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Class Balances. Only reply if you are 50 and atleast 450 expertise.


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I call this ********! I play alot of pvp, almost only pvp! Operatives are OP, no doubt about that! Killing people (even 50s with gear) with enough Luck and/or Consumables, within 2-3 Seconds ISNT balanced!


And in my opinion the tools of a sith sorcerer (mostly assassin) are too much! Sprint, Stealth, Backstab, Selfheal, Insane Damage with all of that...


These are the only two classes I got a problem with...


btw Trooper Vanguard here..


edit: Ah well, Biochem is really the one and only pvp profession right now! Other professions have nothing in comparison..

Edited by sKyloo
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450 expertise vs 450 expertise will do the same damage as zero vs zero so this post is mute


it's the way the stat works it buffs damage and mitigation equally


that being said my only complaint as a tank is scoundrel/operative damage cannot be parried or shielded and they also have 50% armor pen-


I understand that sorcs should tear through tanks but not a melee that also tears through sorcs


the class is clearly played by a dev

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The only class I have seen as maybe possibly over-powered is the power-tech. This is just mainly for hutt-ball, and doesn't pertain to the other PVPs.


The power-techs have a pull, so they can sit in front of the acid or a fire-pit, pull the ball-handler, stun them and walk away with the ball.


They also have a jump, so if they are knocked down, they are able to jump to enemy players (similar to Marauders ability to jump to friendlies)


They also have a shield, when properly buffed, allows them to walk through the acid/fire and take little to no damage. This in my opinion makes the power-tech the best class for hutt-ball. Paired with a good healer, they are unstoppable.


The other annoying one is the operative with the backstab stun that they can chain over and over and over until you die. Problem is, it only works if they are stealthed, if they don't get you initially, then you can easily overpower them.


BTW, 50 madness sorc with only about 370 expertise.

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I think everyone who replies to this thread should say what class they are so we can see who views things as balanced and who thinks the world is ending. We may get a better picture as to what's really going on.


As a Sith Warrior Juggernaut Immortal spec: Sages/Sorcs, Scoundrels/Operatives, healers of any class, and sometimes Gunslingers/Snipers give me trouble. Also, Pyrotech fire damage can take me down pretty quick. I laugh in the face of all lightsaber-wielding melee classes.


So I'm good against 3 advanced classes & their mirrors - terrible against most of the specs of the other 5 advanced classes & their mirrors.


What needs fixed? Buffing either my elemental or internal resistance another 30-40% would make me consider myself a balanced PvP AC/spec.


You have a perfectly viable spec sitting right there, you just choose to be stubborn and not respec. Whos fault is that? Full Telekinetics/Lightning Sorcs/Sages, for example, are horrible, but we all know the other specs are viable. Why aren't they complaining like you?

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I'm lvl 46, am I allowed to speak?


Its easy to understand why people QQ. If I can't beat this class then they must be OP right? I mean its not possible that I'm doing something wrong...


And from what I've seen in these forums I think I need to point out that, that's sarcasm.

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You have a perfectly viable spec sitting right there, you just choose to be stubborn and not respec. Whos fault is that? Full Telekinetics/Lightning Sorcs/Sages, for example, are horrible, but we all know the other specs are viable. Why aren't they complaining like you?


Immortal is perfectly viable if you want to tank, but PvP tanking in this game is new to people, and most haven't figured it out yet (I guess). Full Vengeance would be the Telekinetics/Lightning equivalent for Juggernaut.

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You are wearing light armor.


I agree with OP.


50 Balance Spec'd Sage

501 Expertise


I think most classes are well balanced. A good player from a number of classes can make a great match up but it's all situational really. I haven't had the opportunity to 1v1 much.


The one class I feel needs to have it's damage scaled back a bit is the scoundrel, their dps is unbelievable. I'd be all for them trading some dps for survivability.


On an added note all of my scoundrel/operative friends agree their class is OP at the moment due to their godlike burst and they are expecting a nerf. Shoot, my alt is an operative (not b/c of the burst dps, but because I want a healing class that can stealth and I also think the group stealth ability is awesome).

Edited by AWorthington
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Apart from the whole consumable abuse going on right now I think its balanced. They just need to do away with any non pvp consumable from warzones/ilum. That is whats causing the perceived imbalances. Honestly the game is quite well balanced one of the better balanced mmos especially for launch. ops/scoundrels might could take a slight burst hit, and gain some survivability in turn, and commando/merc turret specs are a little over the top right now, however I also feel a lot of that is symptematic of the buff stacking issue.
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By and large I agree; I've found it all well balanced, for the most part. Sure, there are times when I'll grind someone into the dirt in a few seconds, but that's because they're not wearing expertise stuff. That's not indicative of how real fights go.


