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This game has more performance-issues than any MMO ever.


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Wow didnt drop my FPS in random-areas by 50% oder 90% while the CPU is only adressed by 50%,

WOW didnt cause my CPU Heat going to 100 degrees celcius just after downloading a patch,

WoW didnt lag the **** out off battlegroundservers when they integrated battlegrounds when FPS and MS are both high/low,

WoW as a didn´t make my pc reboot or hardcrash in any of the 7 years I´ve played it,

WoW didn´t came out in 2004 with a game-engine that was designed in 1994, like SWTors Hero-Engine is from 1990/2000.


Actually, WoW did all of that to people. Maybe youll shut yer trap and realize that you probably have other things running the morass of crap that is Windows that conflict with SWTOR and cause those problems for you.


But i assure you:


People had serious FPS issues on WoW in random areas - and STILL DO.


WoW causes low end CPU's to heat up. You can FEEL the heat coming off my wife's laptop when it has to kick into high gear for WoW.


Battlegrounded servers, when they were first implemented, crashed hourly, lagged horribly, and caused character rollbacks for almost a month. Good times.


WoW might not have made YOUR PC CTD or reboot - but it certainly has done those things to millions of others.


And WoW's engine was developed between 1998 and 2000 - since it ran on a modified version of Warcraft III's engine.


FYI, The HERO engine gets updated regularly - the newest update was just released and it now natively supports UNIX and a host of new features. Yes, Bioware will have to take time to integrate the new engine parts into their (by now very heavily modified) version of HERO, but .. hey, you know, work on engines rarely stops.

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In the beginning, WoW's servers went down so often they gave their customers days and days of additional playtime to make up for it. TOR's servers haven't went down once (that I'm aware of) except for scheduled maintenance.


I'm pretty critical of BioWare and TOR, but initial game polish and stability is one thing they have done well with this MMO. Especially when you consider just how much content there is to polish. No other MMO (most video games in general) don't have to contend with the sheer number of cinematic dialogue scenes present in TOR, yet this game had possibly the smoothest launch in MMO history.




Forgot about that! I had so many free days on my account back then, that it sent my billing date from 1st of the month to the last week of the month.....I didn't notice till I got a couple of unauthorised overdraft fines. Most expensive "free days" ever! >.<

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WoW had a lot of issues at release, but they were gameplay and server related. The WoW client was a lot more stable than the SWTOR client.


And yet my wife and I, and my guild, have no such client side issues.

I guess they like us more than you since it cannot be an issue on your end.

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There was battleground in WoW when it launch, jsut another prove that you were never there at launch


Stop trolling please.


...hahahah... haha.. ha...








wait.. you're serious?


Now who's trolling.


There were no BG's at launch. Going to Blizzard's own website and looking back at the patch notes is hard.

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Forgot about that! I had so many free days on my account back then, that it sent my billing date from 1st of the month to the last week of the month.....I didn't notice till I got a couple of unauthorised overdraft fines. Most expensive "free days" ever! >.<


I did too..I even remember on our server all players went on purpose to the same to spot to get the server crashed. It worked every time we tried. It was fun though, but really in the beginning it was either endless queues or crashed servers.


Still I have very fond memories of those days. People were not so spoiled back then with games and just enjoyed even if not everything was working out. Nowadays people start to scream if they see one wrong texture.

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Surprisingly, this is the first time I've had almost 0 technical issues while playing an mmo, or any computer game. LOTRO was terrible for technical issues, stuttering, etc...


The only technical issue I got here is that the text in the UI/chat window gets kinda fuzzy sometimes.

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Wow didnt drop my FPS in random-areas by 50% oder 90% while the CPU is only adressed by 50%,

WOW didnt cause my CPU Heat going to 100 degrees celcius just after downloading a patch,

WoW didnt lag the **** out off battlegroundservers when they integrated battlegrounds when FPS and MS are both high/low,

WoW as a didn´t make my pc reboot or hardcrash in any of the 7 years I´ve played it,

WoW didn´t came out in 2004 with a game-engine that was designed in 1994, like SWTors Hero-Engine is from 1990/2000.


In WoW, Cataclysm, a guildie upgraded his machine to an awesome i7 system with bells and whistles, only to find WoW ran like crap and crashed a lot. He is playing SWToR on that same rig smooth as a nut. Swings and roundabouts my friend. Your experience is not everyones.

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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...


never ever have I read that many complains about fps/ rig-stability, overall-performance or insufficient hardware where one is much above average system requirements in any MMO-forums the way I do now in SWTOR.


This clearly sends a message to the devs (and the hero-engine based on an 1999/200*-design, too).


