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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I'm having fun with the game and i'll continue to at least the March update. Whether or not I continue after that depends on a lot of things. Clarification on higher res textures, more guild options, a functional LFG system, another raid tier with unique sets for every class. A pvp ranking system.


I'd expect all of that, or at least info based around that stuff within the next few months.

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Pulling the plug after I realized I had not played for a week. Not because I didn't have fun, but because I didn't want to hear the protocol droid.


Tonight I muted all voices and played for a bit. More tolerable, but now the world is WoW-level quiet and I have to think there's more than a single droid voice driving me away.



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Yes, until 1.2 is released, then will see.


1.2 is the deciding factor for me, if enough missing features are added, enough bugs corrected and the legacy features are interesting then i will probably subscribe for another 3 or 6 months, if not then time to move to other games.

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Yes, until 1.2 is released, then will see.


1.2 is the deciding factor for me, if enough missing features are added, enough bugs corrected and the legacy features are interesting then i will probably subscribe for another 3 or 6 months, if not then time to move to other games.


Exactly what he said.

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Yes, until 1.2 is released, then will see.


1.2 is the deciding factor for me, if enough missing features are added, enough bugs corrected and the legacy features are interesting then i will probably subscribe for another 3 or 6 months, if not then time to move to other games.


this ...

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Probably going to hang around until the next big one comes out, likely Guild Wars 2. If they don't have things straightened out by then, I'm going to find it very hard to stay. Some things I would like to see fixed:


ALL vendors working

Better Filters for GTN (if I select a companion, I should get a list of compatible items for that companion).

PvP straightened out. (not just Illum, should be tiered by valor rank/lvl, give us something to make us go to tatooine)

Fix buggy quests.


real choices (which may be the most difficult of all these to do). If as an IA, I do something at the end, it should at least be acknowledged by those groups I have affected.


At this point I want less "new" content, and more of the content we were originally promised.

And something OTHER than dailies....worst, laziest concept ever. At least a random quest generator or something, but the same......thing........over...................and over......again. BAH!

Edited by Anticlonus
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Atleast untill 1.2, others have mentioned it before, but some bugs are frustrating, Like your raidleader keeps being kicked out of the group for no appearent reason and then customer service saying "Ye, sucks to be you, try again after the reset"


I feel like bioware is prioritizing the wrong things on their bug fix list, it might just be me but I hardly see any major bug fixes on patch notes, things that dont happen always but still happen alot (invisible lightning balls on Soa anyone?).


I still think its a great game in essence, but there needs to be some grinding at lvl 50, there need be some clearbug fix patches, I dont care much UI changes (yet) Id just like to have a game where things run smooth before there is tinkering with UI/Legacy/New FP/Ops.


But we will see. 1.2 isnt that far off and I hope some core issues that keep me from enjoying this game to its full content are going to be fixed by then.

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Yes, there are bugs, but with my slow to level, alt making self, I have yet to encounter any of them that caused a game over. Minor annoyances are expected (by me anyway) and I'm INVESTING in the game because I think it's got a ton of potential.


Where do I draw the line time wise? "If X isn't here by Y Ill quit!"? Cant say, won't say. Im having fun and getting my $0.50 a day worth of entertainment.


If anything I can say SWTOR has cost me money because I havn't played Skyrim, CoD or Battlefront (still in plastic) since loading SWTOR. So yeah, DAMN YOUZ SWTOR!!! How dare you make me waste my money by providing me (not you) with so much entertainment that Ive neglected other games!!

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