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Finished the game. (unsubbing till expansion)


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putting in heroic/hard/nightmare modes is just a lazy way of saying "Look guyz theres moar content" well at least Bioware took something from WoW :\
Wrong. It's a way to give appropriate level of difficulty to different kind of players, so that everybody can see all the content they pay for.

Remember in WoW vanilla and TBC? When the majority of the player base (90% or more) never saw the high end raids, even though it's THEM who pay the vast majority of what makes the game's existence possible? That's why difficulty modes are needed. Even if you only do normal mode, you SEE what you paid for. And the less casuals/hardcores have hard/nightmare modes to test their skill.

Edited by Korrigan
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Long post.


I came here for the story. I'm taking my way through it. If end-game content is still non-existent when I get there, I'll be going back to EVE. I never really expected more than exactly this from a theme-park game.


Enjoy your UO, it's still one of the best games out there. :V

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I could hate on casuals in a reply but i wont. Its not constructive as neither is your reply.


The OP is a valid concern.

My reply is certainly constructive, as I am telling people to use their brains and apply those critical thinking skills for a second before hitting that "Post Reply" button.


When people are rushing through something then complaining about how "short" and "easy" it is (especially when they're not tackling it in Heroic mode), then guess what? It may not in fact be a problem anywhere outside of the mind of the complainant. Again: take a Ritalin and slow down to actually see what was offered before offering an opinion.

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I read "I'm not an hardcore gamer". I then read, I'm sure we'll complete hard and nightmare modes. I then read we server first'd Twilight dragons.


I responded to say, you know very well your a hardcore gamer. Everything you said in first several line scream hardcore gamer. If you don't think that's hardcore gaming, your delusional.

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I think we've just gotten to the point where there will be those group of people you just can't please. Just like MMOs in the past this game isn't for everyone.


For me this is great because I don't have lots of time and I can't do any raids because of it. I actually left WoW because it consumed too much time. Also the stories are pretty interesting and it keeps me motivated to level.


All in all this game works for me at least. If SWTOR isn't your thing then moving on would be your best bet.

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It is a bit of a worrying theme for people at max level to not have much to do.


I'm very much taking my time and levelling several chars. I'm in no hurry.


Hopefully BW will pad out the max end in later expansions. I have no idea what proportion of the player base has hit max yet but I'm guessing they've got too much to work on already before looking at adding extra stuff.


Trust me, it's the same in "that other mmo which is the benchmark"


Hit 85 after two days of playing (lol no content), did the hc's, did the raids and we were done shortly after, sittign around waiting for more content and more content...


With star wars I'm taking a different approach, since I want it to last longer. I don't play more than 2 hours pr day, and kinda silly you expect never ending content when gaming 6-7 hours pr day.

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Amended my post according to protocol.


Your preferences are your own. I am just flabbergasted by the fact that you still play the game or even bought it for that matter or even think of rejoining the game at all. Obviously the content does by no means satisfy your gaming needs. For that matter, you still failed to post examples of "challenging" games according to your definitions. Allegedly you are a game designer....or have I misinterpreted? Why should Bioware or let's say EA satisfy your needs? From a financial perspective you just "churned" away by terminating the subscription. Your "playerbase" however just had maybe an average ARPU (Average return per user) impact of 0.0001% on total revenues.


Your demands are admirable, yet futile in view of the whole MMO concept, which is indeed focused on making money.


At what point did I say I unsubbed?

I still play. I still enjoy it.

I'm not the OP.

But I fight for his cause in a sense.


I want Bioware to create more challenging content. I want them to have an engaging endgame. Why? Because I want this game to keep going.

I'm sick of WoW, not because it was bad, but because I want a change of pace, and I feel it's lost it's flame it had at one point.


I'll likely stil play this game regardless of if these things get fixed, but I, and many others want them changed. And a lot of you really underestimate how big the hardcore playerbase is.

