
  6. I like that you didn't even quote the whole sentence let alone the paragraph.
  7. Right now anything between a lvl 50 with gear and a non lvl 50 can't be counted. Anyone not level 50 I have absolutely no issue with 1v1. My gear just makes me too strong. Any 50 with the gear I have should be able to laugh at any no 50 trying to do dmg so the comparison between the 2 shouldn't even be made. People that spam tracer missile only are doing it wrong. My rotation in a fight is 2x Tracer Missile followed by explosive dart (delayed detonation time), 1x Tracer missile, 1x Heatseeker missile. The final 3 abilities hit all at the same time for some nice burst. Then I follow up with a rail shot. I play it by ear after that alternating cooldowns when they are up with tracer missile only filling the gap between them. Using unload when the dmg boost talen procs. edit: however, interrupting me or stunning me in my rotation can hurt me quite a bit.
  8. I know good players in other classes that can out damage me, they are as geared as I am. But the problem is MOST of the players aren't good at their class and don't realize their potential. I personally know marauders, snipers, operatives, and sorcs that out damage me. You also have to realize that Mercs offer no utility except for the armor debuff that others get as well. Mercenary should be a T1 class so if we are allowed to sit there and spam all our dps then we should be top.
  9. Everyone but us has an interrupt ability, interrupt one tracer and they can't cast again for 4 seconds. Then as they are almost done casting their second stun them you just stopped them from casting tracer for 4 seconds then having them waste a full second or more stunning them at the end of their cast. Stun is 4 seconds so if they don't break cc they are useless for 9 seconds. The people i have the most trouble with are the ones that know how to time cc and interrupt properly.
  10. This PROVES my original point. We DONT spam only this ability, its the only ability you see being used because everything else is instant except for unload. We use about 15 or so other abilities that you don't see/pay attention to.
  11. So your logic is that everyone is overpowered, if that is so then everyone is equal so you cant complain. Operatives and sorcs > BH currently. The only one that can really complain are the tank versions of Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight.
  12. Whats up! Yes it is the main damage source, everyone has a main damage source. If you made something else spammable and tracer missile on a 20 second cooldown people would complain about that new ability. It takes me 3 casts of tracer missle 4.5 seconds to do the damage an operative can do to me in 1 hit. Both vs geared opponents. I get hit for 6k from geared operatives and only hit geared people for 2k, squishies sometimes 3 max. non crits 1500. The damage I do vs lowbies is absurd but that will be fixed soon because I wont be able to fight them anymore.
  13. Have you played a lvl 50 BH? Against other geared players. I'm in almost full champ gear I've seen operatives kill me before I can get up from the knockdown. Sorcs that do 550k dmg and 150k healing in one match. My top dmg is 440k in a single warzone and I haven't seen any other bounty hunter go over 360k, I average 300-350k when I have a healer with around 40-50k healing because of medpac. I am no where near nor have I seen anyone else besides sorc at 550k dmg + 150k healing in a match. Yes BH are strong and Yes I do crush lowbies with tracer missiles but I am a geared 50. I don't hit geared 50s as hard so in patch 1.1 the dmg will change a bit. If you just stand there and let me dps you down and you just take it you deserve to die. You shouldn't be able to live through a T1 dps class if you just sit there and take it. Line of sight them, the smallest objects LoS me, poles, huttball pad almost everything just move. Get in their face and interrupt them stun them etc. Don't be bad and you won't get killed as much.