Sorry for the bad english-


I'm going to have to say,



2. shill

3. Blizzard employ. ( they have been know to troll other MMOs forums )

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Wow didnt drop my FPS in random-areas by 50% oder 90% while the CPU is only adressed by 50%,

WOW didnt cause my CPU Heat going to 100 degrees celcius just after downloading a patch,

WoW didnt lag the **** out off battlegroundservers when they integrated battlegrounds when FPS and MS are both high/low,

WoW as a didn´t make my pc reboot or hardcrash in any of the 7 years I´ve played it,

WoW didn´t came out in 2004 with a game-engine that was designed in 1994, like SWTors Hero-Engine is from 1990/2000.


WoW did all of these things and did them for months after the game was released and most of us were ok with it as we knew it would be fixed and it was.


this is the best advice for you. Go Play WoW, and all your problems will be solved.

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Forgot about that! I had so many free days on my account back then, that it sent my billing date from 1st of the month to the last week of the month.....I didn't notice till I got a couple of unauthorised overdraft fines. Most expensive "free days" ever! >.<


I was once charged $35 ( in over draft fees ) for a bottle of water.

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Complaints aren't "unfounded" when thousands of users are having problems with poor performance due to a poorly optimized engine. Knock off the fanboy garbage for two seconds and acknowledge that this game has pretty severe technical issues.


Not being a fanboy:


thousands (maybe even tens of thousands) of people having problems against almost 2 million people playing. It's not a large number, as a percentage of the player base. It's a *********** NIGHTMARE as a coder trying to track down why your software works perfectly on machines 1-1,000,000, but machine 1,000,001 has a problem with it. There are so many variables in Windows-land that its impossible to code for all possibilities.


also, the problem isn't the engine itself. It's a conflict somewhere on the machine side that is interfering with performance. I have a relatively beefy computer (Westmere Hexacore Xeon @ 3.06 Ghz; Radeon 5870, 12GB of fast DDR3, fully buffered RAM) and i run the game with zero issues of any kind. I dont get framerate drops in any place but Fleet (with 300+ people on the fleet). I dont experience framerate drops in Warzones. I have never -ONCE- experienced this ability lag that people claim is rampant. I have had high-res textures since the game launched, both in-game and in cutscenes. The only time i didn't was in the last two builds of beta.


Now we compare that to my friend who has a very similar computer, power-wise. (an i5 of some variety, newer Radeon 6890, 8GB of RAM - we even have the same Intel MoBo chipset). We're both running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Here's the only real difference between our machines:


Mine is a MacPro. I dont run Windows as my day-to-day OS. I only boot into Windows to run SWTOR, pretty much (and a few other game that havent made their way to MacoS that i care to play). His is a Windows machine, through and through. Custom parts, custom built (by his brother, who is an IT professional and knows his stuff, so build quality is not suspect), and it's his primary OS.


It's gummed up with crap running in the background, random software installs for who knows what and why... mine is not, because i only ever install things required to run the few games i boot into Windows for.


and he experiences ALL of these problems.


The problem isn't the engine itself, it's one of the innumerable variables of crap running in the background of the average Windows machine that is causing some kind of conflict. It's not happening to everyone, even people with IDENTICAL hardware. Ergo, it's not the engine, inherently. There's some other kind of FUBAR going on, and until the guys at Bioware can go through thousands of logs and track downe very possible third-party thing that might be installed in Windows and code around it, **** happens. Hell, it might even be obsolescent Direct X installs, old DLL's that didnt get purged or kernel extensions that mistakenly didn't get updated. I had that problem recently when trying to run Jedi Academy - there was a legacy DirectX 9 .dll that interfered with the newest, updated (Win-7 compatible) executable (from Steam) that caused characters to just not display, ever. Couldn't even play the game, until i spent hours tracking downt his one legacy DLL that some people had and some didn't, because one Direct X update installer removed it, but the later update installers didn't, because it was assumed you'd already removed it. Stupid **** like that happens CONSTANTLY.


It's why developers are rapidly shifting game development to consoles and mobile OSes - because walled-garden environments are an order of magnitude easier to program for.

Edited by Noctournys
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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...


never ever have I read that many complains about fps/ rig-stability, overall-performance or insufficient hardware where one is much above average system requirements in any MMO-forums the way I do now in SWTOR.


This clearly sends a message to the devs (and the hero-engine based on an 1999/200*-design, too).


Sorry for the bad english-


I haven't had a single stability issue ever in this game. Not one.

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Thats cuz you didn't tryed vanguard or AoC and your trying to play this game with a realy realy old CPU or GPU.


I do have very rarely FPS problem and I run this game with a 2.4G Duo two-core and a 8800GTX.


My Brother still have few issue with a 9600GT and thats a crappy GPU.

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Wow didnt drop my FPS in random-areas by 50% oder 90% while the CPU is only adressed by 50%,

WOW didnt cause my CPU Heat going to 100 degrees celcius just after downloading a patch,

WoW didnt lag the **** out off battlegroundservers when they integrated battlegrounds when FPS and MS are both high/low,

WoW as a didn´t make my pc reboot or hardcrash in any of the 7 years I´ve played it,

WoW didn´t came out in 2004 with a game-engine that was designed in 1994, like SWTors Hero-Engine is from 1990/2000.


