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How Can A Game With Such A Large Budget Have So Little Content? What Was it Spent On?


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People who can fit over 60 hours of gameplay in 5 days are, yeah, rushers.

Also, you obviously never cared for the social interactions with other people, never took the time to enjoy little things, went against the enemy on planets with improvised companions etc...


No. They are people who have holidays and nothing else to do. Not everyone works between Dec 23. and Jan 06. ;)



You get a chocolate cake. You do know that you will get another one, but not right now. You have the choice, you either eat it all the way, OR, you try to enjoy each part, and try to mix other things with it to make it last longer, without ruining enjoyment at all, and the time will come faster than you think.


Your analogy is SERIOUSLY flawed.


1/3 of your chocolate cake (aka Endgame) is not done being baked and you sit in front of the oven and wait for it, meanwhile the guy who sold you the cake has taken your money for the ENTIRE cake and you know that in a few days you have to pay more money to keep waiting in front of the oven to finally get the cake YOU ALREADY PAID FOR. (Aka waiting on BW to fix buggy endgame)

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Okay dokey Mr. Compare SWTOR to WoW guy, I see you're making your rounds here so let me point out to you that WoW released with 0 battlegrounds and 0 raids.


Technically you could call Upper Blackrock and Stratholme raids I suppose, but at the time they only dropped blue gear. It was several months until battlegrounds were introduced, there was no pvp gear, and Molten Core didn't come in until later.


Also the first level 50 in WoW was within a week. Plenty others who were into the hardcore grind did it in about two.


Just sayin, you might need a history lesson.


Exactly. I was there at WoW release as well.


And the folks who were level 60 in 1-2 weeks were on the WoW forums saying that the game was crap, that there was no content, and that everyone would quit within a month or two once they reached level cap. I remember the threads.


This kind of commentary is simply made in EVERY SINGLE MMO by the crowd that fast caps. It happened in WoW as well, it's just that very few of the people in the peanut gallery were actually playing WoW in 11/04 and 12/04 to remember the comment threads in the WoW forums at the time.

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It took people a couple of days to power level to 60.

Now anyone can reach cap in that amount of time with no effort.


The average player got their first character from 1 to 60 in about 15-20 days. There is no official world first record of the first lvl 60 player, so not sure where you are taking your "facts" from. On of the first or at least one of the documented fast "dingers" had close to 7d played on his character, while having several people rotating shifts and having a pre-set course of action set by participating in the beta(s).

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It took people a couple of days to power level to 60.

Now anyone can reach cap in that amount of time with no effort.


The world first lvl60 was 10 days and that was an epic achievement. So, how does one extraordinary person hitting the max level on 10 days equal "it took people a couple of days to power level to 60"?


Seems that atleast one biodrone just got shot down. Hard.

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Oh, okay. So next time I'm reading a really good book or watching a really good movie, instead of completing it, I will pause it in the middle of the most interesting part so I would have something to do the next day. *facepalms*


Just don't complain the movie was too short because you watched it with Fast Forward pressed down.

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Just don't complain the movie was too short because you watched it with Fast Forward pressed down.


Oh, how did he do that exactly if, as he stated, he did not spacebar the dialogs and did all the quests that where available? Please, do explain that statement of yours.

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Just don't complain the movie was too short because you watched it with Fast Forward pressed down.


Reading comprehension is something that you do not really have, do you?

Doing ALL the quests, including heroic ones, listening to all quest dialogs and doing all normal flashpoints, getting all crew skills up to max constitutes as playing the game "with fast forward pressed down"? Really?


Common sense sadly is not that common.

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It's not bioware's fault you rushed through it ....



They weren't kidding when they said enjoy the journey.


I get your point. But bioware knew what they were getting themselves into.


To say it's not their fault is kind of a cop out. They never gave me a reason to care bout most of their expensive story. I pay attention to my main quest, but flash points and side quests are all the same...


I need your help... Go kill or click this at this spot on the map that I mark for you... Come back and I give u white or red points, a token, and a thank you.


If any of them were any different than this specific formula almost every time, maybe I'd have to listen. Or maybe if I felt lost or something because I skipped too much, I'd listen, but bioware designed nothing to change the fact that I'd be completely fine by skipping them.


