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How to travel to sith planets as republic


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So I'm curious to know how can a republic person use their ship to travel to a sith planet kill korriban. I'm sure those players who are sith are thinking the same thing for republic planets.


You cant.....end of story lol. The starter planets are sanctuary planets for their faction so as Republic you cannot go to the standardt Korriban, Hutta, or Dromand Kass, just like as Empire you cannot go to standard Tython, Ord Mantel, or Coruscant. I do believe you can find some special instances of these for some story quests though but you cannot go gank lowbies.


Honestly this is a GOOD thing because there doesnt need to be lvl 50s ganking little newbies in the starting zone. This does nothing but negatively effect the game and ruin the experience for new players causing a stunted growth. Ganking=Bad and for the most part lowbie ganking is not possible in TOR unless they are idiots who go to Illum at level 12, then they deserve the smack lol.

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So I'm curious to know how can a republic person use their ship to travel to a sith planet kill korriban. I'm sure those players who are sith are thinking the same thing for republic planets.


uhh well you see... this isn't WoW...if you travel to korriban is this little thing called an ORIBITAL DEFENSE GRID! which will blow your ship to bits if you dare to approach it with out the proper authorization codes. So if you as a republic scum decide to come toward one of our home worlds you will be destroyed... and thus republic being smart guys they are have made them no fly zones for safety of there troops...funny how technology works huh >>

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uhh well you see... this isn't WoW...if you travel to korriban is this little thing called an ORIBITAL DEFENSE GRID! which will blow your ship to bits if you dare to approach it with out the proper authorization codes. So if you as a republic scum decide to come toward one of our home worlds you will be destroyed... and thus republic being smart guys they are have made them no fly zones for safety of there troops...funny how technology works huh >>



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uhh well you see... this isn't WoW...if you travel to korriban is this little thing called an ORIBITAL DEFENSE GRID! which will blow your ship to bits if you dare to approach it with out the proper authorization codes. So if you as a republic scum decide to come toward one of our home worlds you will be destroyed... and thus republic being smart guys they are have made them no fly zones for safety of there troops...funny how technology works huh >>


Still, I was on your planet killing your d00ds!

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You cant.....end of story lol. The starter planets are sanctuary planets for their faction so as Republic you cannot go to the standardt Korriban, Hutta, or Dromand Kass, just like as Empire you cannot go to standard Tython, Ord Mantel, or Coruscant. I do believe you can find some special instances of these for some story quests though but you cannot go gank lowbies.


Honestly this is a GOOD thing because there doesnt need to be lvl 50s ganking little newbies in the starting zone. This does nothing but negatively effect the game and ruin the experience for new players causing a stunted growth. Ganking=Bad and for the most part lowbie ganking is not possible in TOR unless they are idiots who go to Illum at level 12, then they deserve the smack lol.


Aside from all that it would probably also affect their very uneasy "peace" at the moment. Think of it like the cold war. Both sides are just waiting for the other to make a move. Right now its just small battles going on but if the Empire or Republic starting openly attacking the other sides main planets the **** would really hit the fan.

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uhh well you see... this isn't WoW...if you travel to korriban is this little thing called an ORIBITAL DEFENSE GRID! which will blow your ship to bits if you dare to approach it with out the proper authorization codes. So if you as a republic scum decide to come toward one of our home worlds you will be destroyed... and thus republic being smart guys they are have made them no fly zones for safety of there troops...funny how technology works huh >>


Here's hoping that works better than Trade Union blockade, my grandmother in a space-volvo could get through that. :p

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uhh well you see... this isn't WoW...if you travel to korriban is this little thing called an ORIBITAL DEFENSE GRID! which will blow your ship to bits if you dare to approach it with out the proper authorization codes. So if you as a republic scum decide to come toward one of our home worlds you will be destroyed... and thus republic being smart guys they are have made them no fly zones for safety of there troops...funny how technology works huh >>


That's funny, considering I have to manually explore maps because they must not have any satellite images.

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Warhammer online stopped players from going to areas to gank lowbies, they game turned out great right?


Lol I am sure that ONE reason is what was wrong with the whole game right.....it helps to speak with actual knowledge about what you speak of. If you wanna gank newbies go play wow. Like was previously posted here not only is it a mechanic but has a stroy backing too it, did warhammer have that?