However, I'm very concerned with how powerful Operatives are. I'm not just talking damage output, here. Almost without exception, this is how fights with these guys go:


1. I'm knocked to the ground for several seconds. By the time I stand up I've lost a third of my health.


2. I stand up and do something to try to interrupt the attack. Depending on the situation it could be stun him, shield myself, knock him back, CC him, Force Speed and run away, et al.


3. He, apparently not at all bothered by what I just did, stuns me again. By the time this wears off I'm typically below 20% health.


4. I die.


These things occur in fewer than 10 seconds. I have the one GCD in which to defend myself, or possibly two. It doesn't matter. The outcome almost never varies.


I'm not sure how anyone could think this is a reasonable thing to put in a game. There's no one, no one at all, who I have a guaranteed win against. But these guys can shut me down like it's no big deal over and over. It's a little disgusting. That little anti-CC bar is meaningless. I don't even know why it's there.

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I call this ********! I play alot of pvp, almost only pvp! Operatives are OP, no doubt about that! Killing people (even 50s with gear) with enough Luck and/or Consumables, within 2-3 Seconds ISNT balanced!


And in my opinion the tools of a sith sorcerer (mostly assassin) are too much! Sprint, Stealth, Backstab, Selfheal, Insane Damage with all of that...


These are the only two classes I got a problem with...


btw Trooper Vanguard here..


edit: Ah well, Biochem is really the one and only pvp profession right now! Other professions have nothing in comparison..


Lol Vanguards crying about Operatives. Good stuff.

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List of grievances:


1. Sorc/Sage shield is too strong. I am one and I think it's too strong.


2. Operative/Smuggler burst too high. It's way too high and it is not okay. If it weren't for my overtuned shield, I would be dead every single time even with near full champ gear. Please don't blame light armor either. I see heavy armor units go down just as laughably fast. My friend the 50 operative has a blast melting troopers like butter.


3. Grav round/tracer missile damage is too high. It shouldn't do as much damage as it does for being spammable while applying a stacking debuff. Lower the damage but keep the utility.



General pvp grievances:


1. Rakata medpacks are too strong. Also, they should not count for the healing medals.


2. The medal system is terrible. It promotes selfish gameplay over objective gameplay.

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Pretty balanced. Only thing I think may need some looking into is Merc/Commando being uninterruptable while shield is up.


There's also the issue of Project vs Shock, and several other minor things. I believe there was a Dev post saying they were going to fix those issue, not positive though.


knockback is the way to interrupt a merc fyi


I see people whining about pvp (not quoted poster fyi) to be looking for perfectly balanced 1v1... which is crap


mercs ar does great dps, no escapes and pretty much dead if FF upon, without a healer at our back we are easy to kill and kill well, 1v1 stun lock classes pwn us but in the end i chose a dps class i shouldnt expect more than dps.


you cant have it all, and people need to get a clue.


So as far as balance goes, I meet your requirements and I think that the balance is in the overall teams, so huttball HAS to be balanced as both sides get mixed together, as for the other two I dont see any great dispairity anywhere, i think i saw that 52% of the WZ are won by empire, so really a 4% spread is nothing and so therefore balance is there.


a healer does not expect to WTFPWN everyone, but apparently other classes think they should, dumb if you ask me. In the end if you are jealous roll that toon and get WTFPWNED by someone while playing another class.

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If anything, I'd like to see consumeable usage knocked down a few pegs. Seems silly that biochem is the clear winner for a pve AND pvp edge.


I think a 50 bracket will go a long way to showing exactly where the imbalances lie. As it is, nothing seems to be jumping out at me personally. There are of course players that manage to do more damage to me in certain situations. I'm not worried about any one class. I worry more about my position, resources, available cooldowns, and above all, HOW MANY of those mofos are coming my way.


No matter what happens to balance, the bad players will still complain. Maybe it's easier for them to complain on forums than it is to see percieved class imbalance for what it is.....a challenge.


I don't think that consumables really need to be nerfed since non-biochems can use them albeit at a steeper price. However I do feel the other Crew Skills need to be buffed so theres actually a stat advantage to having them aside from a piece of gear which you likely dont need. Ex: some gear modification that's a bit better than whats currently obtainable but is unique where you can only have on equipped at any given time.


I also feel the classes are currently balanced in full gear at 50.

