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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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PvP = 4/10


PVE = 9/10


Crafting = 9.5/10


Customization (characters/companions) = 9/10


Story = 10/10


All in all, satisfied and having fun but would like to see open star ship battles for PvP, otherwise I am hooked to the game which has me giddy as a school girl.

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Doesn't bring anything new to the MMO scene other than Voiceovers for every quest. While it's new, still doesn't change the fact the quests are still as grindy and annoying as in just about every other MMO out there.


Getting pretty tired of

>bonus 1: Kill x amount of dudes

>Bonus 2: Kill / destroy / interact with x amount of stronger dudes / containers / interactable objects

>bonus 3: Lure out the leader dude and get <generic quest item>

>bonus 4: drop off <generic quest item> in the drop box.


The worst bonus ones are:


bonus 1: Kill 30 dudes

bonus 2: destroy 10 boxes that were sitting around where the 30 dudes where which you ignored previously because you didn't have this bonus and now you will need to kill another 20 dudes to clear to the boxes

bonus 3: go somewhere at the start which has now completely respawned by now reclearing the dudes for boxes and activate a panel and fight through two respawns because you were dumb enough to pick a class that wasn't a tooled out killing machine.

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Up to lvl 47:




3/10 combat

8/10 story

5/10 environment

4/10 ui

5/10 pvp

5/10 pve

2/10 questing


I was really looking forward for SW"TOR but now am a bit dissapointed to say the least.

Am waiting and hoping for improvements in near future.

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It's sad when this game quest-wise has less re-playability then WoW.


At least in WoW you can choose between 1-3 zones to level in, so yes, it gets boring, but there SOME variety and some choice.


Here - other then dialogue options, if you want to level same faction alts, you're **** out of luck.



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Main issue with this game is they took no risks and played it safe, which means you are just playing a generic MMORPG with lightsabers and gun animations.


The one thing they tried to differently is too basic and dumbed down - space battles....

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Main issue with this game is they took no risks and played it safe, which means you are just playing a generic MMORPG with lightsabers and gun animations.


The one thing they tried to differently is too basic and dumbed down - space battles....


and such a sparkling review is worth an 8/10?


That's what I hate about giving games a number to try to evaluate the whole thing. It doesn't make sense to try to glue it all together into one overall score; you need to be able to look into the reasons the game was given that score.

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Despite all the things I hate in this game,I give it a 9/10.

Imagine if this was not a real Game but still a "project",with ppl discussing endlessly around a table,about how things should be done.

We have something real and solid to build on and it's good.Good start.

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It's sad when this game quest-wise has less re-playability then WoW.


At least in WoW you can choose between 1-3 zones to level in, so yes, it gets boring, but there SOME variety and some choice.


Here - other then dialogue options, if you want to level same faction alts, you're **** out of luck.





I think that will be a big issue in a few months.


I just started 3 chars at republic and it's quite awful, I just finished Coruscant and Taris with all of them ( I'm just at Alderaan with my highest char ) and it SUCKS, I can't tell anything else - you do 1:1 same things and it's horrorful when you do that in a week...

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6/10. Way too much X/N quests with no ingenuity.It would have been so simple to make you, say, kill X of N type enemies, while not killing M type enemies, Or destroy X of N items while not alerting the enemy or whatever, from time to time. Or puzzle quests, there are loads of ready puzzles, just take them and use in the game. What I'm trying to say is that the quest stories are always different but you always have to do the same X/N thing, regardless of the quest. Why even bother with the quest story if it makes NO BLOODY DIFFERENCE? In the end you can hardly remember what the main quest was all about. Still 6/10 is a good overall score.
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