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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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DF would ruin this game as it has with wow.. it kills chat, and a huge part of world travel...


It kills chat? I'm ok with not seeing people talk about how they are "stimulated" by shocking their companions. There's so much crap in General that I have it turned off. Regardless of what the BW employee said a dungeon finder *including cross-server* is badly needed.


"The people on your server won't be jerks. Those people on the other server are jerks, though." That's what I read out of his post. The population does not need to be partitioned even more than it is now.

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Typical WoW casual spoon-fed 1 button easy heroics from Blizzard.


Anyways I do support the idea of a tool to facillitate easier group finding, also a world-wide LFG channel that you auto enter when using this tool.


I do not agree with it being cross server, as in my experience this does damage the server community.


I do not agree with it having any form of insta-teleport, as have many people have allready stated people will never leave the fleet, world pvp will never get off the ground etc.


What people need to remember aswell, games like wow have 8 times as many people playing and swtor has only just begun building it community. Therefore you cant expect to walk in here and find groups as easy as you do in wow.


Final point: I think the responsibility is on Bioware to implement content finely tuned to be hard enough to ENCOURAGE group interaction (Which leads on to making friends) but not so difficult people will become disallusioned with it.


So far best response I've seen in here so far. the rest of you fail! =P

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I would say the golden age of MMORPGs ended with the introduction of LFD tools that put the groups together for you. All MMOs have been in a miserable state ever since.


Adding an auto group LFD tool to this game would only appease the 40+ hour a week addicts for a week or two while it detracts from the overall health of the game. That is exactly what happened when Trion added it to Rift.


I've never seen a mmo come out in a better state 1-2 months after adding an auto LFD tool and I'm not a battered wife so please no..

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Problem is without cross-server the system is almost useless. Remember how useless summoning stones were in WOW?


So true


The hours wasted trying to get people to come, waiting for people to accept summons, "Oh I forgot to repair, brb in 40 mins"


Not to mention with the current server populations during day/night time, no cross server will most likely mean 60 mins+ queues



Edited by dargor-
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Problem is without cross-server the system is almost useless. Remember how useless summoning stones were in WOW?


They were useless because the DF system made them useless.



I'm all fine with a LFG system that doesn't suck, a dungeon finder isn't really needed here considering:


Firstly, the majority of the entrances to flashpoints are located all right beside each other, in the same place you're going to be spamming the chat in anyway. It's not like you have to go far to get to the entrance or really require someone to be summoned.




Secondly, one of the main reasons the dungeon finder was even implemented in the first place was because it was so hard to find other people to do the lower level dungeons and group quests once two expansions had already come out (a main staple of leveling and learning how to play a class for a lot of people). You pretty much had to get lucky and hope to start leveling an alt around the same time as some other people, find people in your guild to make alts with, or post on your server forums and form an alt leveling group (the latter of the two were extremely slow leveling-wise as coordinating schedules is always a pain - especially if the majority of your playing time with your guild went to raiding). It may become necessary in the future, but I don't think this is really an issue right now, the level cap is still relatively low and easy to attain, there are plenty of people spread out in the levels, and plenty of people doing each of the flashpoints nor does it really ever seem hard to find help for heroics considering they're also dailies.



TL;DR - DF isn't needed at this point, just a better LFG system

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They were useless because the DF system made them useless.



I'm all fine with a LFG system that doesn't suck, a dungeon finder isn't really needed here considering:


Firstly, the majority of the entrances to flashpoints are located all right beside each other, in the same place you're going to be spamming the chat in anyway. It's not like you have to go far to get to the entrance or really require someone to be summoned.



Sounds like someone hasn't hit 50 yet.

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The reason why you guys aren't getting good support is because you keep mentioning WoW's LFG. First, ppl here hate WoW for some reason. Second, WoW's LFG tool is cross-server.


Just say you want a same-server LFG and see the difference.

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Note that right now, high level players have the opposite problem - there aren't enough other players up there to group with. This problem will dissipate as the game ages, and more players reach the later levels.


I think there are plenty of players at 50 for a while now. But dividing the community by the old fashioned concept of servers/shards creates a huge barrier against enjoying content together. Maybe the phasing concept can help of getting rid of servers in the long run.


That being said, our design team doesn't philosophically believe that cross-server Flashpoints are good for the game at this stage in the game's lifespan. There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high.


According to my anecdotal evidence, the ratio of jerks and general failure to complete a dungeon, to successful and friendly groups, was much higher during the time before cross server LFD. Maybe we can rid of this myth, together with the one that claims leveling a healer is harder? ;)

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I'm all for a more thorough LFG system.


