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How Can A Game With Such A Large Budget Have So Little Content? What Was it Spent On?


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What was the budget spent on?



You know all those quest convos you spammed your space bar through?





This game is about the journey.....not the Destination.




After the bug fixes, much more content is to come. It's not bioware's fault you rushed through it all, so now your stuck with the empty and buggy as hell endgame.



FYI, I got a 50 warrior.......rank 30 something valor, does dailies every day and weeklies each week since he hit 50...........I'm still rolling alts, cause my guild hasn't caught up to me yet, so we can avoid having to pug with *******s...



They weren't kidding when they said enjoy the journey.


I can't help but lol at the irony of this post.......but it just shows more about the game than it does you to be honest.

Edited by MargulisAZ
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Actually, if memory serves me correctly, it took some people 4-5 days to level to 60 in Vanilla. You always have people that play extremely. They are the minority as you walk away seven years later and believe it took 1-2 months because that's what it took the average person.
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This game is a total failure. The servers are shrinking, the game is boring, there's no replay value, it's hyper casual, it's broken, it's boring, and did I mention it's boring? Who gives a **** that it's voice acted, and who cares what wow had at launch. The fact of the matter is that for a game to compete in the market it has to be at least on par with other mmos out on the market. We aren't trying to do better than wow did at launch we're trying to better than other mmos on the market right now. You can't get people to subscribe to swtor by saying oh well it's got more than wow did 7 years ago. No thanks I want a game that has content and is fun and short of that why should I subscribe. I just now cancelled my sub and I won't miss this game or the community that loves to suckle on almighty bioware's never wrong dick. Bioware makes great signle player games but they made a mistake teaming up with the worst publisher in the history of gaming just to get a kotor based mmo on the market. Tbh I hope this game crashes and burns hard so that it might hurt EA's already tarnished reputation and wallet. Maybe then we can actually get some worthwhile games out on the market, who knows. And if you enjoy the game, more power to you. But if you ask me it's broken and boring and I've actually had more fun with some korean grind mmos than I have with this boring game.
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This game is a total failure. The servers are shrinking, the game is boring, there's no replay value, it's hyper casual, it's broken, it's boring, and did I mention it's boring? Who gives a **** that it's voice acted, and who cares what wow had at launch. The fact of the matter is that for a game to compete in the market it has to be at least on par with other mmos out on the market. We aren't trying to do better than wow did at launch we're trying to better than other mmos on the market right now. You can't get people to subscribe to swtor by saying oh well it's got more than wow did 7 years ago. No thanks I want a game that has content and is fun and short of that why should I subscribe. I just now cancelled my sub and I won't miss this game or the community that loves to suckle on almighty bioware's never wrong dick. Bioware makes great signle player games but they made a mistake teaming up with the worst publisher in the history of gaming just to get a kotor based mmo on the market. Tbh I hope this game crashes and burns hard so that it might hurt EA's already tarnished reputation and wallet. Maybe then we can actually get some worthwhile games out on the market, who knows. And if you enjoy the game, more power to you. But if you ask me it's broken and boring and I've actually had more fun with some korean grind mmos than I have with this boring game.



That was funny. :D

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Actually, if memory serves me correctly, it took some people 4-5 days to level to 60 in Vanilla. You always have people that play extremely. They are the minority as you walk away seven years later and believe it took 1-2 months because that's what it took the average person.


It's safe to say that memory does not serve you correctly. Brian Kopp held the record for quickest leveling time in vanilla at patch 1.0, and it was 19 days /played.

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It's saddening that Bioware would waste money that could've developed a stellar end-game, engine, and combat system on voice actors.


Actually the game has too many quests. If you decide to do one planet 100% you can almost skip then ext because you've outleveled it. This can be used to create a different level path for one alt sure but I don't know if that's the right thing to do.


Imho VA should have been restricted to class stories. It's just super annoying if the guy talks to you in some alien stuff (after a few quests you hear the repeating files lol ) for 3 Minutes just to tell you that he wants you to kill some stuff.


I like VA if I can understand it. Alien BS? Text please.

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IMO the game has ungodly amounts of content. If you sped thru it all to get to 50 where there's far less content, that's your problem. As the doods are fond of saying, and it applies here, L2P.


This game will eventually have lots of endgame content, but people knew going in that the leveling part of the game was where the time was spent on content pre-release. If you don't want to enjoy that, dunno what to tell you.


The amount of content involved in leveling is ridiculous, IMO.

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Everyone should know Xugos is a liar and spreads misinformation. Before the forum wipe he claim to be a full time tester and was busted when he made a thread asking if his computer can run this game. The sad troll edited his post, but someone quoted what he originally wrote.


You can also see him get busted for making an alt account when he posted on mmo-champion named "Thraxx" to further troll:




How much does Blizzard pay you Xugos? How long is your contract? 3 months to try to sabotage the game? Must pay well.

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I have 7 and a half days played on my 50, so it's about right.


I spent a lot of time exploring, working on crew skills, doing space missions to earn money for speeder training,ect...



Playing like a NORMAL person,. there's plenty to do before you have to hit cap.


Maybe but it starts taking a significantly longer amount of time to level once you hit your 30's. I stand by there is no way someone could take 3 actual days of play time to hit 23 unless they did it on purpose.

