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On the Dates of Jan. 19-Feb. 1, We Will Know the Real Number of Subs of SW:TOR


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Jan. 19 to Feb. 1. will be the days in which the 30 free days end for most SW:TOR players who cancelled their subs, and after that point we will see what SW:TOR's actual subscription numbers are. Currently, we only know what SW:TOR's active account numbers are because no one has actually paid for a month of gameplay yet (other than the one you pay for when you buy the game.)


That week and a half will either make or break SW:TOR.


I myself am pondering cancelling my subscription right now. I am deeply saddened that it has come to this...after 4 years of excitement and anticipation...

Edited by Xugos
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Will we see subscriber numbers in that period?


Probably not, because Bioware will attempt to conceal their losses, but one can hope.




We will likely have to wait until their quarterly report for actual numbers, but that's funny, because they will be MUCH lower then.

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Probably not, because Bioware will attempt to conceal their losses, but one can hope.




We will likely have to wait until their quarterly report for actual numbers, but that's funny, because they will be MUCH lower then.


Quarterly report, exactly. But, let me ask, if those numbers are MUCH higher than you expect, will you think the game is great? Or if equal to or lower than your predictions, the game awful?

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Myself and my gf are waiting to cancel to see if they do anything about these fps issues before the free month is up.


Unlikely. It seems as though they are more intent on fixing the outrageous issue of not being able to emote while riding a mount.

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BestBuy setting up an instore display for midnight release for D3 on Feb 1st gives me hope. Since it's a bit stronger of a signal than just setting a date.


If Blizzard is smart they'll confirm/deny it before Jan 19-20th. I certainly won't renew TOR if D3 comes out, and I imagine many others won't as well.

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Much to my friends dismay, I "might" cancel my sub until some things get fixed.


I stayed an extra month on with Warhammer, not so sure I want to do the same here.


I have a fairly long list of annoyances, which simply add up to a poor time playing as a whole.


P)laying with friends some of those things aren't so bad, but when I solo, the delay in abilities is a killer. Like Warhammer, it never should have launched until that very basic system was working. When I say basic, I don't mean in a programming sense, but in a gaming sense. It should simply work, and flow, so you can get into the game all the more, and know what to expect from your abilities and class as a whole.

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Show me the better MMORPG than. And why do we care about canceling your subs? If you want Bioware to know that, they obviously know their sub numbers. Why are you trying take more people with you? Because you don't want your X MMO to become less populated right?


Until someone show me the better MMORPG all around, all these sub cancelers but ongoing forum posters is nothing but miserable attempts to change people's mind about the game.


Still waiting for the better MMORPG's name. I'm really curious.

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I wonder if someone will cry when noticing that the numbers will continue to grow even past february.


I guess they already know, that's why they're posting and trolling this much in a vain attempt to persuade their peers that this game is going to fail.


Too bad it isn't.

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Show me the better MMORPG than. And why do we care about canceling your subs? If you want Bioware to know that, they obviously know their sub numbers. Why are you trying take more people with you? Because you don't want your X MMO to become less populated right?


Until someone show me the better MMORPG all around, all these sub cancelers but ongoing forum posters is nothing but miserable attempts to change people's mind about the game.


Still waiting for the better MMORPG's name. I'm really curious.


I'm not trying to take people with me, but I'm venting my anger towards Bioware for hooking me for all of these years and then disappointing me with this steaming pile of lackluster.


If people become educated about SW:TOR in the process, so be it.



Also, the better MMORPG is WoW.

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Oh yeah i remember reading another thread of his where he said he already cancelled his sub. And he'll be gone Jan 20th... Please, you'll never be gone, what other game forum will you troll? Obviously you want to be on the best MMORPG's forums.
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I just love how those forums are no indication of overall impressions and mood about SWTOR at ALL.


Me and most of the people i know so far enjoy the SWTOR greatly (and i am surprisingly in that category, since i though i would hate it as i generally hate WoW clones) and will continue playing at least till release of GW2. But i can see this game only growing. Its the first MMO in years that has real chance to success, and so far everything looks positive.


You can spam forums with how many "qq i quit" topics you like, the overall trend for the game is still upwards, not downward spiral.

