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Strong "Silver" Enemies are Getting Rediculous.


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Biggest issue are those bulky droids.


They have this missile barrage spell that deals unfair amounts of damage in combination of the high damage that silver mobs normally have.


Trick with them is to agro them to your companion and then dps them down. You can desummon and resummon your companion at full health in about 3 seconds after the fight.

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I ran across an area quest, I think it's on Voss (45ish), where at the final stage of the quest you go over to this cubby hole near a dirt wall, click on the item to summon a couple of strong NPCs, and one of them has that damned minigun thing from Terminator 2. I'm full tank geared with all upgrades and such, and he dropped me in 5 seconds while I was attending to the other strong NPC. I was finally able to down it by blowing all CD's the instant they spawned, and focusing the minigun mob(he has the quest item drop). I died after he died, without touching the 2nd strong mob. A bit crazy, I'd say.


Not to mention that the mobs spawn in an Evading way, and then teleport 20 yards behind you and start blowing you up.


Thank god for someone mentioning this.

Just been trying to do this quest with my Warrior. Kept getting planted. Checked my and companions gear. Was beginning to think I was doing something wrong and just really poor.


Those guys should not be rated as silver, They could literally take me down in seconds.


Think I may just go back to that quest later.

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I'd like to know why MMOs always do this. X number of levels are fun to play, but there always comes a time (every mmo does this) where the combat stops being fun, and becomes a freaking chore.


It's one of the primary reasons I roll alts. The first 1/2 to 2/3rds of a character's levels are the most fun because combat is fun and not a chore.

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are you using your interrupts(stun, knockback, actual interrupt)?


usually when I come across a mob that just dominates me(always an elite or champion though, never a silver strong) i can come back and retry and do better when i focus on stopping their casts

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No silver Strong enemies hit like a gosh darn truck past level 40. I'd prefer to fight 2 elites than 2 strong's. :p


So on my marauder i can take on like an elite and 5 other weaker mobs, or at least 3 strongs and live. It's called knowing how to play and using your abilities properly. Not just spamming random buttons. Strong mobs are pushovers.

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No silver Strong enemies hit like a gosh darn truck past level 40. I'd prefer to fight 2 elites than 2 strong's. :p




If I have the option of taking on two strong silver', or two gold elites, I will take the gold elites every-time.


Right before they brought down beta testing we told Bioware that silver elites were too strong. So they nerfed the gold ones....


I know, right.


Most testers were fine with getting kicked around by gold elites, it was the silver ones handing us our Bantha hide that drove us crazy. But oh well, since then, soloing a Heroic +2 has been a cakewalk, I guess that is the silver lining.

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Look I am all for difficult games, but these mob types are just annoying, they do more damage than elites half the time. I spend majority of my time spam healing my companion because if he dies I am going to get 5 shotted by this stupid mob type.


Maybe I just suck, maybe my class is just underpowered. Honestly I don't care either way, I don't know about you guys but I don't want to spend two hours destroying four rebel supply boxes for some weak reward.


Difficult should stay in flashpoints and operations and even class quests, but the stupidly boring normal quests should not take a thought out strategic plan to accomplish.



Hmm, that's funny because yesterday I killed 4 lvl 47 strong mobs at once on my 46 guardian on Corellia. Granted I had to use cooldowns and a medpack but I still did it. This is with Kira too. (Melee dps companion)


Helps if you keep your gear up to date and your companions. I'm in full orange gear with lvl 44+ mods, Kira is in full orange gear and 40+ mods.

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I won't name the boss cause it's a spoiler, but I've heard Sorc's get it

easier because they can remain at range kite and LoS.


This is I think the root of the problem at least with how difficult the class quest lines are...


They don't seem to make it a certain difficultly based on two different AC's and specs doing the same quest, whats easy for one ac (healer usually) isn't as easy for another (dps,tank) to solo.


