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Actually, its directional plasma stream coming out of hilt. Would be quite physically impossible to make "shapes" out of it without gigantic(compared to LS hilt) electromagnetic gear.


if Ewoks can defeat the empire with twigs and boulders, we can come up with a handheld, portable device that manipulates a plasma stream.

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Seeing how this is 3000+ years ago I think they should have made them all like prototype lightsabers. At first I thought that was what they were doing in the start of the game with the training lightsabers. I wish they just kept going off that design. Like having a lightsaber that looked like a glowing hot peace of iron, or one with two prongs on both sides holding a bolt of electricity between them, and even some that look clunky and cumbersome like failed experiments. Till finally around your late 40's you come across your first true lightsaber.


that would make no sense... remember we are talking about a jedi order that has already been around for over 20,000 years flying around hyperspace by the time this game starts... the DID have older style lightsabers (called protosabers) which required to be hooked up to a large power source but those were replaced by the standardized version a few thousand years earlier at the start of the Great Hyperspace War... basically what you are asking for here is like you playing COD and saying "I think players should start off using black powder muskets and not get revolvers or automatics till much later in the game"... people complain a lot about the lack of much difference in technology lvl between this game's time and the movies but fail to realize technology hits apexes and does not progress at a constant speed... it usually comes in short bursts of advancement then normalizes for long time periods... complaining that technology didn't change much between 4000 BBY and 0bby after realizing the republic has been around for 25000 years is like complaining that technology hasn't radically changed between the year 1990 and 2000... think of how many thousands of years we used basic swords with little to no advancement in design

Edited by Liquidacid
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The CE book kind of touches on it. Wookiepedia certainly details the history of the lightsaber. Needless to say, the time period this game is set in, lightsabers were already refined to what we all know from the movies.


To get the older, klunkier ones, you gotta go back much farther.


Yeah, like another 2000 years, during the Great Hyperspace War. And even then, they were only attached to a power pack on someone's belt. If you REALLY want a NON-LIGHTSABER melee weapon used by Jedi you REALLY have to go back all the way to the VERY beginning on Tython, when Jedi used Force energy charged swords.

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Yeah, like another 2000 years, during the Great Hyperspace War. And even then, they were only attached to a power pack on someone's belt. If you REALLY want a NON-LIGHTSABER melee weapon used by Jedi you REALLY have to go back all the way to the VERY beginning on Tython, when Jedi used Force energy charged swords.


I actually think a game set during the "Hundred years of Darkness", the war of light jedi vs dark that ended with the creation of the sith order after the dark jedi were exiled (circa 7000 bby) would be epic...

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well i dont use a lightsaber only my lovely blaster pistol <3


But from what i read now.....a weapon is made to battle/fight not to stand out of the crowd.

This is how it is in real history and the same for most fiction lore....


some different "styles" were mentioned before like whips made of laser....yeah that has been there but it is not a Light"saber" as someone else said.


The link with the "e*****" heh awsome but try to swing your lightsaber in a "whirlwind" around you i bet youd cut of some of your limbs then ;o as i said, it is meant to fight (or if you want to protect something ^^)


I like the idea of changing colors etc. it is something we need much more variety the thing about the hilts of a lightsaber is true too we could need much more of that too it would finally give the "crafters" between us something to thing on what were going to craft hence making them craftable as an example.

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that would make no sense... remember we are talking about a jedi order that has already been around for over 20,000 years flying around hyperspace by the time this game starts... the DID have older style lightsabers (called protosabers) which required to be hooked up to a large power source but those were replaced by the standardized version a few thousand years earlier at the start of the Great Hyperspace War... basically what you are asking for here is like you playing COD and saying "I think players should start off using black powder muskets and not get revolvers or automatics till much later in the game"... people complain a lot about the lack of much difference in technology lvl between this game's time and the movies but fail to realize technology hits apexes and does not progress at a constant speed... it usually comes in short bursts of advancement then normalizes for long time periods... think of how many thousands of years we used basic swords with little to no advancement in design


Again I don't care about that. It's a MMO. It doesn't have to be 100% lure friendly all the time. My idea would give more variety in weapons.

