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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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Some people didn't see the impact the Dungeon finder had. It killed a big chunk of WoW for me and for my friends.


Standing in Fleet spamming /General for hours just to do one single flashpoint is rapidly killing a big chunk of SWTOR for me and for a lot of other people.


On top of that it makes /General useless for anything else.... You know, like talking to the community you are so concerned about.

Edited by Workerdrone
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Tweak the LFG thing already in game, other than that.. it´s not all that hard finding a group if you look. Or maybe form a guild with some people on your server, that way you can always find some nice enough people to help you out. If there´s not enough people on your server.. well, that´s a whole different problem that has to be adressed by BW I guess.


Don´t know how the dungeon finder works in wow because I never played it but I rather like the way this game makes us be social with one another when needed.

^this coming from a previously avid solo player.:)

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This game only needs a better LFG tool. Because the one it has is very user unfriendly. That's all it needs. It does not need a tool that will spoon feed you/baby sit you and give you buffs while patting you on the back as you go through the Flashpoint.


Let us see all the LFD tagged people on our level bracket, not only just on the fleet. If you delete the name of the zone you want to search it will not show you all the people on the server, because it has a limit, therefore it doesn't make it easier if I want to start whispering people.


So, like UI, it needs some improvement. Don't choose the lazy path of just slapping a Dungeon Finder on top of it, before even trying to make it right in a proper way.

People don't know any better so they want what they are used to. Some people didn't see the impact the Dungeon finder had. It killed a big chunk of WoW for me and for my friends.


Honestly, the biggest reason people claim dungeon finder ruined communities and whatever, is because it's cross-server. You group with people that you'll never likely talk to again or see in game, and the experience does feel pretty disjointed. If they kept it local to each server, that wouldn't have every become a problem.


Anyway, SWTOR needs some major work across the board to stay viable. I'm a huge Bioware fan, and I'm loving this game so far, but only because the leveling process and story is very engaging. Once those two are taken out, I'm not sure there will be much reason to stick around.


Flashpoints are one of the most original features Bioware introduced to the genre. It's a shame they seem to have zero interest in encouraging players to actually run them.


This game probably really rocks for people that play with regularly together with 3 other friends, though.

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Realm-intern-only, no transportation / teleportation and no automatic composing (people would be registered in a list along with other people also looking for a group) - THIS would be an acceptable compromise for an extension of the already existing LFG-tool.
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It doesn't have to be an extreme.

One could really take a rational approach at the problem, because it's undeniably a problem.

Right now the current system isn't working. Might be people's fault not using it, might be due to the lack of a more, server wide, global feature.

Do we all agree on that?

If so something different should be implemented.

It really doesn't have to be a cross - server auto porting tool. I think the goal for everyone is to find a group in a reasonable time, many alternitives has been proposed.

I think bioware should provide some sort of feedback on this topic, they are the only ones with (hopefully) the statistics to evaluate a possible solution.

Some intermediate step would be usefull too.. like a global LFG chat active by default (so basically everyone's in it without need to do something), just a bandaid waiting for some more efficient way to find group

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I agree with this 100%


game badly needs cross server lfg and cross server warzones.


To not have these in a modern MMO is archaic and catering only to elitists who wont stay for the long haul anyways.


I see this same crap re-occur in every MMO release since WoW implemented these tools.

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This is not the MMORPG you are looking for and if your enjoyment depends on overconvenience, which ultimately only promotes lazyness and phlegm, please return to your precious Azeroth.


Glad to know that 'overconvenience'(not even a word) and not an immune response by the body cause phlegm.


Also, just because an LFG is around doesn't mean people have to use it if they don't want/need to. I can't remember the last time I used or felt the need to use the LFG in merry ol' Azeroth...but I've had several occasions in this game where it would have been nice.

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thats not an argument.


people nowadays still play the "old daoc" (2002/2003) on a freeshard server, which is even older than wow.


the thing is motivation and blizzard just failed at it, because the whole game is to easy to play.


How many PvP seasons do you have with Gladiator status? How many server first Hardmode raid encounters did you achieve?


WoW could be very hard if that was what you were looking for.


I agree with whom your reply was intended for. WoW is a more complete and simply better game atm. A lot of us just want something different and naturally this game has much greater potential with WoW being dated and this game new.

Edited by Chanamel
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I'm always amazed at apparently how few actually know what RPG means, and that it has absolutely nothing to do with play acting.


Actually, it has everything to do with playing a role in a story, and nothing to do with playing a role in a group. The role in a group thing came later, with people wanting healers, tanks and dps.

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Actually, it has everything to do with playing a role in a story, and nothing to do with playing a role in a group. The role in a group thing came later, with people wanting healers, tanks and dps.
lololol what? You best do your homework on that. :)


You have it the complete opposite.

