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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The real SWTOR community begins Jan 20th 2012


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Actually, that will be a 100% fact.


All the subs that aren't renewed will be gone. You can't post in the forums without a current subscription. Although, someone could pay for a game that they "don't" like, just to post on the forums.


Don't be a butt. You know damn well what I meant. The forums will not be Unicorns and lollipops on Jan 20th and it's naive to think it will.


Anyone who has been in an MMO at release is familiar with this thread. The "once free time is up, the trolls will go!" trolls being conveniently, anyone who has a different opinion. Right up with "Game is only x old!" and "To all you haters". Same crap, different game.



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That's hardly your call. But no matter, you will be amongst the thousands of players that will "unsubscribe" because they're "bored" at level fifty.


The community we see today will be a lot better after a good two months. :sul_grin:


You know I really enjoy this game and the people I meet in game, but then there's people like you that make me feel like I'd love to cancel and never look back.

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I have a funny feeling that all those "unsubscribers" are still going to be here come jan 20th. I have a feeling your going to be sorely disappointed when jan 21st roles around. Hope I'm worng, but I believe this is what we're going to have for awhile.


If just 'one' of the usual haters leaves it will improve this forum immensely imo. Get rid of 10 of them and i'll pass out with glee :)


By haters I mean the same 15 or so forum handles that create threads on every single aspect of TOR. The ones that will complain about every single game mechanic etc.


I don't mean the ones who just don't like the game or have a problem with bugs etc as most say their piece and move on but not the haters, they need to stay here and whore for attention.


The good news is that most haters of TOR can't afford to sub just to bash the game so they'll be gone on the 20th.

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If you want to cry laughing. Goto the WoW forums one day after renewal date and watch the "suggestion" threads. I'll put money they beg for stuff they had in TOR.


Those guys are still begging Blizzard for stuff Trion gave them. This will be no different. Not sure it will some huge dip in subs because the game does have re playability.

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I have a funny feeling that all those "unsubscribers" are still going to be here come jan 20th. I have a feeling your going to be sorely disappointed when jan 21st roles around. Hope I'm worng, but I believe this is what we're going to have for awhile.


This. I seriously doubt all these OMG THIS GAME SUX people are actually going to subscribe. If they all did that, WoW would've been dead on arrival. Also where are they going to go? Until Guild Wars 2 comes out, all the MMOs they've already played are pretty much their only choice, and if they really want to go back to them, after leaving in the first place....

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If just 'one' of the usual haters leaves it will improve this forum immensely imo. Get rid of 10 of them and i'll pass out with glee :)


By haters I mean the same 15 or so forum handles that create threads on every single aspect of TOR. The ones that will complain about every single game mechanic etc.


I don't mean the ones who just don't like the game or have a problem with bugs etc as most say their piece and move on but not the haters, they need to stay here and whore for attention.


The good news is that most haters of TOR can't afford to sub just to bash the game so they'll be gone on the 20th.


You nailed it. I agree with you 100%. Good riddance.

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If you want to cry laughing. Goto the WoW forums one day after renewal date and watch the "suggestion" threads. I'll put money they beg for stuff they had in TOR.


Those guys are still begging Blizzard for stuff Trion gave them. This will be no different. Not sure it will some huge dip in subs because the game does have re playability.



I haven't played WoW, so tell me what TOR has that WoW doesn't. From what I read here and on every other board TOR needs a whole lot more of whatever WoW has.

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Yea... there won't be a difference. You'll notice that all the people who threatened to quit, will still be on the forums paying for a game that they say sucks so bad.


Have you ever looked at the WoW forums? If you go by the fourms as an indication that game would have been bankrupt year one.

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If you want to cry laughing. Goto the WoW forums one day after renewal date and watch the "suggestion" threads. I'll put money they beg for stuff they had in TOR.


What exactly is unique to TOR besides voice quests that are hit or miss as it is.


Those guys are still begging Blizzard for stuff Trion gave them.


Trion actually came up with a lot of new stuff.

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I haven't played WoW, so tell me what TOR has that WoW doesn't. From what I read here and on every other board TOR needs a whole lot more of whatever WoW has.


WoW is free up to level 20. Go ahead and download it real fast and tell me which game feels like it was made in 2004. The story presentation in TOR is miles ahead of any mmo out there.


WoW fans have a habit of over looking major features of a game and treating it as common and then in same breathe asking Blizzard for those features. Look up the definition of hypocrisy and you have most of the WoW fan base.


I pity any dev who has to appeal to those guys. Bioware take a hint from Rift. No matter what you do those kids will never be happy. Just focus on the Star Wars fan base and forget about the babies wanting WoW in space.