Edited by ClayPeopleCry
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Not all of the sabers were prevolent in this era, that is true. But most of them were.


If you use only what wookiepiedia lists in this era then it would be



Long handle




Like other people pointed out the lightwhip is technically not a saber, hence why it is called a light whip not a saner whip. It is wielded by jedi and sith, going back to the old repblic era. It is a difficult weapon to wield, but those who use it did so because it is uncommon and most do not know how to fight against it.



Though I am certain you can easily make an argument for any of the saber types being in this era, just not heavily used.

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Personally I think they are fine, too much creativity and you break lore. You can't really ignore it for casters because for Sith sorcerers have been known to not use Sabers but most consulars carry one. I can see it if someone is not a huge SW fan, but to be honest I hope they don't change just because some folks are bored with it, that happened too much with WOW.
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Personally I find them well, dull.

Up to level 50 I'm pretty much use the same looking weapon.

I know its a part of the lore and that at start it's epic but well it never changes.

My off hand is invisible as well.


I can pick a few different colours and the hilt slightly changes, but that's it.


Let's say one year further a few operations further and you will still be wielding the same saber.


How do other people look at it, do you like that or perhaps a bit more variation would have been appreciated.

So, do you want the SWTOR weapon designers to be more like the WOW weapon designers and make saber hilts the size of your leg so they can make them more detailed?

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Actually, its directional plasma stream coming out of hilt. Would be quite physically impossible to make "shapes" out of it without gigantic(compared to LS hilt) electromagnetic gear.


If it's plasma, where does the matter come from? Do you carry a canister of gas on your back that gets ionized so your hilt can spew out it's plasma?

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Just an aside. Varying lightsabers also have different ignition sounds when the emitter "fires" up. I know its not the customization your looking for but i recently switched the ones on my jedi out from the normal "Bwoosh" sound to a subtler "Snikt"
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If it's plasma, where does the matter come from? Do you carry a canister of gas on your back that gets ionized so your hilt can spew out it's plasma?


Straight from Wookipedia

"The lightsaber mechanisms were contained within the hilt. High levels of energy generated by a high-output Diatium power cell was unleashed through a series of focusing lenses and energizers that converted the energy into plasma. The plasma was projected through a set of focusing crystals that lent the blade its properties and allowed for the adjustment of blade length and power output. The ideal number of crystals was three, though only one was required."



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So, do you want the SWTOR weapon designers to be more like the WOW weapon designers and make saber hilts the size of your leg so they can make them more detailed?


Don't know what WOW has to do with SW lightsabers.

Though I don't deny that the importance of looks of gear/weapons has been around in mmo's for a long time.



Read most replies and well I think it boils down to personal taste.

Some people seem to be content with 'just' this , I mean it's a lightsaber it's as epic as it can get for SW standards.


Others point out there are more type of light sabers in the SW universe and that they would like to see them in.

Also I agree with lore should not be taken to serious JL doesn't seem to do so.

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Don't know what WOW has to do with SW lightsabers.

Though I don't deny that the importance of looks of gear/weapons has been around in mmo's for a long time.



Read most replies and well I think it boils down to personal taste.

Some people seem to be content with 'just' this , I mean it's a lightsaber it's as epic as it can get for SW standards.


Others point out there are more type of light sabers in the SW universe and that they would like to see them in.

Also I agree with lore should not be taken to serious JL doesn't seem to do so.

In order for WOW to design more detailed gear, they needed to increase the size of the items. Thats why shoulders, belts, and weapons are so large. (this is coming from the designers too).


So by you asking for more detail/differences in sabers, I was using an analogy with WOW for SWTOR designers to increase the size of the saber hilts.

