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How Can A Game With Such A Large Budget Have So Little Content? What Was it Spent On?


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Sorry to point out to you m8, but gaming hasn't moved very far in the last 20 years, all thats got better is the graphics, the gameplay is still lacking since the days of classic gaming (Spectrum, BBC, Acorn, Atari and Amiga et al)


So it's more than fair to point out that the gameplay is similar as the technology hasn't moved far.


Plus you guys really need to leave WoW alone, all I see on these forums is WoW this and WoW that, this isn't WoW, it might play like it, but imho most MMO's kinda play like each other.


Personally there is a ALOT of content ingame, the issue is for some reason people want to be level 50 in a day, as someone who's played Everquest for 13 years, and enjoyed the real old days when it actually took awhile to level, I miss abit of a grind, it doesn't hurt to grind and sorts the men from the boys.


You sir are so RIGHT!!! :)

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No, I said it took me 5 days /played, while playing the game after work (and admittedly putting in some heavier hours during the weekend). So in "real" time, i'd say it was a bit over 2 weeks or something.


5 days /played is 120 hours. That's pretty significant time frame for 1-50 considering that in 120 hours you can gain much more than 50 levels in some other MMOs.

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Have you realy done ALL the bonus missions on all the planets and all flashpoints?


I think i never seen as many quests in my life in a mmo (maybe vanguard).

and they are all voiced.


And i just love every moment of the journey.


But i'm one of the rpg guys who love the story over the action, but it's bioware. You knew exactly what you where buying if you ever played dragon age/mass effect or any other bioware game..

Edited by norbo
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Okay dokey Mr. Compare SWTOR to WoW guy, I see you're making your rounds here so let me point out to you that WoW released with 0 battlegrounds and 0 raids.


WoW launched with Onyxia. Which had an epic quest line, far more 'story' than most of the classes have after you get your ship and you youself get 'shipped'. And at the time, Onyxia was revolutionary and then came MC month and a half after EU release and at the time, it was revolutionary as well. By today's standards, it was abysmal and pretty much lines with the 'epic content' in TOR. Tank and spank.


Technically you could call Upper Blackrock and Stratholme raids I suppose, but at the time they only dropped blue gear. It was several months until battlegrounds were introduced, there was no pvp gear, and Molten Core didn't come in until later.


UBRS wasn't even in at launch, FYI.


Also the first level 50 in WoW was within a week. Plenty others who were into the hardcore grind did it in about two.


Just sayin, you might need a history lesson.


Seems like you yourself is in dire need of one. First lvl60 on US servers was a troll rogue called Xenif, who achieved the insane with about ten days from the launch day. The average levelling time for lvl60 at that time was 13-15 days /played. It literally took you one very long evening per level after lvl50.

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5 days /played is 120 hours. That's pretty significant time frame for 1-50 considering that in 120 hours you can gain much more than 50 levels in some other MMOs.


I will admit that having played several other MMOs probably gives me a small edge compared to my first MMO, where the leveling process seemed very very long. As the games are mostly the same, you tend to be able to jump on them a lot quicker, resulting in faster and more efficient leveling, or overall playing process.

If this would be my very first MMO, I bet the experience and time spent would be a lot different.

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If the game remains popular the voice acting and more content will be easily paid for. Warcraft made over 1.2 billion and put very little of that back into the game dev side, the majority was skimmed off by Activision. This game has been out a couple of weeks, to demand content in abundance for endgame is just ridiculous, and clearly shows your blinkered view on what it takes to launch an mmo, and shows that you will never be satisfied in the future so best stop playing and go do something else.
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I will admit that having played several other MMOs probably gives me a small edge compared to my first MMO, where the leveling process seemed very very long. As the games are mostly the same, you tend to be able to jump on them a lot quicker, resulting in faster and more efficient leveling, or overall playing process.

If this would be my very first MMO, I bet the experience and time spent would be a lot different.


No doubt, I was first in my guild to hit 50 with just over 4 days of play time, but there are people who don't have much MMO experience who are taking a lot longer and enjoying the experience.


To be honest, the argument presented by the OP gets brought up with EVERY SINGLE NEW MMO that has come out since WoW. To expect a brand new game to have as much content as a game with three expansions is completely unreasonable. I'd bet that way more money has gone into development of WoW and it's x-pacs than went into SWTOR.


That said, SWTOR is launching with more content than most MMOs did, especially WoW. Being able to quest all the way to max level with only doing the single person quests and still have some left over is a fantastic design.


The problem is people seem to think that ENDGAME is all that MMOs are about, but this one is different. Endgame is there and they will continue to release more content for it, but they also know that people want more options while leveling, because leveling in SWTOR is better than any other MMO I've played. Too many people see it as a means to and end and miss out on so much that this game has to offer.