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Hello everyone,


We have removed quite a bit of rude, off topic, and insulting commentary from this thread. Please remember to adhere to the Rules of Conduct when posting and keep posts polite, constructive and respectful.




I have to say as the OP of this topic its mostly from the people defending the games difficulty level. I have even recieved insulting and derogatory private messages, KROSSDARK being one of them.


However I hope the thread remains open as this is an important discussion.

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Unless the definition of casual gamers now 10 minutes of playing per night tops.


Everyone should of been 50 a week ago.


I play 1-2hours a day since release. To me this is casual, I do this instead of watching any tv. Some nights I didn't even get on at all all. I got to 50 a week ago o0* Didn't do any hardmodes till a few days ago then did them all last saturday I decided to spend a day gaming.


Considering how hardcore a gamer I used to be the fact that gearing, crafting and pvping is kinda pointless makes me not really care about eternity well.


I admire people trying to be defensive for what they are investing in but this game is what it is.


Its a 1-49 game in the space of a few days.

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At what point did I say I unsubbed?

I still play. I still enjoy it.

I'm not the OP.

But I fight for his cause in a sense.


I want Bioware to create more challenging content. I want them to have an engaging endgame. Why? Because I want this game to keep going.

I'm sick of WoW, not because it was bad, but because I want a change of pace, and I feel it's lost it's flame it had at one point.


I'll likely stil play this game regardless of if these things get fixed, but I, and many others want them changed. And a lot of you really underestimate how big the hardcore playerbase is.


Apologies, I thought you were the OP. :D

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I have to say as the OP of this topic its mostly from the people defending the games difficulty level. I have even recieved insulting and derogatory private messages, KROSSDARK being one of them.


However I hope the thread remains open as this is an important discussion.

Your requests for difficulty doesn't make much sense until you have complete nightmare modes, man. In order to start a constructive discussion about difficulty being too low, one must first have completed the most difficult content, or his post makes no sense at all.
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I'll agree with you that there is very limited end game content, but this is the case for every MMO launch.




What did vanilla WoW have? Molten Core and Onyxia, both which were beyond challenging for guilds that just hit the level cap.


Lower Black Rock Spire was tough, and upper black rock spire had room for 15 players, and I still remember groups wiping endlessly in there.


There were no daily quests, battlegrounds, etc. PvP consisted of griefing players in contested zones.


To complain about lack of endgame content this soon is silly, although I'm a little surprised getting level 50 is possible within 3 weeks, but this game does seem to have a much more PvP orientated gameplay than WoW (at launch anyway), and we were meant to get to the cap and raid / PvP.


Personally I enjoyed the longer leveling system that WoW offered, but if you liked alts you did spend a lot of time leveling. At least there were no shortage of instances / quests to keep you busy.

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Unless the definition of casual gamers now 10 minutes of playing per night tops.


Everyone should of been 50 a week ago.


I play 1-2hours a day since release. To me this is casual, I do this instead of watching any tv. Some nights I didn't even get on at all all. I got to 50 a week ago o0* Didn't do any hardmodes till a few days ago then did them all last saturday I decided to spend a day gaming.


Considering how hardcore a gamer I used to be the fact that gearing, crafting and pvping is kinda pointless makes me not really care about eternity well.


I admire people trying to be defensive for what they are investing in but this game is what it is.


Its a 1-49 game in the space of a few days.

In a way, one of the ways you can tell an MMO's had a successful launch is in the sheer number of asinine posts, like the one above. Yeah, you are not a hardcore player, but you reached 50 a week ago? It's blindingly obvious that you spacebarred your way through it. Seriously, my brain hurts to read crap like this. Does anyone have an INTELLIGENT complaint?

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I love to hear hardcore gamers whining and crying, because they are second worst bunch of players, right under the haters.


You make games like these unenjoyable for the rest of the fanbase, if we do not perform as well as you do, you call us noobs, spam "lols" and insults us any way you can, and if you compelte a gam,e go on forums and gloat/boast how good you are, right before the endless whining.


