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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Where is Commando interrupt?


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All ACs should get basic abilities such as interrupts, even if they're PvE only for balance purposes. As Bioware did originally state many times that they intended groups to be very flexible, so in theory you should be able to run an all Trooper setup, which at present for several Flashpoints isn't possible.


1 vanguard Tank, 1 vanguard damage, 1 Commando Heal, 1 Commando Damage.

Should be able to do every FP.

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Perhaps add it on to High Impact Bolt via the Gunnery and Assault trees or have it modify HIB at level 30 to also interrupt.


Do Bounty Hunters get an interrupt?


Only powertechs, we're exact mirrors so mercenary does not get one either.

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Improved stockstrike is you interrupt, aswell as Concussive Charge. Also Cryo Granade is a Interrupt, but its slow and has to be timed.


They are mainly used to interrupt channeled Spells though.


Which of these abilities works on a boss exactly?

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Why are you arguing Baseline stuns with me when I specified Commando? Commando isn't a baseline class, Trooper is. Vanguard troopers get an interrupt, I specified that as well, if you bothered to read more than the title before you posted that idiocy.



actually, that's the exact point of your post, troopers as a baseline don't get a interrupt, agents as a baseline don't get a knockback, sith warriors as a baseline don't get stun, inquisitors as a baseline can't heal, troopers can get a interrupt if they use the right AC, agents get knockbacks, warriors get a stun if they go juggernaught, inquisitors can heal if they become sorcerors, that's part of the choice of AC in themselves, please don't call people idiots if you cannot comprehend what people are posting correctly.


whilst i can see that theres maybe a need for an interrupt in PVE, i'm thoroughly opposed to troopers getting any kind of interrupt outside of their current stuns / cc locks in a pvp setting, do that and a trooper can wear the best armour and potentially do anything that they want to, whereas every other class is missing at least something.


SO, to put an idea forward (something that WOW uses, to reasonable effect) is to alter the stun to also act as an interrupt in PVE settings, still subject to the same cooldowns but allowing them the ability to last-chance interrupt if things go south? so where the stun is useless against a boss, it now doubles as your interrupt (similar to a paladins hammer of justice, being a key PVP stun, and in PVE acting as a interrupt, but on a 1 minute timer).


then again i don't know how much better in other areas a commando is over a vanguard, so i can't comment whether that'd make it overpowered in pve and whether something else would have to give to compensate..

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actually, that's the exact point of your post, troopers as a baseline don't get a interrupt, agents as a baseline don't get a knockback, sith warriors as a baseline don't get stun, inquisitors as a baseline can't heal, troopers can get a interrupt if they use the right AC, agents get knockbacks, warriors get a stun if they go juggernaught, inquisitors can heal if they become sorcerors, that's part of the choice of AC in themselves, please don't call people idiots if you cannot comprehend what people are posting correctly.


whilst i can see that theres maybe a need for an interrupt in PVE, i'm thoroughly opposed to troopers getting any kind of interrupt outside of their current stuns / cc locks in a pvp setting, do that and a trooper can wear the best armour and potentially do anything that they want to, whereas every other class is missing at least something.


SO, to put an idea forward (something that WOW uses, to reasonable effect) is to alter the stun to also act as an interrupt in PVE settings, still subject to the same cooldowns but allowing them the ability to last-chance interrupt if things go south? so where the stun is useless against a boss, it now doubles as your interrupt (similar to a paladins hammer of justice, being a key PVP stun, and in PVE acting as a interrupt, but on a 1 minute timer).


then again i don't know how much better in other areas a commando is over a vanguard, so i can't comment whether that'd make it overpowered in pve and whether something else would have to give to compensate..


Even Blizzard understood it's a bad idea and gave Paladins Rebuke, a baseline interupt.

Commandos should imo get an interupt since it's such a vital skill even for PvE.

It could be a melee range one so the Commando would have to sacrifice his range to be able to use it for balance sake.

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I truly hope devs read this post as its very important to PVE 50+ playing. Can we just keep the topic to hard mode and by not having an interrupt, commandos are nearly worthless. Was in hard mode for first time with my guild and felt like re rolling as I won't be able to work these as interrupts are REQUIRED to pass these major bosses.


My suggestion is that you add an interrupt into another ability that only works on npc's. This way there is no balance issue in pvp. It could easily be added into the skill that removes 2 negative effects from a team mate (don't recall the name of the skill)

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It is damn near impossible to kill a gear healer as a commando. we need a interrupt or a mortal strike. its beyond frustrating to just spam dps at a healer while they chain cast heal on themselves. also spare me the "just stun her or knock them back", that only goes so far, try doing that with a full resolve bar pals. Edited by Lantern
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It is damn near impossible to kill a gear healer as a commando. we need a interrupt or a mortal strike. its beyond frustrating to just spam dps at a healer while they chain cast heal on themselves. also spare me the "just stun her or knock them back", that only goes so far, try doing that with a full resolve bar pals.


This just in, Healers are immune to Stun and Knockback in PVP.




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I can kind of see how bioware was thinking, giving each class 2 out of 3 abilities between knockback, stun and interrupt. Assuming interrupt is also affected by resolve in pvp(is it?)then it was purely from a pvp balance stand point.


Unfortunately I originally posted this to shed light on the huge disAdvantage this causes commandos dps specs in pve content. Maybe I didn't specify it clearly enough.


The best work around to this as suggested would be to add a interrupt component to an already existing commando ability on a short timer. Sticky grenade is an viable option, being on a 15 second cool down, however it shares cool downs with assault plastique? Which would cause a dps loss for assault specs.


