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Jedi Knights PvP gear is unacceptably pathetic. Be united against it!


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I have refused to purchase and wear this HORRIBLE EXCUSE for Jedi armor. Ripped the mods out and made an orange piece for my chest. I refuse to look bad while getting run over by the other OP classes. If I'm going to die, I want to look good doing it.


BW please no more Iron Man/space samurai clown suits. Thanks.

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Jedi Knight gear is FUGLY!! It looks like Football gear, or Gladiator armor. When have any of you nonbelievers seen a Jedi dress like that in the movies? Bare minimum of 1 set of Robes/headband could have been offered... Not some bony motorcycle helmet SWAT team gear.


I vote Jedi PvP gear be changed to the CORRECT Jedi style.



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Well.. It´s not just sent pvp gear that looks crap. Every single set looks half finished, across all classes pve and pvp. This is a growing issue and i´m sure it more then contributes to the faction imbalance across servers.


Just look at gunslinger pve sets, their boots have the same graphics as our pvp boots. Their chest model is obtained at lv 20 as a sentinel.

I don´t play a gunslinger, i play a sentinel, but the lack in polish across all the sets makes me worried about future gear on the republic side.


Something is seriously flawed when i on my sent in the late 20´s actually bought a gunslinger chest piece and modded it to fit with stats to get rid of the hood and poorly made animation ( clipping mainly ) on the robe. So im not even using the gear intended for my class and really get out of my way to achieve something thats not really designed for me, is that right?


I´t cant really feel good to be a designer for the republic gear and read all these endless threads, but its a misstake you did at BW, and we are feeling it with the faction imbalance.


Just look at imp´s end game sets and then look at emp´s, anyone would agree theres a serious flaw here. This is really the first MMO ( And i have played em all :p ) that i feel that i choose the wrong faction casue of the GEAR, that sais alot :,(

Edited by fiddesoder
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its all nice to say take out the mods and put it in orange gear?


you dont get the piece bonus with it then!


and it cost about 20k or so 25k to take out 1 centurion mod.


so basically because we have no appearence options,

if you want a different look with the stats u pay for your full suit

probably something like half or a million credits for the mods

after all the grinding also for it,

and as a nice xtra you get to not get the set bonus...


my conviction , need appearence funtion,

no modern mmo should not let you change your appearence...

specially in this case of the jedi champ armor lol

welcome to feudal japan lets play shogun with glowsticks !


so if you look like an idiot, its at least your choosing, with a function!


i guess its like mcdonalds, the burger never looks as good when you eat it

as it is on the picture lol

Edited by ODTONE
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Whats with the rocket pack thing on the back of the JK pvp set.. Im curious what the artists thought of when designing that. For troopers its what holds their guns / cannon.. sooo *** is the purpose for the JK??


Its just that I have never seen an uglier armor set in any MMO ever. Its not only that its ugly, but the design just does not make sense.


The fact that the devs allowed this piece of crap to even make its way to launch makes me worried about the future of this game.


BIOWARE please fire the people responsible for making this crazy ugly mess you call "armor". Its making your players that pay you monthly very angry!

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its all nice to say take out the mods and put it in orange gear?


you dont get the piece bonus with it then!


and it cost about 20k or so 25k to take out 1 centurion mod.


This. The cost is certainly a factor as it would run you roughly $150k to swap the mods to your preferred gear. But the bigger concern is losing the set bonuses that give you a strategic advantage over non-epic geared opponents in PvP.


The reality that has sunk in this week for me as I am in my 40's and have begun making plans for end game is that if you want to be your best at 50 you're going to have to look until the level cap is raised and new gear comes out or new instanced gear is implemented that has a different look with the same or better stats.

Edited by Paralassa
old bad content, so just removing
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I don't mind the Samurai kind of style, they could have actually chosen medieval knights, it's the execution, it looks like a cosplay nerd with lunch pale on his back. How bout some cool blues and silvers since Imps are very black and red, real samurai gear would have been better, how bout futuristic spartan helmet.


Or even simpler put the mods on pvp store and let us buy them separate with commendations and put them in any gear we want without making us pay a fortune to pull them out. If I kill a sith I should be able to pick up his gear as a dark side Jedi, put it on and tea bag his lifeless body.


Oh lastly not every Jedi has to wear a robe of brown or with brown on it, we are a bunch of walking terds.

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ROFL so ugly...hahaha ohhh boy as a jugg (whose gear also doesnt look great) i truly feel sorry for you guys having to run around int his atrocity.


I saw some guradians that looked sweet.. Almost iconic like. I assume thats the lvl 40 pvp armor?

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ROFL so ugly...hahaha ohhh boy as a jugg (whose gear also doesnt look great) i truly feel sorry for you guys having to run around int his atrocity.


I saw some guradians that looked sweet.. Almost iconic like. I assume thats the lvl 40 pvp armor?


Yeah alot of the lower lvl gear looks great. Lots of robes that have the jedi look done well. I personally ripped the mods out of my champion set and put them into an orange set i have been using since lvl 40. I just cannot bring myself to wear that mess they call "armor" haha.

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I'm not sure if any info has been updated in this 50+ page thread but I purchased my first lvl50 PvP armor chest piece last night. What utter and complete goofiness! I love Bioware , but they should be ashamed with that joke of a design in their JK armor...I really wish they were J/K when they put this trash in game. It is by far some of the worst armor I have seen in any game and don't get me started on the wannabe samurai helmet..lol


I really hope they have some plans to address this by adding armor or giving us some sort of better choices.


I have been looking for the 'orange' style armor that Master Zallow and other NPC guardians have been seen wearing in game. That way I could buy it and rip the mods out of the joke of the armor I have now.


I want to look like a Jedi, not a goofball from a MST-3k flick!

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After hearing folks talk about pulling the mods out of their armor and putting them in orange armor I took a peek at mine. It doesn't appear you would be benefiting by pulling the mods out. The whole idea behind "upgrading" from top solo play PvE armor to Centurion PvP armor is to get the expertise the armor gives. It didn't seem that pulling the mods out of the armor would, in fact, pull the expertise off.


If this is true then it is of no benefit to pull the mods off. It is faster (and MUCH cheaper) to run the belsavis/ilum dailies and have (arguably due to the ability to customize) better mods.


Am I correct in seeing this?

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