You down first a boss in WoW on your server? Wow... amazing, let me go get you a lovely gold medal, so you will fool yourself for once in your life that you have accomplished something, right before you step into reality, and realsie that most of your friends are people online you will never meet, and that you are starting to develop a skin condition for not going out of the house enough and eating too much junk food.


Now you are being an a.ss. Really, the OP did not call your kind fail. What is this hate? If you cannot cope with it do not come into forums with this trash. You sound more jealous than anything else. Do you do the same to your IRL fails? Come on.

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Your requests for difficulty doesn't make much sense until you have complete nightmare modes, man. In order to start a constructive discussion about difficulty being too low, one must first have completed the most difficult content, or his post makes no sense at all.


Why make the different levels?


We will im sure run all modes, however why not make the last boss uber nightmare?


Why have us repeat content for $14.95 - this is a dying idea of the mmo genre, and not something that will keep TOR alive, imo.

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It's to bad that you have decided to quit playing. Though if you have only been on for a couple of weeks you probably will not be missed.

I have always felt that one of the main points to playing a mmo is to meet others make friends and play together with different people. If all I wanted to do was get to end game I probably would stick to single player or co-op games.

The "end-game" isn't meant to be the end of an mmo its just a place to enjoy, with the friend you have made.

I do look forward to new content, and think they may have made leveling up a bit easy. I still am enjoying the game and am trying to make friend and have fun.

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Well, i am not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, we have finished the game.


Downed Shards of Alderaan boss in EV. (and all of the important content)


Im sure we will run the hard and nightmare modes over the next few weeks, but do not expect this to be up for too long. Repeating content on harder modes was never something that kept us playing, we know elite modes as we server firsted the twilight dragons on our server in wow etc. We also go right back to UO and sleeper in EQ1.


The game is awesome, amazing, but not enough content, i expect to see "reroll another class", "play republic" or "dont spacebar.." (I personally have never space barred any narrative until I have heard once) etc but thats not what we play mmo's for, for us its progressing a character, kitting him out, enjoying difficult and hard to beat content but not running the same content but in faster times or gimping how many people you take etc.


None of our guild looked at spoilers or played beta, we all wanted to experience the game fresh and new. We did not expect it to be this unbelievably easy.


Now I know the bioware drones and people that defend the game will be all over this post like crazy but just remember we are on the frontlines of what the game offers, and it is not alot.


You wont agree with this now but in a few weeks the more casual and the bulk of playerbase will be posting the same, the game is cake, tuned too the farmville level of player.


The high achievers and hardcore will all move on to other games while more content is released, will they come back? I dont know, what I do know is that the end game should of been harder, if only the last boss and nothing else.


As I said, you will not think this now as you are not where we are, it wont take the more part time player long to reach this point and when you do you will remember this and many other posts about how easy and retarded the gameplay is.


(I recently saw a post asking for the game to made even easier, this just blows my mind. It staggers belief that some people are struggling to complete class chains, flashpoints or find datacrons etc. This is the player that is killing this genre, devs are actually listening to you people!?)




I would like to introduce a scale of the average mmo player.


1 - 100


I would say this game is set to around the below average mmo player, maybe around 40 or so.


I would place myself around the 70 or so mark. (above average) The game is set WAY to low for it to remain a viable prospect for the future.


But the same scale can be transferred into % of players wanting what you ask for, and the same as all the people that scream on forums.


There is an business saying that you will spend 80% of your time pleasing 20% of the customer base. So therefor focus on the 80% of players that never visit the forums but are in the game playing and never trying to talk big on a forum where only a small portion of other players will see it.


Also apart from, make this game so insanely difficult that only 20% of your player base will find it good, there is no constructive way to fix the problem you are bringing up.


I am loving the game so far, having fun, a lot more than I did in Rift. And equal to WoW when I started playing that the third or forth week it was out.