A more viable option would be field aid as suggested. It's on a 10 second timer, maybe adding a talent or passive ability which adds a interrupt component. The coding would have to be changed so you can target npc enemies with it though.


The simplest option would probably be for a new interrupt ability, something along the lines of

Disruptive shot

Cool down: 10-15 seconds

Cost: 1 ammo

Effect: interrupts cast or channeled abilities

Only affects npcs.

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So uh, basically what the title says?


I've leveled up as Combat Medic so I never really needed it, but how did Bioware not give gunnery/assault spec some type of interrupt?


I noticed it last night during Hard Mode Esseless when our group (Vanguard tank/Jedi Shadow/Commando Gunnery/Combat Medic) wiped 10 times to Iron Fist because we only had 2 interrupts.


Finally replaced the commando dps with a Vanguard Assault dps and we 2 shot the boss. Soooo why do vanguards get an interrupt and not commando?


We only have two classes with interrupt on team and we down him every night...

I wouldnt say no to an interrupt though. But we already get two knockbacks and a stun.

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Whoops, gave them a full resolve bar and now you can't interupt, stun or do anything but attack them. Oh you're trying to DPS them? Looks like they interupted you between heals.


Yep, resolve doesn't prevent interrupts. Yet another reason why commandos not having one is insane.

Edited by depth_mil
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Yep, resolve doesn't prevent interrupts. Yet another reason why commandos not having one is insane.


If Resolve does not prevent interrupts then I see no reason why Commando dps specs do not have one.


From a pvp balance stand point Interrupt does not belong in the same category of ability as knockback and stun if it isn't affected by resolve.


From a pve stand point it hurt does not hurt another class if we had one, it would only make group composition easier.

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So if I'm to understand this correctly, people think that every class should have some kind of stun or interrupt. What I'm basically hearing is you don't want to have to think about group composition for fights, and you just want to lolfaceroll things. No, no this wouldn't be good. We have cryo grenade, we have concussion blast, and we have a CC. We don't need a stun too. Your group should think about its composition before hand. You trade off higher average damage for one less interrupt.
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"LFG hardmodes need 2 dps, not commandos, sorry you dont have an interrupt."


yep looks like the pugstars are helping the cause.


dunno ive actually ran quite a few tank+3commando hardmodes with guildies lately. so a non issue for me. but it is unsettling seeing this in general.

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We only have two classes with interrupt on team and we down him every night...

I wouldnt say no to an interrupt though. But we already get two knockbacks and a stun.


but doesnt everybody else get like 3 stuns, 1 knockback, 1 interrupt and 1 dash/stealth/jump?!

Edited by Secured
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Agents/Smugglers don't have a baseline knockback. Every other class has. Just sayin'.

Warriors/Knights don't have a baseline stun. Every other class has. Just sayin'.


Dude u kidding me right?i have a gunslinger alt which is 24lvl and i have 5ccs.commando have the cryo bomb and Concussion Charge only.

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So if I'm to understand this correctly, people think that every class should have some kind of stun or interrupt. What I'm basically hearing is you don't want to have to think about group composition for fights, and you just want to lolfaceroll things. No, no this wouldn't be good. We have cryo grenade, we have concussion blast, and we have a CC. We don't need a stun too. Your group should think about its composition before hand. You trade off higher average damage for one less interrupt.



not everyone class must have that but when i m playing against sith inquisitors or sorcerors dont remember which class they are and i m trying to heal myself and getting interupted every 3 secs that isnt fair also because i have only 1 think to do to him and he can remove it +reactive shield is bugged and when u put point on combat healing that prevents interupts still ppl can interupt me.

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So if I'm to understand this correctly, people think that every class should have some kind of stun or interrupt. What I'm basically hearing is you don't want to have to think about group composition for fights, and you just want to lolfaceroll things. No, no this wouldn't be good. We have cryo grenade, we have concussion blast, and we have a CC. We don't need a stun too. Your group should think about its composition before hand. You trade off higher average damage for one less interrupt.



Yes that's what I'm saying. And quoting BioWare "Group composition will be flexible for content", makes interrupts even more crucial for pve.


Warcraft had the same issue where certain classes were sat out for pve content because they lacked an interrupt for certain boss mechanics. Are we to assume Bioware won't do the same? Their track record so far shows otherwise.


The second part of your post is pvp oriented. Neither of our 3 current "utility" abilities have any use on pve boss fights, and I already suggested having commando interrupt be PvE only.


I will agree that commando's don't need a pvp interrupt. That argument will be for another day.

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I've never found myself needing an interrupt in my leveling experience whatsoever. I have a level 50 sage, (who has bucketloads of CC on a short cd, as people well know) and my commando is 43 and has done some grouping content.


There are a few flashpoints where not interrupting means a wipe, but it's very rare not to have a class that can interrupt in your group. I think the trade-off of how much damage my commando is capable of doing from range combined with our uncharacteristic tanky skills and emergency cool-downs more than makes up for a lack of an interrupt.


In solo PvE, I've yet to run into a problem with Cryo nade/Stockstrike (with the knock-back effect)/charged blast can't handle. In fact, I frequently solo champs I come across far easier than I could have on my sage.


I've never been denied/seen someone denying my class from a flashpoint just because I don't have a solid interrupt. Anyone that would either has 3 commandos already or are of the same unnecessarily extreme hardcore variety as the "You can only join if you have 400 biochem" people.

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