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Lol I am sure that ONE reason is what was wrong with the whole game right.....it helps to speak with actual knowledge about what you speak of. If you wanna gank newbies go play wow. Like was previously posted here not only is it a mechanic but has a stroy backing too it, did warhammer have that?


Block out areas to players. Check


Horrid FPS at launch. Check


Lots of sales at launch. Check


joke of a pvp system. Check


This game is already sounding a ton like the warhammer online I played.


voice overs and the story will only last a few months if that. and if not enough people stay and keep paying where will they get the money for voice overs in the expansions? oh well we shall see

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Block out areas to players. Check


Horrid FPS at launch. Check


Lots of sales at launch. Check


joke of a pvp system. Check


This game is already sounding a ton like the warhammer online I played.


voice overs and the story will only last a few months if that. and if not enough people stay and keep paying where will they get the money for voice overs in the expansions? oh well we shall see


lol FPS? I play on a POS system, a slimline dual core with 4GB RAM and a 512MB HD Radeon 4650 on max setting minus shadows with 40-60fps, your systems the problem not the game


High sales=bad game? Guess what WoW had lots of sales a launch too and 7 years later its still kicking strong......


PvP is a joke? So your opinion decides this? I personally like it minus the bugs and the limited variety but hardly a joke in my opinion.


So your OPINION is that it is like warhammer, it is not FACT lol. I am sorry you dont like some of these aspects and honestly if you dont like it why have you not unsubscribed? Its just bad form to continue to pay for a game you dont like, play a game you dont like just to spread your opinions on how much you dont like it. Or did I misunderstand your opinions on this game?

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Sith can't goto Balmorra, either if I'm not mistaken.


Republic and Empire have different Balmorra maps. Empire actually hits it way earlier. Right out of Dromund Kaas, at around level 18-20. Obviously they wouldn't survive the same map as the republic has in the mid thirties, and republic wouldn't be challenged by their Balmorra (other than Sobrik), annnnnd there'd be a lot of ganking of lowbie Imps, so the maps are switched.


I believe Taris works this way as well. Nar Shaddaa shares a few areas, but the actual combat areas for Empire and Republic are different, as well. Tatooine is, I believe, the first world that actually shares mission areas.

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Warhammer online stopped players from going to areas to gank lowbies, they game turned out great right?

You should at least have played the game, then you would actually know what you are talking about.


There was no prevention of high levels going into low level areas to gank lowbies, but if you went into an RVR lake area, you were changed into a chicken.


Awesome concept imho.

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I have a feeling OP was the guy in wow that sat in durotar challenging level 1s to duels on his 85 rogue and then telling his buddies how leet he was for slaughtering hordies....lol



i find it funny that people on PVP servers call people on PVE servers "carebears", then post stuff like the OP claiming they cannot kill guards (thats pve btw) or kill people 40 levels lower than them.

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Block out areas to players. Check


Horrid FPS at launch. Check



I stopped there. Spend less than $400 on a decent outdated machine if you want better FPS. My machines are over 4 years old and a the time I spent $400 on each of them. I run 60 FPS in open world and roughly 30-40 on the Fleet when it is full. Same goes with Flashpoints.


Oh, wait, never mind. I should have read. This was a "SW is doomed just because" reply. Gotcha, carry on.


EDIT: I will add that my computer (not my wifes) took a 20 oz drink of Rum and Coke to the motherboard,vid car and memory about 2 years ago. Still running fine by the way.


So if you have bad FPS then you may want to update out of windows 95 or at least get a few upgrades for that Commodore 64

Edited by Ortof
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I think you will find that the republic doesnt even know where Drumond Kas is, nor does the Empire know where Tython is. It seems rediculous when you think about that, but from the novels etc i have read leading up to the release i certainly think that is the case.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I never said in my post I wanted to gank low levels. All I really wanted to do was just explore the different planets that's all. Even if I did travel, I wouldn't be able to attack cause it would be empire territory and most people would have pvp flagged off in there, so it wouldn't matter. I explored the wow map just to see the different sites that's all.
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  • 4 years later...
Now 2 sith players on corruscant, killing republic players. How?


Exploiting an oversight with deactivating the Coruscant/Dromund Kaas strongholds that supposedly was fixed in 4.01. (When loading a char that still was in a deactivated stronghold, you ended up on the planet regardless of faction)


Either the issue can still be exploited somehow, or those players never left Coruscant since 4.01

Edited by Mubrak
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