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If the game remains popular the voice acting and more content will be easily paid for. Warcraft made over 1.2 billion and put very little of that back into the game dev side, the majority was skimmed off by Activision. This game has been out a couple of weeks, to demand content in abundance for endgame is just ridiculous, and clearly shows your blinkered view on what it takes to launch an mmo, and shows that you will never be satisfied in the future so best stop playing and go do something else.


Please stop perpetuating the myth that Activision bought Blizzard or has any control over what they do.

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I actually would personally prefer more grind and more steep leveling curve instead of an easy one. I know this might be unreasonable, because more casual or inexperienced players might feel like they are forced to jump through tons of loops, but for me it beats getting to max level so quick :p


P.S There's one more thing I want to address. While the stories related to flashpoints are generally pretty cool, then after 1-2 runs of that instance, spending 10minutes in conversations gets boring really really quick. There should be an option to skip this stuff.

Edited by Demik
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The problem is people seem to think that ENDGAME is all that MMOs are about, but this one is different. Endgame is there and they will continue to release more content for it, but they also know that people want more options while leveling, because leveling in SWTOR is better than any other MMO I've played. Too many people see it as a means to and end and miss out on so much that this game has to offer.



They won't miss out on anything, as you are forced to go to every planet. Had they made it so that you choose either Balmorra or Nar Shaddaa, then it would actually we worthwhile to level an alt and quite literally see new content for that alt. But as it stands, the replay value is pretty much nil.

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They won't miss out on anything, as you are forced to go to every planet. Had they made it so that you choose either Balmorra or Nar Shaddaa, then it would actually we worthwhile to level an alt and quite literally see new content for that alt. But as it stands, the replay value is pretty much nil.



In your opinion. Mine is different. I've gone through Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa on 3 different classes and each time was a different experience based solely on the class I was playing.


The NPC conversations vary depending on your class/sex. The quests and their outcomes can vary depending on LS/DS. The classes play differently enough that actually doing the quests themselves sometimes require different tactics.


If you don't care about story or immersion or if you don't wonder how something might have turned out if you had made another decision, this game isn't going to be for you in the long run. Best to cut your losses and find another MMO. Otherwise you're just going to be bored at max level until they release a bunch of content.

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In your opinion. Mine is different. I've gone through Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa on 3 different classes and each time was a different experience based solely on the class I was playing.


The NPC conversations vary depending on your class/sex. The quests and their outcomes can vary depending on LS/DS. The classes play differently enough that actually doing the quests themselves sometimes require different tactics.


If you don't care about story or immersion or if you don't wonder how something might have turned out if you had made another decision, this game isn't going to be for you in the long run. Best to cut your losses and find another MMO. Otherwise you're just going to be bored at max level until they release a bunch of content.


No, the side quest conversations really do not vary depending on class/sex (noticed very little options that have changed based on the characters sex). The only thing you could argue that's different is the wording of the response you can choose, the response and the outcome is always the same.

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this game has SIXTEEN times the content of kotor 1.


sixteen times. if you dont know what kotor was, go back to wow. that's what content is.


or, really, just go back to wow. games which do not force you to repeat the same sorry *** raid 20 times, are not for you.




- There's only 3 warzones.


- There's only 1 operation.


- There's only 1 end-game operation, and the rest are recycled from lower-levels.


- It took 1-2 months to reach level 60 at WoW's launch, but in SW:TOR, a game supposedly based on leveling, it takes ~50-60 hours to reach maximum level. Don't believe me? A guild mate of mine went to great lengths to ensure that his time spent logged in was spent questing so that he could see how long it took to reach max level. He did not spam space-bar, he ran everything at normal speed, and that's how long it took him. WoW is 7 years older and launched with a longer level path? Not to mention WoW also had a smaller budget..

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I actually would personally prefer more grind and more steep leveling curve instead of an easy one. I know this might be unreasonable,


it is unreasonable.


you may have not come to a point in your life where you have to repeat the same thing over and over in order to earn your wage yet, but you eventually will. most of us, have. and then you will stop with the 'grinding progress' desire. forever.


thats why your demand is unreasonable, and that's why we dont want that.

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it is unreasonable.


you may have not come to a point in your life where you have to repeat the same thing over and over in order to earn your wage yet, but you eventually will. most of us, have. and then you will stop with the 'grinding progress' desire. forever.


thats why your demand is unreasonable, and that's why we dont want that.


I have, in fact, worked since the age of 16 (that would be 13 years now) and I don't find it as a grind, perhaps because i'm doing something that I enjoy. But that's besides the point.

