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Powertech bad in warzones


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I just did it again





Far fight...i know i had a lot of kills...but we couldnt get over the 2nd door... and we didnt let them take the first.


We had lows they had lows...still a lot of 50.


My gear is a few centurion mostly champion with also a few battlemaster.


I'd say Voidstar is definitely the map to be on if you want to post huge numbers like that. :) Everyone just wailing on one another in damage bliss. haha

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Not bad OP, but it's a very different play style. Look at it like a bodygaurd. 1v1 you etire goal it to prolong the fight. Tire the other guy out. If you have 2 on you, you wont kill either. You have the tools getaway.


Powertechs could you a small dmg buff however, considering they have no ability that can do 2500 dmg.

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Another thing to take into consideration about pyrotechs is that they're more reliant on luck than any other class in the game. If you've got horseshoes up your *** and you're proc'ing rail shot every few seconds you're going to be putting out some amazing numbers.


On the other hand if you're unlucky you're probably the weakest DPS around.

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Another thing to take into consideration about pyrotechs is that they're more reliant on luck than any other class in the game. If you've got horseshoes up your *** and you're proc'ing rail shot every few seconds you're going to be putting out some amazing numbers.


On the other hand if you're unlucky you're probably the weakest DPS around.


Agree if you have bad luck refreshing Rail shot you are done...overheated and useless :p


And sometimes you will kill fast making detonator useless because it wont blow so fast lol.

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A rookie mistake, armour never equals better in pvp.


Movement, range and CC in pvp are king.


Thanks, but I'm not a rookie. I've been playing MMOs for a long time... mainly DAOC and WAR, which were true PvP games.


In those games, as a tank - even a tank with a 2h (dps tank) your armour would enable you to shrug off most incidental damage, allowing you to wade in without worrying too much. You'd still die to mages if you couldn't close them down, but with a good healer or two you could do very well indeed.


What I'm saying is, my experiences thus far have been that the Guardian in dps form is less squishy and does more damage than the BH in dps form.

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What I'm saying is, my experiences thus far have been that the Guardian in dps form is less squishy and does more damage than the BH in dps form.


Personally, I think this come down to gear mostly. I've equally seen Juggernaut/Guardians get blown up in 3 seconds flat just as often as a BH gets the same treatment. If your Biochem, you can really add some longevity to yourself with the Rakata medpac/stim/adrenals or give yourself a huge damage buff.


However, I've yet to be in a WZ with a Juggernaut or Guardian that posted the kind of numbers a Pyro PT can in terms of damage. I admit though, I didn't check the amount of deaths they had to gauge "squishiness." :D


EDIT: Oh and I hear the "Carolina Parakeet" build (21/2/18) does pretty well, haven't tried it myself though.

Edited by Katalystika
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Level 50 Shieldtech here. I've got around 20.5k health right now, mostly PvE gear. I average around 200k+ damage, 50k Protection, 30k Healing (thanks medpacs lol), and 9 medals each WF I run. With my guildmate, an Operative healer (level 37), I've successfully tanked an entire team of 8 people for almost 2 minutes. (this was on Civil War holding a point) Huttball has become a joke if I get the ball as I can currently tank their entire team to the endzone unless they are well-geared and coordinated.


Powertechs bad in PvP? Far from it. :)


PS: Just got my new Champion Supercommando Pistol today so that should add onto those numbers a little as well. :)


I take it you gear tank? I've been pondering what I should do in regards to gear, if it's worth picking up the tank pieces.

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Im a ST with 20k hp stimmed i can run through fire pits and get molested by the enemies entire team and still get to the goal line without dying who cares about damage when your invincible oh and charge is your friend
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I'm a power tech and currently shield spec. Have something like 551 expertise, 22k HP and 15% avoidance and I'm kinda like a raid boss in most war zones. I usually end with like 8 - 9 medals and 150k - 250k damage done. It's actually more enjoyable to me to play as shield spec than it is to play as pyro. I do some crazy damage as pyro but just knowing I can keep half a team busy trying to kill me while the other objectives are being captured etc is a great way to get that win.


Also, don't get me started on Huttball. I've lost like 3 games total since December 21st.


Power tech is fine, if anything, I'd say it's almost overpowered in some cases.

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I'm doing 8-13 medals per match now. I still haven't figured out how to get defender (not guard) in hutball and not as constint in void star either, i get 2 in ald easy.


I'm the ST/Pyro hybrid spec. It's amazing. I kill things, and guard things. I love it.

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1. Get to 50.

2. Get your champion gear.

3. Go to any node and guard a healer.

4. Enjoy immortality.


There's a trooper on my server with 19k health, and i've seen her laugh off focus-fire from 5+ burst classes.


This. Not only will you laugh off 5+ burst classes, but you'll easily kill them 1 by 1.

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Heavy armour apparently counts for nothing. I tried AP... that sucked. I tried Pyro... so far very underwhelmed. Rank 37, and my Jedi Guardian is much, much better at 27... something's not right.


Sure, I do lots of damage but 18 sec dots don't do much versus burst...


Is shield spec any better? I mean, can they do any real damage at all?


can only speak for Shieldtech above lvl44 and AP below lvl44 but both rock hard in PvP.


I have to come across a Class that I cant beat in 1v1 as Shieldtech ... not to mention to pure awesomeness of being nearly unkillable if backup up by a healer.

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Powertech is not bad at all in warzones... I hit 521k damage today in a Voidstar without Biochem and with only 2 pieces of champion gear.


See, I usually get about 150k damage... and the most I've ever seen anyone get is 200-300k...


I guess it's just down to level and gear then.


TBH, the biggest problem I have with the Pyro spec so far is it seems kinda boring... anyone else get this?

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I am a shield tech, usually get 5-6 medals per game, and usually top for kills.


Powertechs do not suck in pvp


PS - Open world pvp I rarely die, and end up killing everyone I have ever got into a fight with, even took on 2 guys that were only 2 levels below me

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HAHA powertech bad at warzones.



This class (especially pyrotech specced) is one of the most facerolling easy mode classes in the game atm. Im actually surprised people didnt start crying about us yet.

Edited by atreyuz
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HAHA powertech bad at warzones.



This class (especially pyrotech specced) is one of the most facerolling easy mode classes in the game atm. Im actually surprised people didnt start crying about us yet.


Well having specced into pyrotech I can now no longer kill GREEN elites... as for PvP, I do less damage than AP. So unless it gets suddenly amazing with thermal detonator... I don't see the point of the spec.

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Well having specced into pyrotech I can now no longer kill GREEN elites... as for PvP, I do less damage than AP. So unless it gets suddenly amazing with thermal detonator... I don't see the point of the spec.


You are right, continue playing your guardian man.

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Easily 11-13 medals. Dps medals (2.5k hit, 10 kills, 25 kills, 1v1kill, 75kdmg medals, etc), guard medals (1k,2k,5k,10k guard medals), healing medals from Rataka heal pack.


Try the 21/2/18 spec. Very enjoyable and you are able to pump out very good damage.

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I'm sorry OP, I couldn't hear you over the sound of how wrong you are.


4/6/31 Pyrotech. Saying Pyrotech does less damage than AP means you're hardcore trolling or have not tried both specs and are just blowing smoke out your ***. AP is shamefully broken compared to Pyrotech's damage. ~30%-50% less.

Edited by Mhak
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