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Nar Shaddaa is Appaling


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As much as I am enjoying this game, Nar Shaddaa nearly broke my spirit, it has probably the worst level design in any MMO I have played.


The quests are in all four corners of the main map, and when you travel to each corner, the mission objectives are invariably at the end of the section with long, winding claustrophobic corridors in between, and mostly unavoidable trash.

To make it worse, you usually visit the zone before getting your Speeder, so must travel around on foot, and there is usually nothing to do on the way to your objective except kill random mobs.

It's a bit tragic, because the planet itself is quite beautifully rendered, if a little bit too dark.


Fortunately, with the right balance of Space battles, PvP and Heroics in previous zones, you can skip a lot of Nar Shadaa and move on to somewhere more interesting.


I'm hoping at the very least, Bioware puts more minor missions in each section so you have more to do than run and gun from one end of the corridor to the other.

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The fact you get speeder late for it is annoyance, however for some reason i found endless driving around Tatooine much worse - too much empty space, half of the questing is actually getting there (I guess it fits lore, no I'm not complaining about zomg cant zerg in 5 minutes, I like exploring but there's little to explore as well)
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The problem that I have with Nar Shaddaa is that it is so enclosed. I get that same feeling with Coruscant a bit too.


I mean you see all of those air speeders and cars zooming around. I want to be able to roam around a bit. I think why people think of this game as a single player game a lot of times is because of places like Nar Shaddaa. It is very single player-ish type of areas in their level design.


Taris gets complained about too but I think it's because of all of the Rakghouls ;)

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I've been through Nar Shaddaa about 4 times now, and I still love it.


The atmosphere and layout is spot-on when it comes to lore, and it forces you to kill most mobs on your way, resulting in lots of xp.


The trick is to make sure you have all quests for an area, and don't go to turn in before you've done them all - then again, that counts for every planet and every zone.

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The problem that I have with Nar Shaddaa is that it is so enclosed. I get that same feeling with Coruscant a bit too.


I mean you see all of those air speeders and cars zooming around. I want to be able to roam around a bit. I think why people think of this game as a single player game a lot of times is because of places like Nar Shaddaa. It is very single player-ish type of areas in their level design.


Taris gets complained about too but I think it's because of all of the Rakghouls ;)


Not picking on you but since it's a point several people have mentioned, Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant are supposed to be enclosed. That's the point. They are city worlds with seedy underbellies that house all the action.

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Places like Coruscant and Nar Shadaa feel that way because they ARE giant maze like planets. You have to remember, these are societies who have explored the stars for THOUSANDS of years. Of course their home worlds are going to be filled with buildings and streets and such. The planet is one giant city. Did you expect fields and ponds?
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Not picking on you but since it's a point several people have mentioned, Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant are supposed to be enclosed. That's the point. They are city worlds with seedy underbellies that house all the action.


I understand that. But it really feels like corridors. If they were more like Dues Ex: HR and how it has its cities then that wouldn't be so bad. But right now they feel like I'm in a bunch of packed warehouses.

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In terms of MMOs, I've played WoW, AoC, Rift, EVE, some Warhammer and LOTRO and Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant are the two worst zones I have ever been to in an MMO. They are absolutely terrible in my opinion. Taris is possibly a close third too.


Fortunately, the other planets are much better.

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I actually enjoyed Nar Shaddaa, all the different color lights and stuff looked really sweet. I just wish there was casinos we could gamble on and more NPC's, ships flying around etc, it looks completely dead. This game needs more mini-games, hopefully some day we may see some. Edited by SWGVet
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In terms of MMOs, I've played WoW, AoC, Rift, EVE, some Warhammer and LOTRO and Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant are the two worst zones I have ever been to in an MMO. They are absolutely terrible in my opinion. Taris is possibly a close third too.


Fortunately, the other planets are much better.


Lol, what ?


How is Balmorra and Alderande any better ? It's not in "closed area", but it's complete trash.


Coruscant is terrible and such a disappointment, Nar Shaddaa is just ... and lol at all the heroics in the enemy's camp, so that you get ganked all over the place by sith players helped by elite mobs.


But Alderande ? It was a total disaster.

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As much as I am enjoying this game, Nar Shaddaa nearly broke my spirit, it has probably the worst level design in any MMO I have played.


The quests are in all four corners of the main map, and when you travel to each corner, the mission objectives are invariably at the end of the section with long, winding claustrophobic corridors in between, and mostly unavoidable trash.

To make it worse, you usually visit the zone before getting your Speeder, so must travel around on foot, and there is usually nothing to do on the way to your objective except kill random mobs.

It's a bit tragic, because the planet itself is quite beautifully rendered, if a little bit too dark.


Fortunately, with the right balance of Space battles, PvP and Heroics in previous zones, you can skip a lot of Nar Shadaa and move on to somewhere more interesting.


I'm hoping at the very least, Bioware puts more minor missions in each section so you have more to do than run and gun from one end of the corridor to the other.


I disagree. I love the whole feel of the place.

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About the only thing I liked about Nar Shaddaa was the palisade. Beyond that, I agree with you...as do my friends. Probably my least favorite location so far, but the rest blow me away. My favorite so far is Voss...and were BW to ever put in player housing (beyond our ships), my character would settle down there without hesitation. :p
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