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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Ordered it by the 9th because I needed to wait until Christmas. I only got to play the last weekend beta, so I wanted to make sure. I've bought A LOT of p2p games and never played past the one month of free time. I even tried WoW, multiple times even, but just couldn't get into it.


After playing that weekend beta I made the choice to finally purchase the game, but I needed to wait a little while to get the cash. It's Christmas season afterall. I didn't know about the delayed access at the time.


I'm hoping this will be the first game I stick with beyond the first month.

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I preordered on the 3rd. I learned after playing MMOs since UO in 1997 to just take these things in stride. You'll get in, you'll have fun, you'll level 50. A year from now no one's gonna care or possibly even remember who got in on the 13th and who got in on the 19th. And a few of 13th players will have rerolled a half dozen new toons since then or even quit the game.


I'm still enjoying Skyrim until I get my invite. :)

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I wonder if we could bring a complaint to the the FTC and various state legal agencies about the misleading ads that EA had put up about the early access. As many of the posts complaining about the staggered releases state, people have been expecting to play much sooner than what is actually turning out to be the case. The FTC has in the past fine companies for such practices, though it has mainly been for false pricing. I personally don't see the difference between "up to 5 days early" and misleading "light" or "diet" food products.


I suppose that I'm just really bored and want to play badly. But still, waiting this long is not making me any happier or less bored.

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I pre ordered the CE that day gamestop let us, knew nothing of the code or staggered access until the 9th, showed up to gamestop was given a pre-order code for the standard edition.... I hate you gamestop...


The pre-order code has nothing to do with the version of the game you bought.

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I wonder if we could bring a complaint to the the FTC and various state legal agencies about the misleading ads that EA had put up about the early access. As many of the posts complaining about the staggered releases state, people have been expecting to play much sooner than what is actually turning out to be the case. The FTC has in the past fine companies for such practices, though it has mainly been for false pricing. I personally don't see the difference between "up to 5 days early" and misleading "light" or "diet" food products.


I suppose that I'm just really bored and want to play badly. But still, waiting this long is not making me any happier or less bored.


This has nothing to do with ordering in December. Please go away.

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I wonder if we could bring a complaint to the the FTC and various state legal agencies about the misleading ads that EA had put up about the early access. As many of the posts complaining about the staggered releases state, people have been expecting to play much sooner than what is actually turning out to be the case. The FTC has in the past fine companies for such practices, though it has mainly been for false pricing. I personally don't see the difference between "up to 5 days early" and misleading "light" or "diet" food products.


I suppose that I'm just really bored and want to play badly. But still, waiting this long is not making me any happier or less bored.


Have fun with that. See, the problem here is that your "expectations" don't figure into this equation. They plainly stated that we play "up to" five days early. That, to me, says that I have no right to "expect" to play more than one minute on Dec 19th.


People and their expectations make me laugh. BW and their team of attorneys have this covered, trust me.

Edited by Monadnock
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We will all be in Tomorrow last wave or Friday at the latest.


Lets hope, "Up to 5 days" still means Up to.


But i'll be playing this game for months and months so those few days wont hurt hahahahha.

But as a true lover to this game, the sooner the better.

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The way I currently see the waves tomorrow will be something like this;


Wave 1 - Up to around 25th October


Wave 2 - Up to around 17th November


Wave 3 - Rest of November and maybe December 1st


Wave 4 - The rest of December


This is just a estimate on how many they let in today, they could let everyone in on the first 1 or 2 waves, or maybe just October, you never know. Don't expect to be in tomorrow. I think We will all be in by the end of Friday either way.

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Dec. 8th for me, judging by how many they got through today, I imagine I will get in tomorrow. They got through ALL of August, ALL of September (though it was light), and into October today. I don't see why they couldn't get through ALL of october, november and MAYBE december, because it was prob. the lightest month.
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The way I currently see the waves tomorrow will be something like this;


Wave 1 - Up to around 25th October


Wave 2 - Up to around 17th November


Wave 3 - Rest of November and maybe December 1st


Wave 4 - The rest of December


This is just a estimate on how many they let in today, they could let everyone in on the first 1 or 2 waves, or maybe just October, you never know. Don't expect to be in tomorrow. I think We will all be in by the end of Friday either way.


I can safely say that I "expect" to be playing on December 20th.

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Silly me '

Ordered on dec 3 and had the feeling i bought it somewhere in november

I guess reciepts do fill a purpose

Weekend access would be nice but playing Anarchy Online back in the days really taught me that patience is a virtue

*leans back and waits for the next 18h spawnmob to pop

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Silly me '

Ordered on dec 3 and had the feeling i bought it somewhere in november

I guess reciepts do fill a purpose

Weekend access would be nice but playing Anarchy Online back in the days really taught me that patience is a virtue

*leans back and waits for the next 18h spawnmob to pop


Wow, I remember Dynabosses! AO was so much fun.

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I think it's rational to expect pre-orders spiked up again in Nov and Dec due to the beta test and last minute shoppers. So I think it's a bit irrational to think just because they got through two months of pre-orders today, everyone else is getting in tomorrow. I think it's completely rational to expect everyone in by the day after tomorrow though (Friday).



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The way I currently see the waves tomorrow will be something like this;


Wave 1 - Up to around 25th October


Wave 2 - Up to around 17th November


Wave 3 - Rest of November and maybe December 1st


Wave 4 - The rest of December


This is just a estimate on how many they let in today, they could let everyone in on the first 1 or 2 waves, or maybe just October, you never know. Don't expect to be in tomorrow. I think We will all be in by the end of Friday either way.


This is just about right on with my estimate based on today's entries. BioWare REALLY ramped up today's entries due to how much pressure they were under from the community (anyone who thinks it was the original plan is an idiot)

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Wow they finally fixed it so I can post.:) December 11 here. Starting to care less and less about it everyday... But then again I have the terrible taint of xmas shopping to preoccupy me.


Anyone want to start a December based guild so we get to play with some people we know?:D

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