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Everything posted by Edavthrawn

  1. now now, let's not let historical accuracy get in the way of brotherhood. No good revolutionary would allow that anyway!
  2. Head nod, very slightly, can't beat that, don't even want too, in fact, i'm so tired...yawn
  3. Man, I didn't even get under my covers last night...i laid down, said I'd do it later...naaaaah
  4. Hmm, the Sithkill Butchers ride tonight? Ah, I'm too lazy to make any more jokes.
  5. Any Decemberians or Decemberists like the band, The Decemberists? Eh? hmm? Oh, who cares, I have some hot pockets around here somewhere.
  6. Well, I've avioded that, but not the Weetabix dancing bears cereal commercial...i just want to give those bears lightsabers.
  7. Woah, just found this forum yesterday. I've been asleep for hours. Have they let us in yet? I just couldn't bring myself to check my email...I had hot pockets to nuke, you know.
  8. Keeping it positive...Bioware is a lot more competent than the US congress!
  9. December 11th here! Maybe I'll get in on the 21st for really early access. I'm firing up the steaks and the PBR to be ready!
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