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dude give it up already. We all know you work for Blizzard. You started dozens of threads before the forums went subrscriber only saying you cancelled your pre-order. Now you're doing the same thing on live forums. It's embarassing dude. Too bad your juvenile troll attempts are futile and TOR is becomming the juggernaut you so dread. I'm sorry but tell Chris Metzen he better pump out some real, non-recycled content cause Bioware is coming for him.
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I'm not trying to take people with me, but I'm venting my anger towards Bioware for hooking me for all of these years and then disappointing me with this steaming pile of lackluster.


If people become educated about SW:TOR in the process, so be it.



Also, the better MMORPG is WoW.


lol, whats better about wow? The cliche story line? the lack of innovation and constant stealing of idea from other games and portraying it as something that is there own? This game has a lot of amazing elements that wow has never touched on. The game has issues, but they won't be any closer to fixing them if you do not report them. They don't "KNOW" your having a problem. They don't "KNOW" what system your running on and what settings you have going on, what malware and spyware is running in the background.


Since a good majority of the people don't understand what minimum recommended settings mean's and why they gotta run the game on low settings instead of assuming there rig can support all the high settings and they start are complaining.

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I cancelled.


Good for you, i don't go to the gym, but i don't have to tell everyone.


This isn't aimed at you, but at everyone who feels the need to let everyone know that they are leaving the game because Bioware won't rewrite the game to how you want it or fix all the existing bugs within 3 weeks of going live.


To the OP, i don't really care who cancels or the total subs number as long as the people i group with are having fun.


The only figures we get from other games are from TV ads. Do you really think they are reliable figures?


They aren't going to say we have 10 million subscribers, but only 250k concurrent users at any one time are they?


If you're playing and you enjoy what you're playing then get on with it, if not then go find something else that will fill your time. It doesn't need to be announced to the whole world.

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I cancelled as well.


I wanted this game to be great. It just did not meet expectations, I feel like it is still in beta testing with the ridiculous bugs and gameplay.


I can see where effort was put into the game by the developers, but it's like they came up with great concepts and didn't actually play all the characters to make sure those concepts came across how they envisioned. Why would I make a statemtent like this? Within 1 minute of playing my first character i pressed my attack button and a cast immediately after the GCD, and was hit with unbearably slow character responsiveness I feel like my character is moving in slow motion with anything I do.


The experience worsened when among the small other grievances I had were blown out of proportion by fanboys on the defensive, when honestly all I wanted was for the game to improve.


At this point, I have cancelled, and will periodically will be returning to see if there are resolutions to the MANY issues bioware has right now, at which point I may give them more $$$.


-Just a quick aside, I know several people (6 to be exact) that are dedicated gamers that wanted a "fresh beginning" on swtor as did I, that have already quit. No 'complaining', no 'constructive feedback', just going back to "that other game".


To be honest this debacle has really helped me find a new appreciation for Blizzard Entertainment and the quality of their games. How sad when a 7+ year old game reacts faster than a 1month old game in 2012, not to mention every other field that it outperforms swtor in.


Apologize for the rant, maybe someone will find consolation in my post knowing they aren't alone in how they truly feel.

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I'm not trying to take people with me, but I'm venting my anger towards Bioware for hooking me for all of these years and then disappointing me with this steaming pile of lackluster.


If people become educated about SW:TOR in the process, so be it.



Also, the better MMORPG is WoW.


When i first started reading all your hate posts , i thought gee, must be a hardcore gamer.

Now that you have said wow is the better mmo , I lost all respect for your views from here on in. You can go back to running lfr with the rest of the mothbreathing peons 10 times a week on all your toons. I myself left that disgrace of a game i played for 5 years because it got " to casual ".


Im more then prepared to hang around here to see what BW does with this game.

Sure, ill buy and play d3, sure ill buy and play GW2. Guess what, ill still be playing tor because it WILL be the next big mmo when it all gets patched and fixed, mods, ui etc...


Anyway , good luck in wow, where there is just SO MUCH TO DO....


Wow is broken. Gw 2 will be the saviour.

Edited by darthjerro
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