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Everything posted by Osster

  1. If you canceled your subscription why continue to post threads looking to bait people into arguing under the guise of actual discussion?
  2. All I know is after leveling one character to 50 and another to 30, I've gotten a lot more hours of entertainment out of this game for 60 bucks than I did with the last game I bought at launch.
  3. Your opinion doesn't match mine ..... Must be denial!
  4. We're pissed? I must have missed the memo while I was too busy enjoying the game.
  5. Except that isn't the point they are trying to make when they boast about the numbers. "5 Million paying players and over 5 Million paying gold spammers!" doesn't sound quite as good oddly enough. It's very relevant when you look at the point they're trying to make.
  6. This game didn't cost 300 million to make, the 300 million was part of the acquisition of BioWare from EA, not sole production costs for the game, learn to read.
  7. They however, don't distinguish between unique accounts and subscribers with multiple accounts, unique individual players account for a lot less than the numbers they are so quick to boast about.
  8. Spoken like someone who definitely wasn't there for it.
  9. Could you be any more melodramatic? You bought a video game you didn't like, it happens, cancel your subscription and move on. You're not entitled to a refund because the game wasn't what you wanted it to be, especially seeing as you had the opportunity to try to game with early accesses before you were even obligated to buy it. You have no one to blame but yourself that it wasn't what you expected. Grow up and go do something constructive.
  10. I'd rather be one of the fat fans inside, actually going there to enjoy my meal, than one of the crazy people who can't even spell the world restaurant right, that just go there to stand outside and complain all day.
  11. You forgot the part where they show up every other day that week, at the same burger place, and tell them how much their burgers suck and how great the burger place down the street is, instead of just going to the other place and moving on.
  12. People seem to have become spoiled as to what an actual buggy launch MMO is like. I keep seeing people saying that games like Warhammer, Aion, and Age of Conan were less buggy at launch and I can't believe how tiny and/or selective some people's memories are. The only game I can honestly say might be on par with this one at launch is Rift but I will say this in regards to that - Rift had a ton of broken quests and buggy bosses at launch - I've encounted all of 1 bugged quest and have yet to have a boss just dissappear, not drop loot, go into an endless evade, or otherwise do something completely unexpected. That's pretty impressive IMO for an entire game's worth of content from 1 to cap to be that polished and I can't say I've ever seen it in any other MMO (DCUO came close but only because there was so little content at launch I believe).
  13. The problem with that is that you are in the minority, granted your feedback is more constructive than most, but you're complaining about things that are not going to change any time soon, if ever. There are plenty of people that are, if not happy, at least content with the way things are because they understand the game will improve over time and the problems that are experiencing now are known and will be addressed, as is the nature of MMO's. Some people are okay with that and willing to wait, some people aren't and that's okay, but instead of just moving on they feel the need to tell BioWare they're failures because the game doesn't fit their expectations of what they think it should be.
  14. First off, 15 million subscribers does not = 15 million individual players. Active unique accounts taken into consideration, they are roughly 6 million players, and that is being generous (only about 4 to 5 million play substantial amounts of time). The rest are just gold farmers and dual boxers. Secondly, if you are so into WoW, go back and play that, you're just going to frustrate yourself and other people complaining that you wish it's something that it's never going to be.
  15. They have an innate need for people to agree with them I guess. I assume it makes their paranoid feeling of injustice more credible. It's almost like if you went to a restaurant and you received a bad meal, but instead of just never going there again or giving them future business, you show up in front of their door a few times a day and tell them about how much they suck and how great other places you used to frequent are.
  16. I'm aware of that, my post was in support of what you said.
  17. Those are things at the top of your list ... if you wanted this to be WoW with light sabers (which is apparently what the majority of the people ragequitting wanted).
  18. I dare anyone to say they've had no performance issues with any MMO that's barely a month out from release.
  19. The game just came out, there's nothing unexpected about it's state if you've ever played an MMO before. I think you'd be hard pressed to find another MMO that was more polished on release. But since you're so confident it's going to fail, clearly I'm wasting my time here, I'll go back to playing by myself and leave to your busy schedule of being all disgruntled and whatnot.
  20. I'd like to respond to that, but honestly that's just a jumbled mess of text that I can barely understand and I'm too tired to try to decipher a coherent thought in any of that.
  21. Do you even know what trolling means? A good example would be if I were to say, I don't know, go into a post and pretend to have 3 level 50's that are "maxed joke pvp geared" in a lame attempt to make my whining somehow seem more credible when people disagree with me. But to answer your question, I usually read the forums before I log off for the night, and lately I seem to usually read stupid threads like these where people that obviously can't just cancel their account and walk away feel like they have to try to convert people to their personal crusade against Bioware instead of just accepting it's not for them and moving on.
  22. Stop looping people in with your myopic drivel. Plenty of people are happy with the game as-is, regardless of the setting, hence why they're actually playing it instead of whining on the forums. If you hate it so much, just quit and leave already.
  23. I know this is a strange notion to some, but there are those of us who actually enjoy the game and will actually be sticking around. I wouldn't cancel regardless of what IP this, because I'm having fun with the game. Quit trying to loop everyone into your tantrum to try to give it more credability. If you don't like the game, cancel and walk away, these threads accomplish nothing.
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