Edited by Puremallace
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My concern in 12 days.....Legions of Lettow which are now full...no more queues have 100 max in some zones but usually around 50-60.....cant imagine how many people will be on the each zone average past 20... and people EA are not as patient as they were 7 or 8 or 10 years ago..
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WoW is free up to level 20. Go ahead and download it real fast and tell me which game feels like it was made in 2004. The story presentation in TOR is miles ahead of any mmo out there.


WoW fans have a habit of over looking major features of a game and treating it as common and then in same breathe asking Blizzard for those features. Look up the definition of hypocrisy and you have most of the WoW fan base.


I pity any dev who has to appeal to those guys. Bioware take a hint from Rift. No matter what you do those kids will never be happy. Just focus on the Star Wars fan base and forget about the babies wanting WoW in space.


focusing on the star wars fanbase and doing what the devs want really worked well for star wars galaxies amirite?

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Just like any MMO, the community in-game will always far exceed the community on the forums.


However, the signal to noise ratio should improve somewhat after the most vocal of the "I'm unsubbing" crowd have made good on their threats. There will always be trolls and axe-grinders, so don't expect miracles. MMO forums are always bad, and the worst parts are the "General" forums. (Another reason why it's utterly insane that BioWare won't set up server-specific forums.)


It should be at least amusing to mock anyone who flounced out in a huff with an "I'm canceling" rant the last couple of weeks who still has a subscription after the 21st though.

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Actually the rabid fans are as much an issue on these boards as the hating trolls.


There won't be a noticeable difference.


Actually, there is a difference between...


...this game has problems such as (insert issue here), I hope they get them fixed.




...this game sucks and anyone who likes it sucks and anyone who question me sucks and I hate the game and you and BW and everything...oh yeah, WoW is awesome and SWTOR sucks!

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Actually, there is a difference between...


...this game has problems such as (insert issue here), I hope they get them fixed.




...this game sucks and anyone who likes it sucks and anyone who question me sucks and I hate the game and you and BW and everything...oh yeah, WoW is awesome and SWTOR sucks!




Big issue on these boards is someone posts just like option 1 you have there and gets attacked. That's what I have an issue with and unfortunately those people aren't going anywhere.

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Actually, there is a difference between...


...this game has problems such as (insert issue here), I hope they get them fixed.




...this game sucks and anyone who likes it sucks and anyone who question me sucks and I hate the game and you and BW and everything...oh yeah, WoW is awesome and SWTOR sucks!


you forgot about the people blindly defending the game claiming it is some amazing product.


it hardly even works how can you defend a game that has had 6 post capped threads about the horrid fps it has for a ton of people.

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focusing on the star wars fanbase and doing what the devs want really worked well for star wars galaxies amirite?


No SWG proved that bending over to WoW fans destroyed a game with NGE trying to reduce the grind turned the actual fan base against the game and removed the accomplishment.


Appealing to the TOR fanbase is why they have so many servers. Carefully changing things will be key to sub retention. You have to remember Blizzard is the only dev in the market who can consistently screw their playerbase and still get their loyalty.

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Arrogance takes many forms. Since you have passed judgment on any nay Sayers of this game, all that's left is the exclusive group of players you seem to belong to. The wow kiddies are already bailing left and right. All that will be left is you and the 3 or 4 people in your fantasy world.


^^Of which this guy won't be one and that in itself will be a great thing.;)

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WoW is free up to level 20. Go ahead and download it real fast and tell me which game feels like it was made in 2004. The story presentation in TOR is miles ahead of any mmo out there.


WoW fans have a habit of over looking major features of a game and treating it as common and then in same breathe asking Blizzard for those features. Look up the definition of hypocrisy and you have most of the WoW fan base.


I pity any dev who has to appeal to those guys. Bioware take a hint from Rift. No matter what you do those kids will never be happy. Just focus on the Star Wars fan base and forget about the babies wanting WoW in space.



If it really is free to try then I will.



Is there anything other than story? I kinda dislike the Mass Effect style talking stuff for a couple of reasons. It removes immersion going to a cinematic style, they should have kept everything 'live' as you would normally be playing. It would have made it more operatic and feel more fluid.


The speech choices are limited and frustrating. Playing gunslinger you have your nemesis who is always trying to get you, so you get a distress call from a ship way out in the middle of nowhere from some girl. Your only options are to agree to help or agree to help and flirt. It was frustrating because I knew it was a trap but my character couldn't say anything other than OMG BEWBS.

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