Not anything cross-realm to start out with, but an interface where people can pick a Flashpoint, pick their role and then be put into groups of 4, requiring the 4 guys to make their way to the entrance of the FP, instead of magically teleporting there.


No one uses the current LFG option and via chat it's just too tedious and it promotes idling in hubs far too much. Keep a LFG tool within the boundaries of the server to induce the need/benefit for/of social interaction and control. Grouping with people you're most likely never to see again, in a X-Realm LFG, just invites others to be antisocial.

Edited by Dekadez
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I think there are plenty of players at 50 for a while now. But dividing the community by the old fashioned concept of servers/shards creates a huge barrier against enjoying content together. Maybe the phasing concept can help of getting rid of servers in the long run.




According to my anecdotal evidence, the ratio of jerks and general failure to complete a dungeon, to successful and friendly groups, was much higher during the time before cross server LFD. Maybe we can rid of this myth, together with the one that claims leveling a healer is harder? ;)


Difference is, pre LFD you could actually exert some control over the jerks. If "X" was being a jerk, you could simply not group with him.


And I can't believe that you equate a sever as a barrier...

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Sounds like someone hasn't hit 50 yet.


I know this will make me come off sounding like a douchebag but, come on, it takes all of 4 people to do an instance (and only 8 for a raid ffs). Find some friends or find a guild, you can't make me believe it's this hard to find 3 (or 7) other people.

Edited by Osster
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The reason why you guys aren't getting good support is because you keep mentioning WoW's LFG. First, ppl here hate WoW for some reason. Second, WoW's LFG tool is cross-server.


Just say you want a same-server LFG and see the difference.


Actually, I have no opinion on WoW because I have never played it. I do dislike the fact that people assume I understand what they mean when they use WoW terms. Someone asked me to 'Sheep' something the other day and I had no clue...


Some of us come from other MMOs and many people probably have not played one.

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Because you had no control over who you grouped with in LFD and "X" could continue being a jerk indefinitely with out ever having to worry about it.


You had /ignore. You could, at the very least, control who you didn't group with. And if that wasn't enough control for you, you could always start your own groups.


And I'm just not buying the anecdotal evidence surrounding server blacklisting. I've seen entirely too much anecdotal evidence suggesting that player X could go on being a jerk indefinitely with or without cross server LFD.

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Because you had no control over who you grouped with in LFD and "X" could continue being a jerk indefinitely with out ever having to worry about it.


They had this thing called s kick feature. U had the power to remove him from the group. I keep noticing antlfg types like to ignore this fact.

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Difference is, pre LFD you could actually exert some control over the jerks. If "X" was being a jerk, you could simply not group with him.


And I can't believe that you equate a sever as a barrier...


You did have control over jerks in LFD, you placed them on ignore (even on cross server you could) and then kicked them and you would never see them again.

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The reason why you guys aren't getting good support is because you keep mentioning WoW's LFG. First, ppl here hate WoW for some reason. Second, WoW's LFG tool is cross-server.


Just say you want a same-server LFG and see the difference.


If its same server only then they will have to start the merges or open free character transfers. Again not all of us play during prime time. If I want a group a 3-5am then I shouldnt be denied one. Same with PvP. It should all be cross server. MMOs arent about community they are about first having fun as thats the main point of any game. Second they are about advancing your character by gaining levels and loot either through pve or pvp. Who in their right mind would chose never getting a group over grouping with strangers. Something is always better than nothing.

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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I'm sick of the word "community". It doesn't mean even a percentage of what people on forums think it means.


If so sick of it why are you even on the forums?


I can't world PVP, therefore there's no community.


Im sure you pulled this out of your a**


No one will talk to me in the instances, therefore there's no community.


I fail to see how this isnt true


Someone was a jerk to me in an instance, therefore there's no community.


Again this makes no sense


Some people just want to get the instance done as fast as possible and do something else, so therefore there's no community!


In MY experience and many other people's experience on these forums this RUSHING culture does ruin the game


A community is a group of people with similar social and societal goals. But a game server does not constitute a society. My progression is not tied in the least to your progression. You MIGHT argue that a guild is a society, but guilds are excluded from this discussion becuase no one is claiming that the LFG tool ruined guilds.


That your interpretaion, im sure others, myself included do not share your interpretation



What's the 'etc.'? Instant teleport removes the possibility of ganking outside of instance portals. But instances are accessible from the Fleet. Are you saying you should be able to sneak up on to Vaiken just so you can gank some lowbies?

