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Level V Light (or Dark) Side


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I have a Bounty Hunter that has made mostly Light Side choices. He has Light Side 10,000 points and Dark Side 950. So he is net LS 9050 and LS level IV. However now, any additional light side conversation choices I make seem to have no effect on his alignment. Am I barred from ever making it to LS level V because I made a few dark side choices?
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As you make more Light side choices, your Dark side points will be reduced, until you have 0 Dark side points...giving you 10k Light alignment and Light V.


Are you sure that is the case? Because I'm stuck at Light 9950 with 50 Dark Side points and I've gotten around 300 Light Side points today but my Alignment has not moved.

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As you make more Light side choices, your Dark side points will be reduced, until you have 0 Dark side points...giving you 10k Light alignment and Light V.


Wrong, if you make light side choices your stuck with the light side points, they are just deducted from your total Dark Side points. Though I did not know that you won't be able to hit Dark V!


This saddens me greatly...

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Wrong, if you make light side choices your stuck with the light side points, they are just deducted from your total Dark Side points. Though I did not know that you won't be able to hit Dark V!


This saddens me greatly...


I'm not too sure about this; I havent experienced it myself, but People have posted before wondering how their opposite alignment points went away as they exclusively followed one alignment.


For the OP, have you actually finished the quests where you made the decision, or are you basing it on having made the choice?

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ok to clear this up as people seem confused.


You gain Light Side points for your choices when you choose light side

You gain Dark Side points for your choices when you choose Dark side


your character has a sliding scale of points, this scale will slide towards dark or light depending on your choices


if you choose light for 100 points, then dark for 100 points, you will end up with the following


your light points will say = 100

your dark points will say = 100

but your character will be neutral = 0


you can go to Dark V and then if you want go all the way to Light V should you want, although it would take a while. Just to be clear if you did this, you would end up with the following


your Light points will say = 20000

your Dark points will say = 10000

your character will say Light V = 10000

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ok to clear this up as people seem confused.


You gain Light Side points for your choices when you choose light side

You gain Dark Side points for your choices when you choose Dark side


your character has a sliding scale of points, this scale will slide towards dark or light depending on your choices


if you choose light for 100 points, then dark for 100 points, you will end up with the following


your light points will say = 100

your dark points will say = 100

but your character will be neutral = 0


you can go to Dark V and then if you want go all the way to Light V should you want, although it would take a while. Just to be clear if you did this, you would end up with the following


your Light points will say = 20000

your Dark points will say = 10000

your character will say Light V = 10000


Yep but the problem is that 10,000 is the limit for keeping track of light or dark points ... and the light/dark V require you to have 10,000 running points in that direction. So your example of having 20,000 LS points can't happen, it will be capped at 10,000.


So if you have any dark side points at all you can't ever get light V, and the same if you have any light side points you can't ever get dark V.

Edited by shama
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I sure hope you can reduce one side over another. I know with my current Level IV Dark side Sith I accidentally miss-clicked on one quest and I'm forever stuck with 50 light side points.


Come on BW, give us an official answer! Plus a future patch that lets you remove any points you wish.

Edited by JaltuStele
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Once you have a dark/light side points they cannot be undone. If you get 100 dark side points and you are going for light side points you cannot undo your dark side points, they will be there for ever. This has been discussed by the devs.
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Light V here. I had 10000 light points and 300 dark points prior to getting light V, and when I completed a mission which gave me 100 light side points, instead of light points going to 10100 as one would expect, I lost 100 dark side points.


Therefore it is true that we can reduce points of one alignment (dark in my case) but ONLY IF the alignment you are going for(light in my case) is capped at 10000.

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Sometimes, if it seems you are stuck, it might help to make an opposing alignment choice before going back to your regularly chosen alignment. I've heard this working for some people, and I've recommended it to several people, but, unfortunately, most people who have tried this apparently don't come back to the forums to say whether it worked or not.
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Dark V here, your total alignment can never surpass 10 000, So lets say you got 8000 light and 2000 dark, you make a LS choice which nets you 100 LS points which gives you 8100 LS and 1900 DS


thx, that pretty much makes it crystalclear

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had 950 LS points and 9950 DS points, completed a quest and got to Dark V -- all of my LS points dissappeared, and choosing all LS dialogue since then has not budged it from Dark V. I don't know for sure if it will keep doing that, but for now it's DS 10k, LS 0 no matter what I do.


Now, I didn't actually look at the DS total, so it was probably 10950 DS points before the last quest kicked it over to Dark V, but it still doesn't add up to 0 on the LS side so I'm not sure what's up.




After a few more quests, it DOES go down from Dark V to Dark IV. My new total is 9900 DS and 100 LS points, for a Dark IV result.


Hope that clears this up for anyone reading this far in the thread.

Edited by ShannaRZ
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I'm at 10,000 DS points and also have around 150-250 LS pts. Until I reached DS V with a net point value of -10000, it just deducted the LS points from my DS total. Since reaching DS V my meter now reads 0 LS and 10000 DS with neither alignment choice affecting me any longer.
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I'm at 10,000 DS points and 900 LS points.

When I get +DS points, it deducts it from my LS point total.

Eventually, when my LS point total reachs 0, I'll be Darkside 5.



Are there repeateble quests for ligth / dark side reputation??


Farm flashpoints.

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Are there repeateble quests for ligth / dark side reputation??


There are.


Easiest one to repeat is the first flashpoint Esseless or Black Talon. When you're level 30+ you can pretty much oneshot kill all the level 10 elites in there and complete it in less than10 minutes for 200 alignment points as often as you want

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I'm presently at 10,000 LS points and have no DS points. However, while leveling Diplomacy, I somehow misclicked the missions and ended up with 200-something DS points. However, upon reaching the 10,000 magic number, all of the DS points had been erased.
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