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I'm with the group who feels that this ruins communities. One of the things that keeps me playing MMOs long-term is a strong community. That's what kept me hooked on FFXI. You know the people on your server and you know who you like to party with. I have no interest in getting slapped together with random people who might not even be the appropriate level for the quest. No thanks. I've never had to wait more than 15 mins to get a group together for Flashpoints. There's plenty of people around looking to do Flashpoints during peak times.
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So, am I too assume that anyone who is in the "Against LFD" tool also wants the PvP Warzone auto-join removed?


Why don't we use that as an example. You know how many people's names I've grouped with for instances I remember? Zero.


You know how many PvP players I know by name? How many guilds I've learned about because of PvP? How many converstations I've been in AFTER being put into a warzone by the auto-joiner? Tons.


This thought that FORMING the group is the social aspect in this whole situation is ridiculous. It isn't the forming of the group. That's for convinence. It's the actual conversations that take place IN THE GROUP that actually matter.


Typing "LFG RED REAPER - Healer" does not form a community. Participating in the actual event does. My bond with another player isn't formed because he clicked "Invite", it's formed when we clear the place top to bottom, and have a good time.


Build a group != building a community.

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This is not the MMORPG you are looking for and if your enjoyment depends on overconvenience, which ultimately only promotes lazyness and phlegm, please return to your precious Azeroth.


So when you go camping do you rub sticks together to start a fire or do you use a lighter. Do you leave your sleeping bag at home and just cover yourself in leaves. I guess that makes you lazy and worthless and killing the camping community.

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So fed up. Just sat for nearly 2.5 hours on the station Republic side asking for any Flashpoints for the daily quest. Cademimu or Mandalorian raiders.


Every so often I'd get 1 person. Then we'd spam the chat every 2-3 mins asking for more. Nothing, nada.


I LOVE dungeons/instances/flashpoints and any kind of PvE team based scenario. Yet I rarely seem to be able to do anything like that on here.


Getting very annoying...:mad:

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Cross server LFG? Hell no!!! I wouldn't be opposed to a server only tool however.


Friend decent players you run with. Ask them if they want to run a FP with you, heck my friends list is bigger than my guild.


I've played WoW and saw what cross server BGs and a LFG did. It destroyed the community. I generally play tanks or healers and I used to get tons of whispers asking me to tank or heal as soon as I logged on. People knew my character, knew I was good at me role, and I knew them. Reputation was important and you friended other good players. A person deliberately wipes a group one too many times and they will find themselves re-rolling or shelving that character until people forget them.


After cross server LFG people stopped bothering to use their friends lists, just hit the LFD tool and find 4 other random players. After a while I didn't even bother with names, just class or role to communicate. Cross server is bad for the community.


In favor of the LFG tool however would be that I wouldn't have to stand around the Fleet in order to find a FP group. That I feel is one of the more undesirable aspects of the current setup. Now if I could be off questing and be in my server's LFG I'd like that.

Edited by Evangelist
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Cross server LFG? Hell no!!! I wouldn't be opposed to a server only tool however.


Friend decent players you run with. Ask them if they want to run a FP with you, heck my friends list is bigger than my guild.


Might be easy for you to get groups seeing as you're an Imperial. Republic side is a lot harder since we have a lot less players.

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Might be easy for you to get groups seeing as you're an Imperial. Republic side is a lot harder since we have a lot less players.


This is exactly the problem and why there should be a cross server LFD. That way content can be accessed by everyone not just imperials on heavy load servers.

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This is exactly the problem and why there should be a cross server LFD. That way content can be accessed by everyone not just imperials on heavy load servers.



Exactly, it has to be cross server or theres no point.


Its supposed to shorten the time getting a group, if its just your server

it would take just as long as spamming the chat box


plus those servers that have severe faction imbalance would not benefit.

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I have a hard day at work. I come home eat and play with the kids. Put them to bed. I then sit down for a gaming session of rip roaring fun!


/general "LFG"

/general "LFG"

/general "LFG"

/general "LFG"

/general "LFG"

/general "LFG"

/general "LFG"

Get DPS.



/general "Need Healer and Tank"




/general "Need Healer and Tank"





Now that is some compelling gameplay there.

Edited by Tnice
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Since the people on the forums here are minority(Ignore all you want but that's true) when compared to the people that are actually playing TOR atm. I would say post an in game poll asking "Would you like LFG Tool in the game" with YES OR NO as options. My $10 say that the YES button will be ***** to DEATH. Not everyone likes sitting at Carrick Station and spamming /1 with LFG for 1 straight hour...
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Since the people on the forums here are minority(Ignore all you want but that's true) when compared to the people that are actually playing TOR atm. I would say post an in game poll asking "Would you like LFG Tool in the game" with YES OR NO as options. My $10 say that the YES button will be ***** to DEATH. Not everyone likes sitting at Carrick Station and spamming /1 with LFG for 1 straight hour...


I assume the majority of the posters are playing TOR since in order to post on here you have to be subscribing.

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