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Any BH's from SWG?


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I have played a BH in SWG for many years.

A reasonable good one too. I kept a scorelist for killingsprees. The longest spree was 19 BH-kills without being killed. On my scale that was: Dominating.


Nice to combine Unreal and SWG BH-ing

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Pactra, from Ahazi...BH/Master pistols here, was hunting down jedi back when they got perma-death from it, and our droids didn't work. Those are the ones you had to work for, not the later ones where whole groups were gathered together farming xp.


Oh, and Pre-CU of course, that was a real fine game.

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Was a master BH on SHADOWFIRE my toon was Picasso, My best bounty was SOE head manager SMEDLY posted his office phone number after the cu on every forums general chat 15k+ in one day my best bounty lol got me forum perma bann lol.





Shadowfire toons.


Woulfgar PRE CU Jedi Kight

Picasso PRE CU Master BH

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Oh yeah...too bad there will never be player bounties in this game.


I remember back when you had to unlock Jedi's I took a bounty on a Padewan. He was killing some animal and I pulled out my carbine and started blasting him. He pulled out his blaster and started firing back! He actually killed me with his blaster!


Anyway, yeah, it's a shame there's no player bounties :( Perhaps one day?

Edited by trevaday
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Pre-CU BH Pistoleer here with a little TKM mixed in for the D. Man I loved hunting down a jedi, nothing like riding up to a guild city on your hover bike and seeing your target try to run into the cantina before you catch him. After CU, sold my account for 200 bucks and moved on forever. **** SOE.


That is the spec I used, on my BH, I also had a MWS and MAS to keep my BH in full server best gear, I had a full set of Server best RIS armor PRE-CU.


3 days prior to NGE anouncement. I had reupped for a 1 year sub, the last time I played was the day the NGE went live. Went to WoW full time, lol.


No MMO ever has had the shear potential that SWG had.

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Nice to see people are continuing playing after CU.... but lets not go there lol.


Returning after playing SWG for a long while as a bh



Aubeff - Bh from Bria

Berlappen - Elder Jedi from Bria


Hope they bring back Bounty BOards where i can track players and maul their *** when theyre afk or not looking :eek:

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