I have also been a gamer for at least as long and I tend to enjoy challenges, even if they are tedious at times. Overly trivial progression just ends too quickly, does not feel properly rewarding does not provide me with the amount of entertainment I would like.

Now if you noticed, then I was clearly and solely expressing my own opinion about the matter, which effectively means you cannot label it as wrong or unreasonable and makes your statement about it being unreasonable - unreasonable.

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WoW launched with Onyxia. Which had an epic quest line, far more 'story' than most of the classes have after you get your ship and you youself get 'shipped'. And at the time, Onyxia was revolutionary and then came MC month and a half after EU release and at the time, it was revolutionary as well. By today's standards, it was abysmal and pretty much lines with the 'epic content' in TOR. Tank and spank.


oh buzz off. there was nothing 'epic' about wow's jacked up storyline half stolen from lotr. they had to get under the wing of vivendi universal so they wouldnt get sued by tolkien estate.


'onyxia was revolutionary' -> nothing 'revolutionary' counts as 'content' if the 'content' consists of doing the same 4 hour thing 20 times.


hey, while youre at it, you can go back to wow and enjoy that revolutionary onyxia content. why arent you doing it ?


excuse me ? or, have you got bored after doing it countless times ? so where's your limit ? 5 times ? 10 times ? 50 times ? 500 times ?

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No, the side quest conversations really do not vary depending on class/sex (noticed very little options that have changed based on the characters sex). The only thing you could argue that's different is the wording of the response you can choose, the response and the outcome is always the same.


NPCs treat my Sorcerer much differently than they did my Powertech or my Sniper. When they're explaining the objectives? That's the same. The introduction and flavor responses to my responses (which differ depending on class) are different. Being male or female opens up several "flirt" options leading to varying conversations.

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I have, in fact, worked since the age of 16 (that would be 13 years now) and I don't find it as a grind, perhaps because i'm doing something that I enjoy. But that's besides the point.


it is not beside the point.


you have worked since age of 16, but apparently you have not worked on communication :


i have told you that you would come to the point that you would have to do the same thing over and over in your life for earning a living.


the fact that this may not have happened yet, does not mean it wont. it will. that's how life progresses for 95% of population on the planet, and youre no exception if you dont go radical. and if you go radical and become an exception, you have no right to demand the majority's needs and tastes to be forced to conform with yours.


I have also been a gamer for at least as long and I tend to enjoy challenges, even if they are tedious at times. Overly trivial progression just ends too quickly, does not feel properly rewarding does not provide me with the amount of entertainment I would like.


that means you are seeing 'hard progression' as fun. your gameplay fun, does not allow other people to have theirs. because for you to have it, the game need to be tailored to your wishes. therefore :


Now if you noticed, then I was clearly and solely expressing my own opinion about the matter, which effectively means you cannot label it as wrong or unreasonable and makes your statement about it being unreasonable - unreasonable.


your demand/opinion becomes unreasonable and wrong. it is no different than raiders demanding that entire game tailored for their perception of 'fun' that entails grinding the same 4 hour raid 30-40 times, and if anyone can get to anything in ANY other way or in ANY other time amount than them, they go berserk.


your gameplay cannot surpass and supersede others'. thats why it is unreasonable. you are not saying that 'let all gameplay be satisfied' - you are saying that 'let all gameplay be changed to satisfy mine'. its selfish.


this will be my last reply to you in this topic since i will go back to the game. reflect on it well. or you can go back to wow, or eve - eve has an even steeper grind. it will provide you countless years of 'fun'. until you fed up ....

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SWTOR has more content than WoW did when it opened, stop comparing SWTOR to a game that has received updates and expansions after how many years; jesus.





WoW is Anno 2004.


SW:TOR is Anno 2012.


7-8 years between them, couldn't there be an evolution in the amount auf end-content in the last years?


For example: Rift had more end-content than SW:TOR. It just had a good working PvP ( of course there were issues too but it still worked well ), very nice raids, raid rifts etc. - and anything without (big) bugs.



It's this unending discussion.



If they would start WoW 2.0 in 2012, it would have much more content than it had in 2004 - reason? Because things changed. Just let's wait for Guild Wars 2 or other big launches in 2012 - I am pretty sure they will offer much more content ( much more PLAYABLE content ) than SW:TOR does.

Edited by LovarBoy
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Give it a rest already man. Aren't you tired yet flooding the forums with hate posts? People are already mocking you since you stated numerous times that you would cancel your preorder during beta, yet here you are.





And OP....1-2 months for someone to max WoW at release? Ride the short bus?

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