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10 Good


Personal Information

  • Location
    From the U.S. but currently residing in Germany.
  • Interests
    I enjoy exploring and testing games. Golf, fishing, poker and collecting all sorts of memorabilia.
  • Occupation
    Mr. Mom/gamer
  1. If you don't believe that Sentinels are a complete waste of time in WZ's just spend an hour doing them and count how many others you see. Also take a look at your damage and medals. BW needs to really look into this... however, at this point it would be surprising if they do.
  2. Put me down for changing this ridiculous PvP armor at 50 and DEFINATELY put me down for BW doing something about our PvP damage as a whole. Our damage compared to others in PvP is the real joke!
  3. Since the change in PvP gear bags I've opened 20+ without a single disassembled item, and I'm wondering if other Sentinels have also not seen anything. Players on my server that I've asked have also not seen a drop and continue to get only commendations. So my question to other Sentinels is.. have you had only commendations or also some gear-drops.
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