World PvP is like a mythical dragon that people keep hoping is behind every hill. They kill every dragon-ish looking think they come across thinking they'll finally get the dragon, but it turns out it was just a lvl 32 BH killing a quest mob.


Ganking is not PvP. Ganking is, at best, opportunistic bottom feeding. And catering to that kind of behavior IS anti-social.


I really like how you've tried to make me out to be some anti social lowbie ganking monster here, thats some imagination you have touche :D

Anyway why do you want an insta-teleport when we allready have a return to fleet ability on a 30 min cooldown?????, oh yea I forgot its because you want to RUSH through everything.



Weak rationalization. It only takes 4 people to do a Flashpoint. You don't need 1 Million 50's to get a group together. However, the more you have, the better your chances and, most importantly, the shorter your wait time.


Accuses me of Weak rationalization (A personal attack) then agrees with me. ok bro


Before the LFG tool, WoW's community was a high percentage of undesirables. Barrens Chat became a meme for this reason. To suggest that WoW was better before the LFG tool because it had a better community is laughably preposterous on the very face of it for anyone who played the game before the tool existed.


Your experience, not mine or many others in this thread.


You don't need the mythical community dragon to have a successful game. MMOs are inherently social. Any player who avails him/her self of more than the 1-50 experience is going to interact with other players. It doesn't need to have one aspect functionally crippled in order to keep people interacting.


And note the use of "interacting" as opposed to "talking". I don't want to talk to you in the flashpoint. I want to point you at the boss and the understanding is, you will kill it. That is the sum total of our interaction. I don't care that you want to laugh and frolic and adventure and talk about how stupid Darth Malgus sounds. Don't. Care. Do your job, or I'll find someone else who will. I'm interacting with you in this way. We are having a social experience. We are working towards common goals. We can do this in abject silence. If YOU need someone to make small talk with while you clear trash, then YOU can find a guild who grooves on that. It's frankly insane to say that spamming in Fleet "works fine" just so they don't develop a LFG tool out of some mysterious concept of 'community'.



Its time to stop posting. Are you sure that you really should be playing an MMO?


You're right. Bioware is charged with making content that challenges its groups. Where your premise falls apart is the idea that having a tank tell me which target to Whirlwind should ipso facto lead to some kind of relationship. I have all the friends I want already.


Completly missed my point. Over comming challenges with others CAN lead to new friendships if YOU want it to. Do I need to put it simpler than this for you?


More to the point, why would you assume that when you run with a tank, that tank is giving his implicit permission to be spammed by every DPS he's ever run with to do a flashpoint?


Where did I say this?


The number of DPS far outweighs the number of support. Your "solution" has unintended anti-social consequences. All in the name of coming up with increasingly circuitous workarounds for a problem that has already been solved in other games and functions exactly as it should.


Mayby you should leave the big words alone and actuall pay attention to what I wrote.

Edited by Defilez
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Bioware, you need to add a lfg that ports you to the flashpoints. Here's why:


1. People who don't like ports are not think this through within a swtor context; they are thinking about it from a wow perspective. In wow, all of the dungeons were spread around azeroth. When lfg was introduced, people just Hung out in their cities because traveling to the dungeons was a waste of time and it was tedious. This not the case in tor.


In tor, all of the fps are in one spot, on the fleet. Because of this important difference, forcing them to travel to the flashpoint will force them to all go to the same spot. And because people don't like to waste time and do tedius things, They will just sit around the fleet as they use the tool to look for groups. The flashpoint will be right there and people will do what is less tedius.


A fp port will promote world pvp. If people want to do a fp, they will travel to the fleet and completely ignore world pvp as they sit around the fleet getting groups. If u allow us to port. People will pvp until the dungeon pops. They will then port to the fp then once finished, port right back and continue to pvp.


2. Here's why adding group porting will change that. Just use warzones as your frame of reference. Right now, people can port to warzones so they Que up while they are out questing. Doing the.same with flashpoints will lead to less people congregating in the fleet and more people out doing stuff.


3. The only way to fix this issue is to either spread flashpoints around the galaxy (which u tried doing in beta and people told u how annoying it was). Your only other option is to allow people to port to



50% of people do pvp right now according to the devs. That's because its so accessible to get into warzones. If u want those numbers in flashpoints, u need to add a similar system. If u people don't want this to be a lobby game, then support a flashpoint porting system.

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