The final quest in the trooper quest line is almost impossible as a tank speced vanguard where you have 2 strong commando's that cross heal each other about every 6 seconds on top of putting out some major dps before you even see the final elite but for commandos its not nearly has difficult.

Edited by Surgin
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Some Strong/Elites are just re-effing-donkulous.


Example: My Knight had just turned 49. I was being forced to kill a 48 Elite (gold) enemy to progress my class story. I had PURPLE 22 (lvl 49) hilts and Blue 20-21 armor mods for me and my companion.


He would 3-shot my companion and end up kicking me in the face.


I literally nearly rage-unsub'd.


Since I never had THAT bad of a problem after that, I can only assume that enemy's individual difficulty was completely jacked up. I'm sure the same thing happens with other Strong/Elites in the world.


You know, there are other players.... it's an MMO. If you need help, grab it.


But if you like the challenge, you certainly can overcome it... you did in just a couple tries. I remember when I'd be stuck for days in games of the past, single player games puzzles fights whatever.


This isn't bad and infact could design. You overcame it.

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Hmm, that's funny because yesterday I killed 4 lvl 47 strong mobs at once on my 46 guardian on Corellia. Granted I had to use cooldowns and a medpack but I still did it. This is with Kira too. (Melee dps companion)


Helps if you keep your gear up to date and your companions. I'm in full orange gear with lvl 44+ mods, Kira is in full orange gear and 40+ mods.


sorry, I don't buy that. 4 strongs without healer companion will wipe the floor with you, especially on Corellia and without a healer. Unless, of course, you blew the 20min CD and then run around some obstacles to LoS mobs and taunded the loose ones Kira overaggroed, because there is just no way you could survive direct assault from 4 strongs, even with perfect usage of CDs, and kill them all fast enough

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Silver by itself dosent mean much because they vary significantly. Some Silvers can be really easy and others extremely hard which is entirely dependant on class, loadout and area.


It can be more than possible for some classes to engage 1 - 2 elites. Sorc especially can pull that off because they can instantly take one out of the fight for 60secs, stun the other multiple times, kill it then repeat for the second.


If your running top end gear for your level, choosen Biochem and running the right companion combination you can get through most of the game extremely easy.

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The people saying learn to play.


We're not talking about all silvers here.


There just seem to be certain ones that are overpowered.


The particular quest I was mentioning the final boss was gold and I didn't break a sweat. Didn't use all my abilities. Simple


The two silvers that preceded him however killed me 4 times. I used all my abilities including interrupt. Medpac, relics the lot.


That isn't right.

If it was the final boss, fine, but the lead-up?

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The people saying learn to play.


We're not talking about all silvers here.


There just seem to be certain ones that are overpowered.


The particular quest I was mentioning the final boss was gold and I didn't break a sweat. Didn't use all my abilities. Simple


The two silvers that preceded him however killed me 4 times. I used all my abilities including interrupt. Medpac, relics the lot.


That isn't right.

If it was the final boss, fine, but the lead-up?


yes, this is definitely good example. I was like "*** just happened?" when I was doing it on my marauder for the first time and wiped several times, too. I think I wiped on them once with my merc even tho i knew what they were capable of. sorc was just way too OP to wipe on them, but yeah.


and I bolded the important part so people actually read the important stuff :p

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The people saying learn to play.


We're not talking about all silvers here.


There just seem to be certain ones that are overpowered.


The particular quest I was mentioning the final boss was gold and I didn't break a sweat. Didn't use all my abilities. Simple


The two silvers that preceded him however killed me 4 times. I used all my abilities including interrupt. Medpac, relics the lot.


That isn't right.

If it was the final boss, fine, but the lead-up?


The OP specifically referred to regular non-class/FP quests. In short, trash mobs.

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A lot of the sentiment seems to be that folk want to stroll through without medding etc, zero downtime (I know, the OP was a different thing but lots of the replies seem to be this). You want in a nutshell the 'silver trash' gone. Yes it gets worse on Ilum but then as your gear improves post 50 they are a lot less noticable and tbh you can just run around a lot of them if you want to.