  14. First people have to have something to complain about whenever they are killed by anyone. The reason people complain about the BH tracer missile spam is because that is the only thing they see them cast when in fact there are several other abilities they use, or at least I do. They just don't see them cast them because they are instant and are normally following at tracer missile. Yes tracer missile is most used but its not the only thing I use 15 other abilities in pvp most of them used in a single fight. 13 if you don't count cc break and medpac. I use heatseeker missiles (31 point arsenal ability) and rail shot to follow up tracer missiles for added burst. Explosive dart, Heatseeker and tracer missile for a big burst. Other abilities i use include my level 50 merc ability that makes my next cast instant, vent heat to manage my heat resource. My damage shield to reduce damage, 3 AoE abilities during aoe fights. A couple heal abilities, my stun and knockback. In fight I use tracer missiles followed by my instant damage abilities for extra burst. I make my next heal instant cast for a quick 3k heal, medpac for 4-5k heal, kolto overload for a small HoT, shield to reduce damage, stun and knockback, and vent heat. I also use unload when it is off cooldown and has its damage boost procced (from talents). I don't always have to use all abilities, sometimes people just fall over from 3 tracer missiles and a heatseeker missile. TLDR: People only see tracer missile being cast so thats what they pick to complain about.
  15. I'm a lvl 50 BH with nearly full champion pvp gear. And I get nearly insta-killed by geared operatives. I have 15.5k hp and wear heavy armor. It is very sad when an operative crits you for over 6k every time with my heavy armor and the gear I have. This same operative is critting other people that aren't as geared as me for nearly 8k and that is just 1 hit. If I can break cc, medpac, and knockback before I die and start to fight they just stealth up and come back and do it again 20 seconds later when my break cc is down. After the 6k dmg in one attack its normally followed up by a 4k hit and a 3k hit and some more smaller hits, but that is in about 3 seconds and all of my nearly 16k hps are gone. There aren't many operatives that can do this because they don't have the gear but when they do it will only get worse. Also, I wouldn't say they are crazy OP just need a bit of balancing. I understand that without the big burst they don't have a whole lot but right now the big burst is a little too big. Even with the best gear you are instakilled by an equally geared operative.
  16. As a merc BH dps I don't enjoy spamming tracer missile over and over but it is one of the most effective ways to dps. However it does NOT hit harder than Heatseeker which is the 31 point ability. With almost full champ pvp gear at 50 my tracer missiles crit for around 3-3.2k each on a squishy. My heatseeker crits on the same target for around 4.2k. Btw if you wanna complain about the BH/Trooper skill go find a geared Operative/Smuggler and get crit for nearly 8k with 1 attack then get back to me. Out of all my warzones I am almost first in damage by quite a margin. I've hit 440k dmg in huttball before and im above 350k pretty often. That still doesn't even compare to what I've seen sorcs do. Ive seen sorc pull 550k dmg with 150k healing. I have never seen any BH on my server out damage me so I figure I'm nearing the top considering I'm more geared than probably 99% of the population. Also think about the utility sorcs get. They can get the tank protection medals, the healing medals and all the damage medals in a warzone. They have a friendly pull spell. I'm not saying BHs aren't strong damage but that is all they have as Merc dps but I can find several other classes that you might want to look at before you complain about BH/trooper.
  17. The blues implants are not better than the purple. It doesn't make sense that a gear slot item I can make from a purple recipe off a boss is only for myself. Im fine with everything else being BoP but that is the only gear I make. Im just /sadface irl
  18. Its not that I make "some" special things for myself. its EVERYTHING. I can't make ANY purples for anyone else. I can make green implants for people but who wants them? Purple Medpac - BoP Purple Stims - BoP Purple Adrenal - BoP Purple Implant - BoP Cybertech can make purple gear and purpe ship mods for other people Armortech can make purple gear for other people I can't make purple anything for anyone. It doesn't make sense.
  19. Ok so it seems that everything I can make from Biochem at 400 and purple is Bind on Pickup. All of the items on the trainer are BoP, so I don't even have to buy the ones I wont use. I did Black Talon Hard Mode and the last boss dropped a 400 Biochem Implant schematic. The item was an Implant that looked to be for a sorc. Cool right? No because its BoP and I'm a Merc BH its completely useless to me and I can't make it for my guild. Am I only Biochem for the 3 or 4 items I can use for myself? I'm fine with only making reusable medpacs and even stims for myself but a Boss dropped purple schematic is only for myself? That's dumb. sorry if there was a thread about this already, I didn't see it.
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