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On the Dates of Jan. 19-Feb. 1, We Will Know the Real Number of Subs of SW:TOR


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so many spoiled kids that try to compare a new MMO to the vet of WoW. most think that at launch SWTOR should be exactly like WoW in its present form or at least of WOTLK.


i really feel you guys should un-subscribe and join the occupy protests...since most want everything handed to them.

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Yea i dont understand how people think that just because wow is 7 years old that a game like swtor should (which is brand new) should be as polished. You realise that means that wow has been in development for about 11 years right? 7 of those years they have millions of people playing the game to iron out every bug and balance problem, and they are still balancing and ironing out bugs.


It astonishes me that people say things like "a game like wow thats been out for 7 years and swtor still cant get blah blah blah right"


When SwTor has been out for a year or two and it still feels featureless and unpolished then you can say something, 1.1 hasnt even come out yet (which will fix alot of bugs and add new content). No new mmo is going to be as content rich (i think swtor is pretty close content wise 200+ hours to finish each class is pretty impressive, end game content still needs some work obviously) as wow and if you think that then you probably should have just stuck with wow. The fun part about playing a new mmo is watching it grow into something worthy of being wow's competitor (if it can , most fall short) but i think bioware and ea have the marketting , funds and creativity to accomplish such a daunting task.


All you quitters shouldnt count them out so soon. If your unsatisfied with the game thats fine, but why harbor a grudge and troll around these forums? Get on with your life.

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I've cancelled my sub too. Did it already cause when you cancel your sub you can leave a reason why and that's a very good spot to write down everything you want fixed about the game. So even if you will subscribe for another month, use this option to really push on the things you want changed.


I'm slightly undecided, but it's unlikely I'll sub for another month right away. There are too many things I want fixed to make this something I wanna invest more time in. Also if Diablo 3 is coming out very soon I probably wont consider subbing again for a few months at least. Hopefully they can rehaul this game into something long term, but this game engine just seem to make that impossible.

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Jan. 19 to Feb. 1. will be the days in which the 30 free days end for most SW:TOR players who cancelled their subs, and after that point we will see what SW:TOR's actual subscription numbers are. Currently, we only know what SW:TOR's active account numbers are because no one has actually paid for a month of gameplay yet (other than the one you pay for when you buy the game.)


That week and a half will either make or break SW:TOR.


I myself am pondering cancelling my subscription right now. I am deeply saddened that it has come to this...after 4 years of excitement and anticipation...




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You say you have 'fps' issues, but maybe you should just upgrade your older PC? You have the 'hundreds' of other players just need newer PCs it all. That's not Bioware's fault lol.




1. the same machine that had no issue during Beta and Early Access suddenly suffers of outrageous FPS drop, do you seriously come at us telling that it is our machine at fault?


2. the same machine that can run a game like Skyrim or BF3 with no trouble can't even run TOR on low without furious FPS issue, do you seriously come at us telling that it is our machine at fault?



And this after the issue was acknowledged? Seriously get some information.

Edited by demotivator
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