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10 Good
  1. Bioware needs to fix this. I quite like the headgear my Twi'lek sorcerer has, only to have it replaced with this tiny crappy looking, metal circlet, when I picked up a green item headband. All that needs be done is to keep your selected headgear showing regardless of what head item you have equipped, and problem solved.
  2. For me Twi'leks are the new hotness! Those lekku head-dresses get me every time.
  3. Score = Take your current rating for WoW + 1 (for addition of lightsabers)
  4. Not talking about Mission or Gathering skills, just the Crafting skills, you know... the ones you make stuff with. What you would typically do is have your two crafting alts, which cover the 6 production skills ( 3 apiece ), then your mains would have the gathering and mission skills, and mail materials back to the crafting alts. You mean... The way it is setup, is a great way for players to screw each other IMO, as players have do deal with price gouging and auction house manipulation (wow imagine that in an MMO) in order to obtain every single piece of crafted possibility in the game. Lets call a spade a space, the majority of players here are here to win! Grind to max level, pwn you in PvP and get rich quick... at the expense of others, just like in real life.
  5. In my opinion, this is a bit harsh, only allowing one production craft per character. Rather than having two crafting alt's, I now have to roll 6 characters to cover all the crafting. It seams redundant that Bioware wants to prevent us from having crafting alts, since us mad-keen crafter's are going to roll as many alts as necessary to cover all the crafts, so why try to enforce this restriction is asinine. Crafting alts are a facet of EVERY MMO since Everquest. You had your mains, you crafting alts and your banking alts. I see them today in THIS game, so why is Bioware bending backwards to make this game nOOb friendly, then goes and does this infuriating move seams odd to me. Just remove this limitation and allow us to have our crafting alts back. It will only require 2 toons to cover the crafts rather than six! That will leave me 4 more slots for other characters, rather than tying them up with crafting alts!
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