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Bowdaar Is A Bad Tank: Proof!


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Look at his stats.


When I looked at his stats for defense shield doesn't even show up even though he was equipped with a nice purple shield my guardian made him. Also if I remember right his offensive stats were showing AIM as his high stat even though he was being outfitted with tanking gear.


I'm pretty sure he's just fundamentally broken - like they have the wrong base stats programmed for him.


I'm going to recheck when I get home from work but for a melee tank, the stats don't even show up like they do for my Guardian. As though they aren't there or aren't being used.


Please everyone open a ticket - so our squeaky wheels can get greased.


EDIT: Also it's possible, based on reading this thread, that he's not broken for everyone or not always broken. He is definitely broken for my Scoundrel who is going up the middle tree (the sneaky tree, I forget what it's called).



I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, but are you implying that Aim gear is not tanking gear?

You understand the Troopers and Bounty Hunters both tank with aim gear, right? So you can find aim gear with defense on them.

Qyzen Fess, the Consular companion, also uses Aim and is a melee tank. Scorpio, the Imperial Agent robot, also uses aim and is a melee tank.


I apologize ahead of time, if I did misunderstand you.

Edited by Faolon
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I am going with the Wookie over Corso... it is a tough decision and sort of expensive since it takes a fair amount of gear purchased. I am a Gunslinger Sab and it is better I figure to have a companion that holds aggro in a group instead of pulling one to them with a harpoon. Confess that the Wookie does take their fair share of rug naps, but it seems like it is getting better as I hit 30... we shall see...


If I could gear both, that would be the answer ::shrug::

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Corso is pure tank


He does decent damage and even has a "sniper sight" form to make him damage and has almost the same exact damage capabilities (except he's ranged to target switching is faster). Overall he's as much damage as Bowdaar.


The only difference should be that Bowdaar is melee and I think it is, in a way. A lot of enemies do damage areas around themselves, ranged enemies have extra damage abilities in melee range, and melee enemies can only attack when in melee range so while Corso stands back pulling a guy at a time toward him Bowdaar charges in and gets blown up.


I use Bowdaar because I like him more and since I'm a healer I don't have trouble keeping him alive for the most part, but he doesn't seem to be doing any more damage than Corso.

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I agree with the original poster and thank you for an entertaining post. It accurately explained the same problems I'm having with Bowdaar and made me laugh. I'm only level 35 and I don't have the best gear on him but all his gear is current to my level although its green. So is Corso and yet he can certainly tank better or perhaps I should say he can take damage better than Bowdaar.


For a Wookie that's been fighting as a slave for over 100 years and is undefeated he flat out sucks. Such a big reputation and so little in performance, what a let down. Of course I haven't put him on the shelf yet because everyone has a soft spot for wookies. :)

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I think this is related to the current bug where shields and defense stat are not actualy working against almost all attacks.



But I agree, Risha and Akaavi in good gear dominate.


Im personaly using Akaavi right now in the full dps pvp set for level 40 and shes walking through and over everything.


Bowdaar is a better Multi-target tank then Corso but Corso is better single target and has the advantage of a pull and ranged attacks.


Risha is especialy convient since she can get all your hand me downs, same is true for Guss cept hes a healer.



Ive noticed Bowdaar has much better results in DPS mode with pure dps gear though. So you may want to try that as well.

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Ditch Bigfoot.


I've been using Risha ever since I got her. She has not died once, and elites are no longer a problem for my gunslinger. Her 2 minute defense cooldown makes her a surprising good tank, and her DPS makes fights go by much quicker. And nothing is more sexy than roaming the galaxy with a femme fatale at your side. :D


Exactly, that's the whole point of rolling a ********, gunslinging, ladies man. I tried Bowdaar for a level or two. The was dying against even one strong with a few normal mobs. Completely underpowered. I hope they buff the wookie. I mean, aren't they supposed to rip people's arms off?


Oh, loved the rug comment. I bet some Sith here do too hehe :D

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Bowdaar only shines when his gear is as nice, or better, than your main characters.


