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  1. Many people would tend to agree that loot distribution is currently bad. Master Loot is pointless unless you're using loot council or DKP because /roll is missing and it causes loot to go missing Group Loot gives a lot of groups headaches because they loot the boss/chest and press "Take Everything" thus prompting a roll for every item which can cause some grief if two of the same token drop with a chance of the same person winning both tokens. The solution is simple, Loot one item at a time with group loot thus prompting a roll for one item at a time. Make sure the one looting the boss doesn't have auto loot enabled.
  2. Maybe yours bugged because when I sell or fail to sell something I get my entire deposit back, sold Columi Implant yesterday and put it up for 200k, deposit was 20k, received 220k when it had sold.
  3. Is this a standard practice on a lot of servers? this is the first time I've seen it.
  4. Earlier today I was on Ilum and it was the usually story of republic base hugging, Like usual the empire as far away as possible to avoid the one shot cannons, suddenly I noticed an Electrical storm in the middle of our raid and I wondered where it came from, I looked up and saw two Sorcerers and a Sniper standing on the walls. http://i.imgur.com/pbkPo.jpg I and a few others charged up to them and was immediately knocked downed which ended up with us either dying or having 20% health left. Second time we charged up and managed to stay up there and kill them. http://i.imgur.com/EbsFA.jpg Is this possible without a teleportation hack or similair? if yes, would this fall in the exploit category?
  5. I know this will sound strange but have the healer and tank stand at the Red force field and the two dps on each button. For some reason Bulwark uses his high hitting ability on people standing where Bulwark is facing before you engage him so by not having anyone stand there you will breeze through the fight. I have no idea why this works but you should seriously try it.
  6. I have also noticed this, it's especially noticeable in first-person view. I don't find this to be a game breaker but wouldn't' mind if it was fixed.
  7. I don't have any evidence that taunts nets you 110% threat but I can tell you this, I've been add tank on the Kintan boss in Karagga's palace, just standing there and waiting for the adds to spawn and not hitting the boss, our main tank died during enrage at 50%, I taunted the boss and held it for the rest of the fight with no threat issue. Just work Taunt into your rotation while main tanking and you will NEVER lose aggro.
  8. During beta I think Rakata Adrenals/stims/medpac were supposed to drop from Operations and/or FP HM, They scrapped the idea and made them learn able from trainer (Check the schematic you got, it has the same name as one you've already learned or you haven't learned from trainer.)
  9. I agree with most of these except a few. 1. Tank threat is a non issue, Taunting an enemy nets you 110% threat and and if you still can't keep aggro then you're doing something wrong and/or you got dps guardians/vanguards/shadows with threat stance on. 2. Smoke Bomb damage reduction is (problably) impossible to calculate, The server always calculate whether an attack is a hit or miss THEN it calculates the damage. 3. Just cut out Blitz incapacitation part and the ability is good go. 4. Supercommando PvE is indeed itemized for accuracy but another issue is that the Columi set grants Absorb rating while Rakata grants defense instead, defense is the weakest stat for Vanguard tank.
  10. Only vanguards gets interrupt. same with Bounty Hunters Powertech This is false, Interupts are instant on key press but you have to set Ability Queue Window to 0.0
  11. Trooper interrupt is instant on key press, it's just the animation that is slower, There are a few imbalances between the mirror classes but they're are not as extreme or plentiful as people think. Edit: ability delay can be reduced by some extent by reducing the Ability Queue Window to 0.0
  12. Dark V here, your total alignment can never surpass 10 000, So lets say you got 8000 light and 2000 dark, you make a LS choice which nets you 100 LS points which gives you 8100 LS and 1900 DS
  13. I would like to see macros implemented but I think bioware should restrict what the macros can and can't do. Macros that would improve quality of life but not make it a one button game. Mouse over healing macros for healers Activating Relic and dps/heal cooldowns with a single button press instead of three. Bad macros are pretty much the ones that involve cast sequences I currently have 30 buttons keybinded(http://i43.tinypic.com/r1davq.jpg) I'd like to free up some of them.
  14. Corruscant commendation vendor has the same old weapon with a red, blue or green crystal in it. Looking at the Alignment vendors they have boots and gloves with matching names while the Chest, Pants, Hat are all data mined, why aren't these things implemented? I find more and more things not actually implemented in this game that were announced and talked about.
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