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Give tanks stun/knockback immunity


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At least in PvE, we gotta have some immunities, or at least resists, to stun and knockback spam from Strongs/Elites.


It's the most frustrating thing in the world to Force Charge and be stunned/CC'ed/knocked back before even landing.


This gets so much worse in groups- even solo- because everything immediately runs past you, and you're stuck chasing mobs everywhere instead of actually tanking.


Yes, there's an ability to get free, but it's on a 2 minute cooldown. I don't know about you, but waiting 2 minutes before every trash pull in a 4 man will get old fast.

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as a healing class I can honestly say I've never considered something like this, however I don't think a stun immunity is the way to go. maybe a short buff you can apply to yourself that prevent being stunned for about 5 seconds (enough time to grab aggro) with something like a 1 min cooldown that can;t be used in PvP (or maybe can I'm no balance expert)


or maybe reduce the amount of time a warrior is stunned for (in PvE) by 50%? at least they could grab aggro again quicker.

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This is REALLY frustrating for tanks. Especially Juggs that need the Force Charge to build up initial rage. I'm not against getting knocked back or stunned, just during the first few seconds where threat generation is critical.


On the other hand. I've had a few pulls where there's more that one with this ability and I feel like a pinball bouncing every which way.

Edited by ItsKaedis
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Same goes for companion tanks.

Makes a tank companion useless when he is getting stunned about 80% of the time to have them turn on my Scoundrel and start pounding.


Or at least allow our 'Break Free' to work with them as well.

Edited by Fraxture
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Remove all stuns from the game.



No this is not a joke. NO CROWD CONTROL. Implement something knew. CC is so *********** old.


If I wanted to CC all day I'll go get on my chanter alt in EQ1 that hasn't been played in like 7 years.

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Actually, you don't have to leap/charge EVERY mob you see. I learned that pretty quickly. Sometimes running up to them works just as well.


Yeah, you miss out on some good stuff, but that charge could be used when it is needed, not only wanted.


Run in or Charge in, they're still going to CC you immediately. It's just more annoying to get it after a Charge, because I've seen Force using mobs Force Choke me right out of the air, like they're catching me.


Always seems that if a mob has a stun, or cc type ability, it's the first thing they use. Storm in and then immediately force choked, the rest of the pack runs everywhere. Will happen every time heh


Yeah, that's the real problem. They open with it. For classes that build rage instead of using other resource types, it really is very crippling. Now you're not only chasing mobs around, but you're trying to build rage while you do it, making it that much harder.

Edited by Warlocc
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I am totally behind this. It's infuriating to charge in and then get CC'd immediately before you can generate aggro.


It might even be beneficial to send the DPS in first just to eat the initial CC.

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Remove all stuns from the game.



No this is not a joke. NO CROWD CONTROL. Implement something knew. CC is so *********** old.


If I wanted to CC all day I'll go get on my chanter alt in EQ1 that hasn't been played in like 7 years.


then go play an FPS CC is a NEEDED facet of MMO's with out it you end up with horrible pvp is DCUO.


to OP i agree to some extent however have to be careful how this is implemented but... maybe a TOP teir talent in tanking trees something like this.


Counter Strike 2/2: gain a 50/100% chance to reset cooldown on force leap, when ever your hit with a knock back effect. This effect can only be triggered once every 10 seconds.


this would probably fix the issue and stops being able to spam it with slight cooldown on the effect.

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Counter Strike 2/2: gain a 50/100% chance to reset cooldown on force leap, when ever your hit with a knock back effect. This effect can only be triggered once every 10 seconds.


this would probably fix the issue and stops being able to spam it with slight cooldown on the effect.


That's a really good idea for knockbacks, but not the other types of CC.

Edited by Warlocc
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CC is not needed, it's just an easy gimmick to add to encounters.


Stun locking is also not "needed" in pvp hehe. Again just a gimmick, that takes no skill to be used either.


Even so, I'll bend a bit and say ok we can have stuns and CC. Boss fights and maybe operation trash should have it then. Not every single NPC in the game.


Also we as players don't need them at all. At least not every class.

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Some measure of protecting ourselves against knockback and related CC would be lovely. Our breaker might as well not exist for how rarely it is usable.


Something like "Force Charge renders the user immune to knockback for three seconds after use." It'd work wonderfully on NPCs, won't do anything useful against PCs and still allows you to be knocked back after the initial aggro when the mob's knockback recharges.

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Counter Strike 2/2: gain a 50/100% chance to reset cooldown on force leap, when ever your hit with a knock back effect. This effect can only be triggered once every 10 seconds.


this would probably fix the issue and stops being able to spam it with slight cooldown on the effect.


This would further break Huttball. Juggernauts would be unstoppable...

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This would further break Huttball. Juggernauts would be unstoppable...


juggernauts are from from unstoppable lol...

ravage (one of there more powerful attacks) doesnt hit but the animation goes on half the time... waisting seconds...


a team of juggs vs team of inquisitors.... i 100% know that inquisitors would win. they have numerous CC abilities...


this is how PVP goes for a Jugg.... Ranged starts hitting.... i force leap over.... they push me back with one of there numbers CC abilities... i cant get close until my force leap cools down... i loose health... finally get to force leap over... they use another one of their CC abilities.. im dead

Edited by dalehitchy
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Knockbacks in pvp need to add to the resolve meter.


Right now a group of 3 sorcs/consulars are unstoppable when they are on the platforms in huttball.


Sure.... But what about PvE from 1-49?




That's a compelling, completely convincing argument.

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You really need to put more effort into researching through abilities OP, then you might spec right to prevent stuns .


Really? Tell me then, what talent allows a Juggernaut in the Immortal tree at say... level 28... to prevent stuns?


Unleashed knocks 30 seconds off the Unleash cooldown. Doesn't help. Unstoppable adds a 4 second immunity... Halfway through an entirely different talent tree. Doesn't help.


Really, point out a class that gives you CC immunity pre-50, in all spec options.

If you can't, then troll elsewhere, please.

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I find this to be a problem as well, but to be completely immune isn't very practical. The ideal way could be to grant temporary immunity after you charge in, probably 1-3 seconds. I know there is something like this in one of the sith warrior jugg dps trees, but its not possible to get if you fill the ranking tree.
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