He isn't a bad tank at all. My Bowdaar absolutely wrecks a group of mobs, and rarely loses aggro ever. Nearly level 40.


Read some of the tips about him posted in these very forums and utilize them.

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Bowdaar only shines when his gear is as nice, or better, than your main characters.


He isn't a bad tank at all. My Bowdaar absolutely wrecks a group of mobs, and rarely loses aggro ever. Nearly level 40.


Read some of the tips about him posted in these very forums and utilize them.




That's the key though, isn't it? Any of the characters would shine with all awesome gear. It's the companion that can use regular old, at-level green gear and still not croak every time you get into battle with a strong.


If I could afford top of the line gear for just my companions every couple of levels, I would do it. Sadly, I am not a very good smuggler. :(

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I was really glad when I got Risha and didn't have to use Corso or Bow anymore. But a few sessions later I realized that C2N2 is a freakin bomb with all the stuff I can build having Cybertech.. Now I'm my own tank.. (playing a Scrapper)

Looking forward to getting Guss.

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Don't know why so many people hate bowie so much ... he is the best companion in the game in my opinion, Combat and Storywise.


I play a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger and used Bowie since I got him on nar shadaa, yes the first time I used him he died really quickly but after I bought him new gear at the GTN he is like the best companion you can get.


I can easily take on a group of 4 mobs and still blow up a group after that without healing up. And I'm not even using bowdaar as a real tank, he is more like an offtank. He has more Strength then Endurance and has Power and Critical Stats on his gear and I use him in his DPS Stance.


Works better then any other Companion. (Would trade every companion from my level 50 Marauder for him).


Maybe you should try him out for more then 5 minutes before you complain about him. All I hear is "Oh bowie died on those 3 elites so he must be totally bad !". Pls show some love for this fine wookiee.


EDIT: Oh and don't just write "I geared him up and he still died." You are not helping anyone here. Maybe you should learn how to use your companions abilities. But that would be to hard for you right?


This isn't a game where you press 3 buttons and let your companion do it all on his own and you took down a flashpoint all on your own. Pls this game needs some skill.

Edited by Trendt
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Did you put defense chance stuff on him?


Like player tanks, shields kind of tend to suck untill you can get the shield chance/absorb amount up in the 30s.


Before then just focus on blues with defense chance. You can get a tank dodging a good 20% of all attacks if you stack defense.

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  • 1 month later...
My sawbones scoundrel is only level 29, but so far, even with my buying at least blues for Bowdaar at his level, Corso seems to work much better for me as a tank. Since on tough mobs I tend to tranq the toughest one, Corso never breaks CC while Bowdaar does all the time. He also seems to need a lot more healing so I can spend less time doing damage. I would much rather run with a Wookie out, but so far I find Corso much better at actually allowing me to complete missions without dying multiple times. Part of this is of course that Corso has mostly orange gear with mods at his level, but even so, his abilities at this level seem to fit my playing style better.
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Such anti-bowie hate in this thread. It's cool, play with the companion you like, I'll stick to Bowie.


Bowdaar as I've got him geared now.


He's not bad at all. Even when I got him on NS. All the way through TT, BM, Quesh, Hoth, Voss... he definately rocked as a companion.


Question. Do you guys ever use keybinds and the Ctrl + num keys for your companion? Do you use LOS to ensure CCs aren't broken?


/shrug. If you like corso or any other companion, then by all means, go with him. I just find it amusing that a companion's "bad" when it just doesn't suit your playstyle.

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Corso is pure tank


Bowdaar is tank/melee dps, not as tanky as Corso, not as much DPS as Risha or Akaavi.


Risha is ranged dps.


Akaavi is melee dps.


Guss is heals.


The problem is you're expecting the guy who's basically a dual spec to tank as well as the guy who does only that. Whether it makes him more or less viable to realize he's supposed to have some DPS use or not is up to your personal style, I suppose.