Most of it's just boring. I cannot help this, I can't pretend it's interesting. I know these are my personal opinions but if bioware did it differently, perhaps I'd feel otherwise.


I know I'm just being a contrarian, but to suggest they got nothing to do with this is a misconception. It's their design, and they're hedging most of their bets on it.

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Oh, how did he do that exactly if, as he stated, he did not spacebar the dialogs and did all the quests that where available? Please, do explain that statement of yours.


He explained that statement by making it. The explanation is, "I rushed through this thread too quickly without bothering to read the posts."


There really should be 2 forum factions: fanboys and haters, with no cross-faction interaction. The differences will not be resolved until the game expires. Then, the fanboys will blame the haters, the haters will blame the fanboys, and everyone can move on to the next one (hopefully a Neuromancer/Shadowrun MMO).


:wea_03: Lightsaber!

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Regardless of budget or amount of content, this game simply lacks soul. It's a bland series of corridors with way too much instancing and way too many load screens.


There's no drive to do anything once you've experienced the main storyline. Endgame is awful.


Notice everyone seems to bring up WoW in these kind of threads, so i'll say it. WoW had charm, this game does not.


"Lacks soul" I like how you put it, i think it sums it up.


But seriously, what on heck did they spend all that money on??? I definately was not writers, all the quests are either Fex-ex or kill X.

Edited by lycrates
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He explained that statement by making it. The explanation is, "I rushed through this thread too quickly without bothering to read the posts."


Reading comprehension is something that you do not really have, do you?

Doing ALL the quests, including heroic ones, listening to all quest dialogs and doing all normal flashpoints, getting all crew skills up to max constitutes as playing the game "with fast forward pressed down"? Really?


Common sense sadly is not that common.


Enough said.

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This game had a budget of about 80-100m, those 150-300m numbers are BS.


Considering the press release said £135,000,000 here in the UK I hardly think that translates to $80,000,000.

Edited by HeroXx
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You do know dude. That this game also has a single player component to it right? Everyone always forgets that most games for xbox/ps3 release at 50~60$ and have about 25~60 hours of gameplay (more for skyrim and dragon age) Essentially you have to think. Was the initial cost of the game worth it? 60$ for what you claimed yourself to be about 60 hours of content?


WoW released with 3 Battle grounds. And no raid content. and almost 0 single player maxed level content. So in terms of content we released with about the same amount. I have no clue which WoW you were playing that took you 3 months to get to 60. It could totally be done in 4 weeks to the average gamer that spends 25~30 hours a week playing video games. And if you did not space bar through all of the content and you ran every single flashpoint as you leveled it ended up being about 2 weeks worth of content for me at 8 hours a day.


Mind you there are still both PVE and PvP rewards you can get from dailies. And not just hardmode and operation/raid content dailies. There are dailies in Illum and Balsavis that grant tokens for PvE gear. So the maxed level content adds even more to the initial 60 hours you invested in leveling. Character progression does not end once you hit level 50.


Overall this has been the highest content release ever in the history of MMO's aside from Rift.


You might bring up the bugs. Yeah there are bugs. There has never been a PC only game in the history of PC gaming that has released with 0 bugs. And to be honest a **** ton of people myself included thought that there would be way more game breaking bugs than there are currently. Yet there's only really a couple.


Raid/Ops Rng with boss 1 shots and despawns.


Warzone frame rate lag that some people are experiencing


So please **** with your whining. If you don't think the level 50 content is worth continuing your subscription atm. Then Unsub. but the level 1~50 content was more than enough content to have it just be a KTOR 3 for you. And leave with a good taste in your mouth about what you did experience.

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It took 125+ hours for me to reach lvl 50. I mostly did solo quests, some space missions, hc quests, and wz. That someone could get to 50 in 50-60 hours, is just absurd. I played about 8+ hours everyday, cause I'm on a holiday right now.
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There is no way in hell you have 3 actual days of play time (72 hours) and are only level 24. Absolutely no way unless you've spent more then 2/3rds of your play time just sitting at the fleet. I don't believe I've seen someone tell such an obvious lie before in my life.


Actually its the truth. I'm cleaning every place of missions and doing most of the quests alone so yes its the truth. I'm playing ecatly as I did when I got to lvl 60 in WoW (8days)

Clean an area before continuing.


and who are you to judge what is a lie and what is not. obviously you don't know what you are talking about :)

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