«You know what SWTOR do not have these problem too and I do think your memories of WoW are a bit lacking.

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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...


never ever have I read that many complains about fps/ rig-stability, overall-performance or insufficient hardware where one is much above average system requirements in any MMO-forums the way I do now in SWTOR.


This clearly sends a message to the devs (and the hero-engine based on an 1999/200*-design, too).


Sorry for the bad english-


Again I call shenanigans.. If you were at the Rift launch there were all kinds of people in the technical support forums screaming about performance issues. You obviously did not take part in the first world event.


There are still FPS issues in that game when it comes to major zone events when the zerging happens. Most people are lucky to get single digit FPS.

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I´ve been with WoW from the first day, joined Warhammer, Aion and Rift within release or shortly after, but...


never ever have I read that many complains about fps/ rig-stability, overall-performance or insufficient hardware where one is much above average system requirements in any MMO-forums the way I do now in SWTOR.


This clearly sends a message to the devs (and the hero-engine based on an 1999/200*-design, too).


Sorry for the bad english-


Please put down the *****-pipe, please. You're not sounding rational.

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Complaints regarding performance issues is valid.

I have a gaming stationary PC and a gaming laptop which both experience the problems ToR has with graphical rendering, compared to other, more detailed and demanding games on the market.

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Its strange my game run like crap.


I have poor cpu but good enough to run this and any other game they have made until now, skyrim runs like a champ on everything maxed.


Yet i struggle to have an enjoying gameing session in swtor on medium :eek:


There is something in my pc they forgot to optimize for. What part i have no clue and since only swtor has this issue im not in a hurry to start replaceing parts.


I usaly have 40-50 fps when running and questing alone, but i all to often drop from 60 fps to 20 when takeing one step just to stabilize at 40-50 fps but those radical fps changes freeze my game for 0.3-0.5 sec then runs like normal.


Wz im lucky to get over 20 fps.

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Wow didnt drop my FPS in random-areas by 50% oder 90% while the CPU is only adressed by 50%,

WOW didnt cause my CPU Heat going to 100 degrees celcius just after downloading a patch,

WoW didnt lag the **** out off battlegroundservers when they integrated battlegrounds when FPS and MS are both high/low,

WoW as a didn´t make my pc reboot or hardcrash in any of the 7 years I´ve played it,

WoW didn´t came out in 2004 with a game-engine that was designed in 1994, like SWTors Hero-Engine is from 1990/2000.




That's funny because I remember wow doing all these things at release.


Random crashes, random freezes, couple BSOD's due to video drive issues, falling through the world, loot bugs, unfinished talent trees, unfinished quest lines the list goes on.


To this day WOW was by far one of the worst and buggiest game releases I have participated. They have managed to absolutely dominate the field since then but that's after 7 years of development.


Anyone that actually played WoW at release knows it was buggy as hell and you're just lying if you think otherwise.

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That's funny because I remember wow doing all these things at release.


Random crashes, random freezes, couple BSOD's due to video drive issues, falling through the world, loot bugs, unfinished talent trees, unfinished quest lines the list goes on.


To this day WOW was by far one of the worst and buggiest game releases I have participated. They have managed to absolutely dominate the field since then but that's after 7 years of development.


Anyone that actually played WoW at release knows it was buggy as hell and you're just lying if you think otherwise.


Didt Eu release a while after Na? im unsure as i was busy in L2 when wow hit the field and didt play it befor 3 months befor BC hit.


But i think i read that Eu got it later then Na and that might be reason why we see some had tons of issue with wow on release while others didt.

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falling through the world...


At launch? Hell I had that last time I played. I also remember before they revamped the world, if you Hearthed to UC, occasionally you'd end up in One Thousand Kneedles, floating in the air, with all the UC NPCs around. This was in Wrath.



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Complaints regarding performance issues is valid.

I have a gaming stationary PC and a gaming laptop which both experience the problems ToR has with graphical rendering, compared to other, more detailed and demanding games on the market.


Complaints regarding performance, sure.


But trying to pass all the blame on to Bioware alone is just stupid.


It's not the engine - too many people - dozens of them that i know - have had zero issues of any kind. Some more that i know HAVE had issues - and they ahve the same hardware as people who dont.


Ergo, it's not the engine. It's something else going on in the background. Yes, Bioware needs to do what it can to find the culprit and fix it or code around it or at least say "hey, if you have this running it will gut your performance in our game", but put the blame where it should be. There's plenty of space.

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complaints aren't "unfounded" when thousands of users are having problems with poor performance due to a poorly optimized engine. Knock off the fanboy garbage for two seconds and acknowledge that this game has pretty severe technical issues.



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