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You're kidding, right?


I over-leveld Balmorra and Quesh. I only did about 60% of the quests on Nar Shadda. I didn't need to do the Bonus Series on Balmorra, Taris, or finish the one on Alderaan, and I'm 42.5.


I didn't need to do the heroic misisons on every planet, although I did many of them.


I still have Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia to get through. I've done every Flashpoint up to Collicoid War Games.


My crafting skill is 50pts from being maxed out. I'm currently working on maxing affection for Khem and Ashara.


There's still tons to do.


I tried to hit 50 over my extended vacation, but 42.5 is as close as I was able to come. Maybe I'll hit 45 tonight.

Edited by Heimskringla
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The problem isn't lack of content.


The problem is you, and everyone else that treats MMOs as a race these days.


No current developer in existence can keep up with (nor satisfy) that kind of mentality.


Look in the mirror. Blame yourself.

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IMO the game has ungodly amounts of content. If you sped thru it all to get to 50 where there's far less content, that's your problem. As the doods are fond of saying, and it applies here, L2P.


This game will eventually have lots of endgame content, but people knew going in that the leveling part of the game was where the time was spent on content pre-release. If you don't want to enjoy that, dunno what to tell you.


The amount of content involved in leveling is ridiculous, IMO.


Apart from the class stories, which are really good for the most part, and the initial leveling experience, there isn't much imho. Leveling the second char and listening to the same conversations again gets tedious really quickly, at least for me. It doesn't get any better as the leveling curve is straight, you do not have a choice between 2-3 different planets for the same level range. You essentially do the same exact quests and planets in the same exact order. The replay value is much smaller than I expected because of this.


Also, it took me 5 days played to get to lvl50 without "rushing". Did ALL the quests (including heroic 2 and 4mans), listened to all convos, did most of the flashpoints at their respective levels. And all this by playing 4-5 hours a day or so after work. I would hardly call this a long leveling process. One of the shortest I've experienced in MMOs so far (also one of the most enjoyable ones at the same time).

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This game has A LOT of content -- it's just not the kind of content everyone wants (End game is what some people want, where this game clearly focuses more on leveling up than end game).


Mind you, I'm fine with the current end game, but I don't really care about end game much to be honest.

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Apart from the class stories, which are really good for the most part, and the initial leveling experience, there isn't much imho. Leveling the second char and listening to the same conversations again gets tedious really quickly, at least for me. It doesn't get any better as the leveling curve is straight, you do not have a choice between 2-3 different planets for the same level range. You essentially do the same exact quests and planets in the same exact order. The replay value is much smaller than I expected because of this.


Also, it took me 5 days played to get to lvl50 without "rushing". Did ALL the quests (including heroic 2 and 4mans), listened to all convos, did most of the flashpoints at their respective levels. And all this by playing 4-5 hours a day or so after work. I would hardly call this a long leveling process. One of the shortest I've experienced in MMOs so far (also one of the most enjoyable ones at the same time).


So you're saying it took you less than 25 hours to get to 50? Funny, it took me around 100 hours going pretty fast, skipping some bonus missions and all heroics, and without doing any flashpoints at their level. Over 4 days /played, again, going at a fast pace.

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Also, it took me 5 days played to get to lvl50 without "rushing". Did ALL the quests (including heroic 2 and 4mans), listened to all convos, did most of the flashpoints at their respective levels. And all this by playing 4-5 hours a day or so after work. I would hardly call this a long leveling process. One of the shortest I've experienced in MMOs so far (also one of the most enjoyable ones at the same time).


Sorry but that's bull**** and you and everybody else know it :)

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So you're saying it took you less than 25 hours to get to 50? Funny, it took me around 100 hours going pretty fast, skipping some bonus missions and all heroics, and without doing any flashpoints at their level. Over 4 days /played, again, going at a fast pace.


No, I said it took me 5 days /played, while playing the game after work (and admittedly putting in some heavier hours during the weekend). So in "real" time, i'd say it was a bit over 2 weeks or something.

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Who said they really spent 300 millions?

For now, the content is located in questing / alts.


But it's not the missing content for me, it's this crappy engine.

SWTOR should look like a shooter and offer the newest DX11 effects, while still running with 80 FPS constantly to offer the smoothest combat possible. Like every well made unreal engine game does.


Instead we got low-textures, no proper shadows or dynamic lights of any kind, a laggy combat system and on top of that, FPS problems !?!?!


SWTOR ist like a failed console port. Propably 2 years ago they wanted to make this game multi platform and noticed consoles are to ****** for MMOs. Now we are stuck with a failed project?

Well, I am not. Won't resub anyway until all those problems are sorted - and I guess they never will be.

Edited by squiek
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Oh and judging by what I've heard when talking to peeps on different planets, majority seems to be skipping the 2/4 man quests claiming they are "useless". Apart from them giving tons of xp and good rewards, this also means they would level significantly slower due to skipping them (some of the bonus series are almost exclusively group quests). Doing space combat missions daily (and keeping your ship upgraded to make them easier) contributes a ton to the leveling process too.


All in all please refrain from brushing off arguments just because you personally had a different leveling process or having a different playing style.

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