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Don't know what WOW has to do with SW lightsabers.

Though I don't deny that the importance of looks of gear/weapons has been around in mmo's for a long time.



Read most replies and well I think it boils down to personal taste.

Some people seem to be content with 'just' this , I mean it's a lightsaber it's as epic as it can get for SW standards.


Others point out there are more type of light sabers in the SW universe and that they would like to see them in.

Also I agree with lore should not be taken to serious JL doesn't seem to do so.


I'm pretty sure the "importance" of looks has evolved out of WoW. At least, back in the EQ days, I don't remember that problem. A lot of things looked the same, and no one really complained about it. Sure, there were a few unique looking weapons - like the Paladin only sword that was on fire - but generally? Not really.

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It's a lightsaber - how can you vary it except for different hilts/colours?



well, I guess they could have a pink Hello Kitty one... like the Hello Kitty Assault Rifle, cos nuthin says 'deadly but cute' than a cartoon cat.


And by cracky, you'd stand out in a crowd.


To the OP, it's a lightsaber, if it's got anything but a silod beam of light sticking out the front it's... faulty.

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In order for WOW to design more detailed gear, they needed to increase the size of the items. Thats why shoulders, belts, and weapons are so large. (this is coming from the designers too).


So by you asking for more detail/differences in sabers, I was using an analogy with WOW for SWTOR designers to increase the size of the saber hilts.


what? so in order for WoW designers to be more creative they NEEDED to increase the size of things to comical proportions? not saying they didn't say that but it is a weak and stupid excuse

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what? so in order for WoW designers to be more creative they NEEDED to increase the size of things to comical proportions? not saying they didn't say that but it is a weak and stupid excuse

Yes. I agree. There was a post quite some time ago for people asking for a hide option for the shoulder slot, and a blue posted that they had to increase the shoulder size in order to add more detail, a lot of work went into the design of shoulders and they wouldn't "hide" the slot..


I find it quite funny myself.

Edited by RycheMykola
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what? so in order for WoW designers to be more creative they NEEDED to increase the size of things to comical proportions? not saying they didn't say that but it is a weak and stupid excuse


It kind of makes sense if you think about it. You can add little small details to armors, but they might go unnoticed. If you REALLY want a player to see what you've done to an armor, then the logical option is to make the things really big, and noticable...


Not that it isn't silly, of course. In WoW I could never stand looking at males. Their shoulders are just overly huge and ridiculous.

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I want a lightsaber wtih a skull hologram in it or electrical effects pulsating from the light


There are alot of ways to make the lightsaber more flashy like WoW weapons. Bioware,..if u need advice on making weapons flashy...just ask Blizzard

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It kind of makes sense if you think about it. You can add little small details to armors, but they might go unnoticed. If you REALLY want a player to see what you've done to an armor, then the logical option is to make the things really big, and noticable...


Not that it isn't silly, of course. In WoW I could never stand looking at males. Their shoulders are just overly huge and ridiculous.

Even the belts look ridiculous, my Priest look like he was wearing a WWF champion belt.


It would be cool if Bioware could have a player armor/weapon design contest. The player that designs the best looking armor set or weapon could win a 1,3,6,12 etc month subscription.

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It kind of makes sense if you think about it. You can add little small details to armors, but they might go unnoticed. If you REALLY want a player to see what you've done to an armor, then the logical option is to make the things really big, and noticable...


Not that it isn't silly, of course. In WoW I could never stand looking at males. Their shoulders are just overly huge and ridiculous.


well I suppose it makes sense in the way that using a billboard to grab more attention than putting up posters makes sense... but overall it's still rather stupid in implementation and design... by that logic they might as well just have made the armor fill the entire screen 100 percent this way the players could really see their hard work and the details


Even the belts look ridiculous, my Priest look like he was wearing a WWF champion belt.


well this is WoW so maybe your Priest IS a WWF champion? lol

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