I traded Corso out for him and had no problems, though that was mostly just because I dislike Corso's 'country charm'. But Bowdaar got thrown on the back burner when I got Risha. I don't need a tank if I have that much DPS.


Yea Corso is the best tank and much better at strategy pulls then any other Companion.

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Such anti-bowie hate in this thread. It's cool, play with the companion you like, I'll stick to Bowie.


Bowdaar as I've got him geared now.


He's not bad at all. Even when I got him on NS. All the way through TT, BM, Quesh, Hoth, Voss... he definately rocked as a companion.


Question. Do you guys ever use keybinds and the Ctrl + num keys for your companion? Do you use LOS to ensure CCs aren't broken?


/shrug. If you like corso or any other companion, then by all means, go with him. I just find it amusing that a companion's "bad" when it just doesn't suit your playstyle.


When damage is not heavy I can use Bowdaar on multiple mobs and Dart the Elite. But you have to make sure he does no AOE around the Dart target Elite.


Corso does much more poorly in mutlple mobs, but can go toe to toe with the Elite.

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Bowdaar does okay, as a scoundrel I can drop a heal on him if need be, but with Corso I rarely have to do even that. Armormech, so keeping myself and Corso geared up is way easier for me.


Just got Risha. Made her some armor. Will probably use her a lot more than either tank anyway.

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My sawbones scoundrel is only level 29, but so far, even with my buying at least blues for Bowdaar at his level, Corso seems to work much better for me as a tank. Since on tough mobs I tend to tranq the toughest one, Corso never breaks CC while Bowdaar does all the time. He also seems to need a lot more healing so I can spend less time doing damage. I would much rather run with a Wookie out, but so far I find Corso much better at actually allowing me to complete missions without dying multiple times. Part of this is of course that Corso has mostly orange gear with mods at his level, but even so, his abilities at this level seem to fit my playing style better.


You can turn off companion powers (and have them stay off), so you can turn off Bowdaar's AoEs, just like Corso's (which may come off by default). Their abilities are almost mirrors of each other, except that Corso obviously has more range on his stuff.


I did a quick test a while back, and without gear, Corso and Bowdaar are virtually identical in stats. So much of their effectiveness is how good you have them geared. I've found that Corso works better with a Scoundrel because he doesn't get in the way and he's more effective with his blaster when you don't want your companion to break your CC. Bowdaar seems more popular with the 'Slinger crowd, who can operate on the fringes while the furball wades into the middle of a fight and keeps attention close to him and away from the gunner.



  • Turn off the companion powers you don't want them to use.
  • Their stats are virtually identical without gear, so the one with better gear is probably better.
  • Bowdaar is a gunslinger tank.
  • Corso can probably work for either advanced class.

Edited by dizzyMongoose
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I'm a healer and my bowdaar never dies, even on Skavak who i had to fight when i was 4 levels (i was lvl 28) beyond him. (still had to interrupt skavak's abilities all the time and flashbang him hoping that it wont be resisted so i can get some rest and recovery)
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I didn't have a problem with bowdaar until I hit about 40. He started dying more and more often and I realized that it had been 15 lvls since I updated his gear. After doing that he tanks much much much better. I'm sure he's not as good as some other tanks but he does all right. Enough for my glass cannon to take care of the enemies.
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I have him geared in almost all blue with implants/earpiece. Pretty easy since str heavy armor gear is plentiful on the AH unlike aim (or med cunning armor).


I'm 26 and he's just alot clunkier to use then Corso despite wanting to like him better.


With Corso I can tranq a mob then initiate combat with Corso harpooning the mob I target away from the cced one.


The Wookie breaks my CC half the time because he rushes up to the mobs and unleashes one of his many AE abilities.

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I too had some troubles with Bowdaar on Tatooine. Then, when I got to Alderaan, he seemed a lot more sturdier. I don't know if it's because I respecced sharpshooter and was killing things faster or what, but it seems like he never dies.


On the other hand, I was less than impressed with Risha, but that's probably a gear issue.

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