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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Yes. The game offers 8 different story lines with 3 choices of how to respond to most activities in the story. The combination is pretty exciting! Then there are the companions and the crafting! It's a lot of stuff and I'm not so much as curious about endgame. :p


No matter how you respond, the most you get is a message in your mailbox saying "good job" or "I hate you"


You find soon your choices don't mean anything, sadly =/

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We will see untill 1.2 comes out, it is the deciding factor for me. At the momment this game lack, and even though it sounds promising with all the features yet to come. But i will not wait month after month to wait for the game to be what i hoped it to be.


As it seems now i think SWTOR should have been released in the 1.2 patch.

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I have almost all classes->adv classes and story was fun




- unbelievable amount of bugs, cheaters, hackers

- support don't do anything - cheater reported 1,5 month ago still playing still using same cheats

- bugs reported in beta are still in game

- at 50 game is boring boring boring

- maintenance times in eu are plainly spit to our faces


and we have to pay for this...


not any more

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Nope, cancelled and doubt that I'll even check out the 1.2 update (even though I still have almost 2 months of game time remaining). This game is - at least for me - one of the biggest letdowns as far as video games are concerned. The levelling was fun and all that, so as a singleplayer game this would have been cool I guess, but that's all there is to this game and I, sadly, don't see this improving any time soon. To put it simply, this game is not an MMORPG. I'm not paying monthly fees to level up alts and keep doing the same quests over and over again. Edited by MartyCZE
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Nope, cancelled and doubt that I'll even check out the 1.2 update (even though I still have almost 2 months of game time remaining). This game is - at least for me - one of the biggest letdowns as far as video games are concerned. The levelling was fun and all that, so as a singleplayer game this would have been cool I guess, but that's all there is to this game and I, sadly, don't see this improving any time soon.


This is my experience as well.


I have 2 months left, if the update in March is very good, I might consider it.


If not, I'm beginning to lean towards GW2 later this year.


Have you seen the World vs World videos? Now THAT'S PvP.

Edited by Gohlar
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I like the game and think it has potential but I struggle to find the motivation to log in, i think there are a lot of little issues which annoy me rather than any single game breaking issue.


Rather than burn out and leave angry I will likely let my sub run out over the next three weeks and give it a bit of a break and check back a bit later when they have ironed out most of the issues and hopefully added some more non-repetitively/grindy content. The level aspect is a lot of fun, being at max level not so much for me.


When I picked a PvE server, it was not out of fear of being ganked, it was because I wanted a PvE experience, there is too much emphasis on PvP on PvE servers, other than duelling there should be no pvp on pve servers, those that want to PvP should grow a pair of balls and go on a PvP server. :p

Edited by traft
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No, unless 1.2 is a miracle patch.


Heh, not going to happen.


Only so many times I can do laps around Ogrimma....er the station before I log off, ya know. Huttball was fun the first couple hundred times, after that not so much.


Onwards to D3 and GW2 I guess.


edit. I have 3x 50s, seen all the basic quests with no spacebar on both sides. My main is rank 67+ BM. Guild I came over with from Rift died totally, they all quit and or went back to other MMOs. I have not done Ops or HMs at all, and probably never will; majority of guilds have their raid/pve roster so no room for me. Plus I am a heal Ops so no one wants me anyways. W/e.

Edited by fixit
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Cancelled because I am just bored to death with SWTOR - level 47 and I can't bring myself to even login and get to 50.


The game combat is soo repititive, no sandbox features at all, crafting is utter crap, market is a nightmare to use, no customizable housing, not enough pvp maps etc...etc..etc



Maybe in a year from now it will be better but by then the population will be too low to bother coming back.



Shame... so much potential wsted yet again.

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Yeah, I got the six month subscription. I thought "hey, this game couldn't possibly get boring, I can see myself playing it for years!".


Stupid rose coloured glasses blinded me :p


Haha, I know what you mean man :D Boy oh boy am I glad that I didn't have enough money to subscripe for 6 month, because just like you I thought that I would love this game an year later and there's no way I'd ever get bored of it :D

Edited by MartyCZE
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No, i will spend what time i have. I don´t like playing with everything low on my crappy computer, plus the game still has many things to fix.


After several months, once i can afford a better computer (and hopefully the game is better optimized by then), i will take another look to see how things are. If by then little has improved then i´ll move on.

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