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its scary that today you guys want an demand everyone be same in an MMO. I will never understand why you play them. mirrored classes so "its fair for all" belong in COD, NOT an MMO. Diversity an forcing people to think for themselves seems to be dead in todays generation of gamers.

Having a level 50 trooper tell me that guardians are over powered, it isn't fair he can tank me....

really? lol So you have not bothered to learn that as a JK our timers last a matter of seconds then we have nothing for 2 mins 50 seconds..


no MMO should ever be balanced, it removes any need for players to think an not just automatically press button 1234 to farm. If an sniper is stronger than you, fine bring friends, it isnt rocket science

If a JK is tanking you, stun/sleep him through his timers, then crush him.

Really guys, how abut this radical idea, go world pvp an actually fight instead of just farming BG's. Go to Tatt an tell people you will help them if they get ganked by level 50's, then you will provoke world pvp.

Edited by BegaTasty
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50 Balance Spec'd Sage

501 Expertise


I think most classes are well balanced. A good player from a number of classes can make a great match up but it's all situational really. I haven't had the opportunity to 1v1 much.


The one class I feel needs to have it's damage scaled back a bit is the scoundrel, their dps is unbelievable. I'd be all for them trading some dps for survivability.


On an added note all of my scoundrel/operative friends agree their class is OP at the moment due to their godlike burst and they are expecting a nerf. Shoot, my alt is an operative (not b/c of the burst dps, but because I want a healing class that can stealth and I also think the group stealth ability is awesome).


Meh if anything their DPS is substandard, they have good burst but that is it. I will say the class can feel OP when you are fighting undergeared players, however I also hear the same comments as what I feel from commandos, and gunslingers when they are shooting undergeared players. When I am fighting some 1 who is appropriately geared the fights seem quite balanced. This is coming from some one who does not touch consumables as they are completely IMBA for ANY dps class. You should see the damage a gunnery commando or a gunslinger does when pumped up on consumables, it makes operative/scoundrel look like a joke. That said I wouldn't be opposed to some better sustain and survivability to take a burst hit for the class. However any nerf needs to be done with a buff, the class is super fragile, and has poor sustain.

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50 shadow tank here with only 3 champ pieces valor r-39 and only been 50 for 1 day so sorry but im still talking.

personally i think that the tank varient of shadow could use a slight boost in dps. i have gotten the 2.5k crit dmg medal only once since i made my character and that was before i even got to 50.

on top of that i honestly dont understand how we dont get more defences vs infernal etc since we are a tank and all it takes is knocking those on us to take us down.

other than a strong lack of these defences i seem to have no problem soloing people that are much higher geared than i am. only problem is that i have to que solo most of the time and as such i can hardly call for help to kill solo people faster and their teams always run in for the assist forcing me to have to stealth off.


oh and i also find it rediculous to have a jk or sw do their little jump from accross the battlefield and still be able to stun for a second or two despite having a full resolve bar. i cant use spinning kick to knock people down for 2 seconds when their resolve is full so it only seems fair to scale the stun from the jump with resil as well.


oh and healing packs are rediculous i agree. almost feel like getting rid of synthweaving for biochem for the extra heal which would help greatly. but i wont because i have a lot of extra recipes that i would lose.

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50 shadow tank here with only 3 champ pieces valor r-39 and only been 50 for 1 day so sorry but im still talking.

personally i think that the tank varient of shadow could use a slight boost in dps. i have gotten the 2.5k crit dmg medal only once since i made my character and that was before i even got to 50.

on top of that i honestly dont understand how we dont get more defences vs infernal etc since we are a tank and all it takes is knocking those on us to take us down.

other than a strong lack of these defences i seem to have no problem soloing people that are much higher geared than i am. only problem is that i have to que solo most of the time and as such i can hardly call for help to kill solo people faster and their teams always run in for the assist forcing me to have to stealth off.


oh and i also find it rediculous to have a jk or sw do their little jump from accross the battlefield and still be able to stun for a second or two despite having a full resolve bar. i cant use spinning kick to knock people down for 2 seconds when their resolve is full so it only seems fair to scale the stun from the jump with resil as well.


oh and healing packs are rediculous i agree. almost feel like getting rid of synthweaving for biochem for the extra heal which would help greatly. but i wont because i have a lot of extra recipes that i would lose.


PvP consumables are dirt cheap. They just need to nerf biochem stuff or buff the pvp ones. They also need to make a seperate medal for any who use consumables and axe the ability to get healer medals with them.

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