Anyway, I always enjoy reading these posts, but it is mind boggling to me how some people will ever be happy with any new release. I have played every major MMO since 2004 and have never seen a release that does not get the same stuff complained about on their forums.

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Its a 1-49 game in the space of a few days.


This is what I keep hearing this disappoints me. Just picked up the game yesterday and hit level 10, but you could hit level 10 pretty quickly in WoW as well.


In WoW leveling slowed quite noticeably at 25-30, I'm interested to see how this plays out, but from everything I hear it's a much more 'casual' approach.


Personally I enjoyed the longer level experience WoW offered.

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In a way, one of the ways you can tell an MMO's had a successful launch is in the sheer number of asinine posts, like the one above. Yeah, you are not a hardcore player, but you reached 50 a week ago? It's blindingly obvious that you spacebarred your way through it. Seriously, my brain hurts to read crap like this. Does anyone have an INTELLIGENT complaint?


What an awful reply.


I can assure you I have NEVER spacebarred a narrative until I have heard it the first time.


It players like you that are not seeing the big picture, I think you are totally underestimating the "hardcore" playerbase, sure the hardcore mmo player might be small but the "hardcore" SW:TOR playerbase is huge.


SW:TOR will become known as the simpletons mmo.


..AND IM A HUGE FAN OF THE GAME!! (believe it or not)

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My reply is certainly constructive, as I am telling people to use their brains and apply those critical thinking skills for a second before hitting that "Post Reply" button.


When people are rushing through something then complaining about how "short" and "easy" it is (especially when they're not tackling it in Heroic mode), then guess what? It may not in fact be a problem anywhere outside of the mind of the complainant. Again: take a Ritalin and slow down to actually see what was offered before offering an opinion.


You ask for people to use their gray matter but you do not seem to use it much. Where did the OP say that he rushed anything. And he is entitled to offer an opinion more than you concerning this matter since you obviously have not reached 50. Yet, you feel comfortable to say things like that... This is called trash.

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Why make the different levels?


We will im sure run all modes, however why not make the last boss uber nightmare?

The answer is already in my previous post... because then, the most "casuals" would never see/kill the end boss.


Why have us repeat content for $14.95 - this is a dying idea of the mmo genre, and not something that will keep TOR alive, imo.
You don't have to repeat. If you see that normal is "too easy" for your leet guild, go directly into hard mode. And if hard mode is too easy, go directly into nightmare mode.


And it's definitely not a dying idea. The success the raid finder has in WoW proves it (and yeah, the raid finder adds an "easy" mode for casuals, so WoW too now has 3 difficulty levels).

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Problem is, there is a huge % of players who never played mmo's before this. The only reason they ar eplaying is because of the title.


So for them, when they just know a console game they can bypass a certain encounter by pressign R1 X B R1 Y B L2 and become immune to all damage, its very alien to them to be playiing a game where they have to do a bit mroe to kill mobs.


They are also used to playign solo, so the idea of them having to group up with other real people to kill and encounter must be strange.


I understand where you are coming from, heck i am lvl 42 and i have been taking as long as possible to create alts with max crafting as well as my mian so i dont reach the level cap. Because as soon as i do, i know i will end up with the same feeling you do.


So if i can hold off for as long as possible, or before my months sub is up and more is added that appeals to those who want a challenge, at leats it might keep me playing a little longer.


Unless the CS continue the way they are and it wont matter how much they release, i will be off regardless.


Well I have experience with MMO and I still play solo. You know why - there is 12 people on my planet right now (lvl 43 Bounty Hunter) and gues what - it's hard to form a group with only 12 people ON ENTIRE SERVER. It's like taking 33% server to your group :p And people rang from one that just got here and those who will leaving soon.


I started playing alt for last 8 days until my subscription will run out. I will check the game again in few months or a year to check if there is ANYTHING to do here.

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