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    Moisture Farmer
  1. I've tanked and killed every nightmare mode encounter in the game thus far and when you're riding enrage timers, we don't have time to "wait for 5 sunders" or give tanks any time at all before going all out. If you raid with the people I do, your threat will be a problem. My temporary solution is that my taunt is just always on cooldown.
  2. Tanking in general is a miserable, miserable experience. I've been tanking as a power tech in this game since release (played a level 50 mercenary through beta), and it really is awful. I've been quite vocal about it too and nobody that matters seems to care. Trash is a giant nightmare and I honestly think it was made the way it is just to troll the very few people who actually want to tank. Charging into a group of elites only to get knocked back for 6 seconds CONSECUTIVELY is just ridiculous. Trying to pick up a group of NPCs (who stun, knockback, or knockdown on contact) with one of two crappy AOE damage abilities that can only be used 4 times before overheating makes me want to curb stomp an infant. On any normal boss fight, I pop DPS cooldowns in between my normal rotation, as well as DPS relics and DPS adrenals and players in my raid will still pull aggro. And it's not like I'm some level 50, fresh off of Illum, I tanked from about level 13 through 50 and even before that, I tanked in World of Warcraft for about two years of my seven year "career" in that game. The fact of the matter is, 50% threat modifier is a joke when you're tanking for players who actually know how to play their characters efficiently. I would suggest going DPS. Play a spec that won't make you want to quit the game.
  3. More people would have these titles if they didn't have to reset their instance every other boss due to bugs. #getyour****together
  4. Mako is useful? News to me. She's either too busy channeling electroshock or shooting my target while I'm dying. I hate her with a burning passion. I've been using Torian consistently for everything and never looked back.
  5. Your best non-crafted techstaff for Torian comes from a Belsavis level 50 heroic-4 daily. I personally got mine crafted and its at 480 top-end damage with a ton of stats.
  6. I'm a power tech and currently shield spec. Have something like 551 expertise, 22k HP and 15% avoidance and I'm kinda like a raid boss in most war zones. I usually end with like 8 - 9 medals and 150k - 250k damage done. It's actually more enjoyable to me to play as shield spec than it is to play as pyro. I do some crazy damage as pyro but just knowing I can keep half a team busy trying to kill me while the other objectives are being captured etc is a great way to get that win. Also, don't get me started on Huttball. I've lost like 3 games total since December 21st. Power tech is fine, if anything, I'd say it's almost overpowered in some cases.
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