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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The real SWTOR community begins Jan 20th 2012


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#1- I have had EA/Biowares give me such unbelieve top notch personal customer service I am still blown away!





Enough said!



Oh Do tell!!

I haven't heard the voice of the "other side" as much....



.....Then lets all sit down for story time!!!



Thanks in advance!






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some of us lucky unsubscriber didnt purchase on release date and will still be there on the 21st.. for a few days.. and then we shall rejoice in our ''we told you so'' glory as we stand with our 15$ in our pocket and you realise your server jsut dropped to low pop, that you can't do your heroic quest anymore ( you cant even do them atm on republic side most of the time ). but it's okay, you'll still enjoy the game for what it is, a good single player game with an once in a while player interaction.
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Big issue on these boards is someone posts just like option 1 you have there and gets attacked. That's what I have an issue with and unfortunately those people aren't going anywhere.


Fanboys ruin games. They make the devs think they have created the best thing since sliced bread.


AOC - Warhammer - FFXIV


All fell to fanboys. They are literally retarded.

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I seen people in the past pay for a game just to lurk the forums.....


This does not make sense. The only reason why an "average" game is perceived so badly, is because of the monthly fee (and the high initial price). If the game was F2P there would be much fewer complaints.


So why would you pay $15 when in fact it is the $15 that is the problem's main problem? See the logic?

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That's hardly your call. But no matter, you will be amongst the thousands of players that will "unsubscribe" because they're "bored" at level fifty.


The community we see today will be a lot better after a good two months. :sul_grin:


then bioware will have to make cuts because they cant afford a large dev team a mod team a CSR team, expansions will get rid of the voice overs. and then the game will be the next SWG~

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Actually, there is a difference between...


...this game has problems such as (insert issue here), I hope they get them fixed.




...this game sucks and anyone who likes it sucks and anyone who question me sucks and I hate the game and you and BW and everything...oh yeah, WoW is awesome and SWTOR sucks!


The rabid fans have been saying this game is amazing and you shouldn't implement the changes casual players and raiders want(LFD queues, DPS meters, gear score, etc). They want to be make everyone play the game the way they want to play it.

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I honestly can't even begin to grasp how people so keenly want to see a project which hundreds of people have worked five years on, fail within months of release. Honestly, I'm not sure in what regards the game has failed you, but wanting to actively see it crash and burn is going way, way too far in my opinion.
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Its funny because you think Bioware will keep releasing content like this if the player base drops to 100-200k. Unless the game sustains a large player base(including the whiners), features like fully voiced quests and large story lines will stop being made.


Its short sighted to want people who aren't happy with aspects of the game to leave. It will hurt you.

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Its funny because you think Bioware will keep releasing content like this if the player base drops to 100-200k. Unless the game sustains a large player base(including the whiners), features like fully voiced quests and large story lines will stop being made.


Its short sighted to want people who aren't happy with aspects of the game to leave. It will hurt you.


It's funny that the last 2 posters have no avatar and joined a month or two prior to launch. Oh and both are "doomsday posts"...


I mean since you guys started the "It's funny" trend.

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Its funny because you think Bioware will keep releasing content like this if the player base drops to 100-200k. Unless the game sustains a large player base(including the whiners), features like fully voiced quests and large story lines will stop being made.


Its short sighted to want people who aren't happy with aspects of the game to leave. It will hurt you.


In that case I hope lots of people quit, so I can continue enjoying the game without those stupid, boring aweful stories/cutscenes and mindnumbing voiceovers BS.

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I'm gone. But not because the game is bad, but my computer just can't handle the game in a good way. Terrible fps in PvP so had to scratch that. The ability lag i'm getting seems related to poor fps, tho it could just be speculations, it makes the game even harder to play. Weird thing is the first 10-20 minutes when i log on to play there is no lag at all, seems it sneaks up the longer i play.


Anyways if/when i get a new rig i'll probably be back.

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One of the attractions for me to this game was that when i first played it i realised just how much your typical LFG jerk from WoW was going to hate it, and conversely just how much the kind of player i like playing with will enjoy it. I suspect that there will be an improvement of the player base and i will get steadily better as time moves on.


We will never be rid of complainers or people that just want serotonin bursts though.

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I'm gone. But not because the game is bad, but my computer just can't handle the game in a good way. Terrible fps in PvP so had to scratch that. The ability lag i'm getting seems related to poor fps, tho it could just be speculations, it makes the game even harder to play. Weird thing is the first 10-20 minutes when i log on to play there is no lag at all, seems it sneaks up the longer i play.


Anyways if/when i get a new rig i'll probably be back.


If I were you I wouldn't bother coming back, it's the game, not your rig.

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HAHAHA- the community is dead already! this entire weekend only 2-3 servers had queues- the rest where standerd or heavy!


They dropped the huttball on this one!


Happened with Wrath of the Lich King, happened with Cata, happened now also because Xmas break is over. School and work is back.


Did you drop the Huttball?

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If I were you I wouldn't bother coming back, it's the game, not your rig.


Proof please and not the "rawr rawr I have 85 minute load times running a quadro quad core super intel-amd cross-bread with 900 gigs of ram" bs that happens to come with a post like this.


My rig is over 4 years old running 2 gigs of ram and I load up decently and have good FPS. Sooo......????

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One of the attractions for me to this game was that when i first played it i realised just how much your typical LFG jerk from WoW was going to hate it, and conversely just how much the kind of player i like playing with will enjoy it. I suspect that there will be an improvement of the player base and i will get steadily better as time moves on.


We will never be rid of complainers or people that just want serotonin bursts though.


What exactly is a 'typical LFG jerk form WoW'?

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One of the attractions for me to this game was that when i first played it i realised just how much your typical LFG jerk from WoW was going to hate it, and conversely just how much the kind of player i like playing with will enjoy it. I suspect that there will be an improvement of the player base and i will get steadily better as time moves on.


We will never be rid of complainers or people that just want serotonin bursts though.


enjoy playing your single player rpg and paying for it- a sucker born everyday i guess- no wonder the bankers scammed billions from people like you :)

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What exactly is a 'typical LFG jerk form WoW'?


They just trying to wind you up as they failed in wow as they probably got booted from raid guilds as they don't know how to raid or something or they the keyboard turner types- this simple rpg single player game suits their play style better.


I wouldn't worry about it that much- they more then welcome to this steaming pile of horse manure


WoW is gold standard compared to this drivel!

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The same thing gets said all the time, it was said pre launch about how different the forums would be, people just assume its going to be some strange Bioware cult of personality

Where we high five each other and wait patiently and never run into issues

Not much will change really

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