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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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6.5/10 -- nothing too innovative, but for what it is it is a _fun game_. (Note on my scale a 10 has NEVER been awarded...ever. Closest was Starcraft:Broodwar at 9/10. In my mind there will never be a perfect game.) Edited by Battyone
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Really a level playing field huh? I wasn't aware anyone was stopping certain people from downloading add-ons? I'll never understand the arguments that add-ons ruin the game. If anything they help streamline or even address certain issues before developers can actually get to them.


The add-ons that truly break a game experience can be broken from the developer side. Using WoW as an example, they could've completely broken the gearscore mod, and they did break the AVR mod.


Shortcomings in the current UI could be addressed by the add-on developers much quicker than by actual developers.


its pointless pointing this out to people on this forum.... ive been trying it for weeks... if bioware wanted mods... its up to them what APIs they pass on to other developers.... e.g. if a gear score or a recount addon was made.. it would be because Bioware let them make my passing on the information....


this is why i argue FOR addons... the UI is an utter joke... from the abilities bar to non movable windows to the GTM. The worst thing is... with other things on high priorty.. such as the bugs... that i doubt the UI will be fixed any time soon....


If they let the community develop the UI... it would be one less thing bioware would have to do, and no1 would have to worry about recount addons, as bioware could easily stop that from happening.

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Lot of PVE content, decent PVP although there is still some fine tuning to be done there. Classes seem balanced so far, but then again I havent played them all.


Anyone who has rated this game 5/10 or lower has never tried anything out of Cryptic.

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Lot of PVE content, decent PVP although there is still some fine tuning to be done there. Classes seem balanced so far, but then again I havent played them all.


Anyone who has rated this game 5/10 or lower has never tried anything out of Cryptic.

Some of us may use the full range of ratings instead of emulating gaming sites that seem to think 7-9.9 is a broad enough range to cover all games ever.

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Like what? I just gave an example of the supposed "alternatives" on WoW: Lakeshire or Ashenvale? Desolace or Stranglethorn? Most of these areas you will have seen before with your main anyway so the novelty is often gone early on. Any other MMO I've played I struggle to think of anything more than 2 choices. In addition, often one of these areas is significantly 'better' or 'more developed' than the other. Take, for example, Blasted Lands in WoW...there's about 10 quests there, total. Or Swamp of Sorrows for Alliance...6 quests, maybe?


As for quests, what difference? I played WoW for 6 years and I -honestly- can't think of variance in the quests I can do. 90% of the quests were item collection or enemy grinding...that's it. The only variance was what enemies you were killing or what items you were collecting, that's it.


The only thing TOR lacks a bit of is multiple viable planets to go to at any level, but I can't honestly understand how that alone would make the levelling experience in other MMOs more engrossing because the novelty of the new area disappears -very- quickly once the repetitive questing comes in.


Recently in many forums and while talking to my Guild it's because of how static the worlds are at the moment.


Before you say nme one mmo that has done this better, well one is Aion, Rift, and so forth, doesn't mean I think the game is better but that's just how it is at the moment, there are a lot of other MMOs that do this honestly but I'm sure people stressed there names including the two I mention.


Just how it is bro, though that an the reasons the guy listed, maybe be some more reasons as well.


It's sort of interesting how 5-8.5 ratings they give more than the rating with valid points.


For those that missed mine though I doubt you care, I'd rate it a 7/10. Reasons well I got a good one if you have read this whole post.

Edited by Ryzerion
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9 / 10


Considering its fresh out the door and in its infancy. I'm surprised how few bugs there are and how much content there is on release. I can't wait to see where this game will go in the next year. So much potential.


And to all those who raced to level 50 .. lol Not a very smart move on your part. Don't wonder why your bored and all the flashpoints and operations are bugged to hell. In a few months, when the average is 50, those issues will (or should, we'll see) be fixed.

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4.5-5/10 at best.

Far to many game breaking issues to be any better.

The fact you have to do 90% of the same quests to level up a character on the same side is just really *********** beyond belif dumb.


And this is different from other MMOs how?

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And this is different from other MMOs how?

There is only one main questline which takes you to the same zones / planets. Many games, wow included, have more than one line in different zones. You had to choose which line you'd take.


However, unlike wow, questing in swtor is actually more fun for some reason. The interaction of the dialog seems to make a rather big difference. I only wish it changed the nature of your objectives more.

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I'm enjoying it immensely but not high enough to see "end game" yet. Really enjoy class stories and even some of the planets' though. Modded gear is nice touch but could use bit more variety. Pvp is enjoyable as well and can't wait to see where they take it as more story/setting related than some other games'.


In no rush as usually burn myself out and can enjoy swtor even at a slower pace.

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I would rate the game 9/10. These are the main reasons:


I really love story, voice over and area design (Corellia, Ord Martell and Nar Shaddaa being the best in my opinion).


I like the possibility that you can do flashpoints (even Black Talon for lvl 10) on HC lvl 50 version.


I enjoy the fact that SW ToR is an instanced MMO. I really hated when there were no mobs to kill in WoW, just because there was a peak hour and therefore more players than monsters (above all Tol Barad Sunday 18:00 - "I want to kill spiders! No! That one was mine!")


What rather bothers me are the scratches made in vehicles you can get. I was really looking forward to have my own red Manta Landspeeder. Oh, well, I guess the Korrealis Commander will have to do...


I don't like lightsabre colorstones having stats. Why do I have to choose between yellow color with better stats and red one which is worse?


What I am rather disappointed (but I am sure it is being worked on) is the absence of rewards for staying with neutral alignment.


If I do not count the bugs (which are to be expected in every new MMO), the game is excellent with great potential.

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Well given my long history with MMOs going back to Ultima Online and experiencing many release such as Anarchy Online, Shadowbane, DAoC, WoW and Fallen Earth I'm going to say it is easily the most polished and professional release in my MMO experience.


For a just released game I'll give it 9/10.


It has plenty of bugs to be squashed and needs some polish here and there but overall I'm amazed given the complicated nature of MMOs in general and this one in particular given the staggering amount of content.


Every other MMO I've experienced on release has had serious technical difficulties where you couldn't play at all for long stretches of time (sometimes for days on end).


What the future holds is unknown but hopefully they stick to their vision for the game and ignore most of the crap spewed in this forum by wannabe game developers.

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Would be 9/10 but I'm awaiting the first major content patch/release.


I really enjoy this game, and as a major veteran of open world MMORPGs, I chalk it up there with, in my opinion, some of the bests like (pre NGE) SWG, LOTRO, DAOC, and EverQuest,



I'll give it a year honestly before I have a more solid opinion, but, great start Bioware, thank you.

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PvE probably 8/10. The voiceovers and story is pretty awesome for JK. Enjoying doing the OPs so far. Having FPS issues though on a computer that runs everything else very smoothly.


PvP 1/10. I've never played an MMO with worse PvP than this. The warzones had to have been thrown together in a rush in like 3 days. Illum is literally just a big football field where both sides ignore eachother to finish dailies. Unless they hire a new team or something this stuff won't be improved upon. On the other hand I don't think the game was ever marketed for PvP.


It's kind of like a co-op game more than an MMO.

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