Me, I like them, especially leveling. They give more exp and creds than the regulars, I don't just want to run round clicking mission objectives and collecting resource nodes. I kill everything on the way and the silvers are welcome additions to the exp/cred pot. A few seconds after each set to recharge is not a handicap IMO.



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Regardless of his gear and tactics, there is another point here. MMOs don't come with a difficulty setting. It's wiser to keep solo content easier and allow those players seeking more challenge to focus on PVP, Flashpoints and Ops.


I'm not saying that most of the current solo content in the game is too difficult for experienced mmo players but for those players who are new to mmorpgs or just want an easier experience leveling in general, they're kinda stuck struggling through.


Games should be as challenging as the the player wants them to be. There should be easier routes to follow for those who want them. That's all I'm saying


I agree with you...sort of. I think that the challenge should be up to the player. But at the same time, they shouldn't leave the "challenging" aspects to group only. creating various stages of a planet would be a decent answer. the general area is mostly eaks with an occasional silver. head up the hill to tough central, you get more silvers and elites. and from there you could venture into the heroic areas.


Perhaps call that "tough" area Heroic 1+. already have heroic 2+ adn 4+, why not make a more difficult area with a 1+? you can throw dailies in the mix to give people who decide to take the tougher route a reward for doing so...and those who want mind numbingly boring grinding could opt for the traditional areas and level normally, with normal rewards.


Personally, I've been leveling one of the tougher classes to level (juggernaut), and just finished hoth with little issues. Venge spec with quinn on heals. can't handle 3 silvers, but 2 is pretty straightforward.


I leap onto one, no AoE skills. quinn picks up other with healing aggro. pop my One regular defensive CD (DR) and go to town on silver one. finish him, leap to the other, taunt, fire off a damage chain, push, leap again, choke, another damage chain. I have yet to really die off of 2 silvers.


But someone said it earlier. the key is really paying attention to your control and skill use. turn off your pets AoE, send him on to tank one as you CC the other. down one, focus on the other, done. Its not simple, but I don't think it was supposed to be.


But on the topic...I think one of the greatest issues with silvers is in addition to the extra damage/health they have, they also have more innate resistance at higher levels, and random player style skills, such as stuns, knockbacks, barrages, etc. makes it far more difficult to form a strategy with this as the case. While elites tend to be pretty straightforward in their skills. Plus, again as stated earlier, they come with multiple weaks. If you focus fire the silver, the weaks will kill you. 3 weaks put out more damage then one silver. easy to kill, but in numbers they hurt.


i like the silvers as how they pose a challenge. but I don't have any issues with reducing their volume, as long as they offer options to challenge us that are inbetween the heroics that currently exist, and the EZ mode as it would be without silvers.don't take away my fun play because other players want to roll through their mobs while they watch netflix.

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it wasnt for me i guess i have skill.


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



Baras was easy, but the apprentice on Correlia gave me quite a headache as marauder, especially when I wiped second time on him and had red gear, ressed at medic, repaired and when I entered the story area again, it was completely respawned, ffffuuuuu :D


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it wasnt for me i guess i have skill.


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


The boss before the very end, on Corellia. You know, the one with the cybernetics and burns (trying to avoid spoilers) was more of a pain. It's weird when the apprentice is harder to kill then the master. Especially when the master comes after.

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Trick with them is to agro them to your companion and then dps them down. You can desummon and resummon your companion at full health in about 3 seconds after the fight.


They're entirely possible, but they're a pain in the ***, nonetheless.


Gold mobs of this variation are even worse. I encountered one of these as a dps specced sorceror and it drove me back to speccing healing spec after I died 4 times trying to kill it.

I did end up killing it, but it was more trouble than it was worth.


Interrupting them works, but somehow they always get 2 shots off even if my interrupt is perfectly timed.

Edited by Grotpar
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