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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gamespot gives you an 8


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Reviews at Gamespot or IGN are totally bought by EA. Find a reputable, non bias review- before you play this garbage.


So you spend your free time on a forum for a game you call 'Garbage' Nice one shows your a very busy person.

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I was initially against a dungeon finder, but I'm now inclined to agree that this game really does need one. It's so difficult finding groups for flashpoints. And it's not a case of a lack of effort either. Edited by Painaid
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A little harsh maybe imo. I am never expected it to be completely 'innovative' but the voice acting is definately up there.



A little harsh?


On the Gamespot scale thats practially saying its a trainwreck. Apalling games get 85% and moderately good ones get 90%.


80% from gamespot......now thats a kick in the nuts.

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A little harsh?


On the Gamespot scale thats practially saying its a trainwreck. Apalling games get 85% and moderately good ones get 90%.


80% from gamespot......now thats a kick in the nuts.


Did you..actually read the review?

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The thing is, when you review an MMO you should not consider things like oh well it just launched let's give it 8/10 instead of 3/10. You should be objective from the very beginning.


That's why the real score should be 3-4/10, by anyone who is NOT paid to give high ratings and who are not total idiots.


so the mass majority that DONT AGREE WITH YOU, your calling names!


how internet tough guy of you :)


I personally give the game a 8 myself


FUN GAME, few bone headed design flaws like mindlessly easy leveling and declining challenge from the get go.


But over all the game is fun, enjoyable, entertaining.


Now if were talking the bussiness side of things then I give Bioware and EA a 2/10 score. They have pretty much been the keystone cops of MMORPG support accross the board!


If anything causes this game to fail after 6months its going to come down to

easy leveling

limited challenge

terrible support

horrendious moderation (game not forums. IE: No naming regulations on RP servers)

Terrible pre launch/launch process

Horrible image protrayed of Bioware just packing up and going home for dinner during the pre launch and launch (thats REALLY not the mental image you want to put out in the first 2 weeks, but thats what was done anyways)

Stuff like that!


Game 8/10

Bussiness side of things 2/10


And im not paid to give this replay!


PS: Nice name, bet that took a long time to figure out and think up!

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An 8.0 is harsh lol...


I am so disgusted with this generation of gamers.


Going to skip these forums for a couple of months like I do with every major MMO to come out. WoW, Rift, AoC, etc. it's the same thing every major release. These forums were a pleasure to be in but now it's horrendous. I really hope the lot of you especially the conspiracy theorists who think all 25 + reviews were bought out unsub. But of course you will keep paying and continuing to cry and troll on these forums. I go to the Rift forum and the SAME people who had threatened to quit in the first and second month are still their crying and moaning about how big of a disaster Rift is. Must have no lives at all to continue to pay for a game you don't enjoy just to troll people.


I'll see the sane ones in a few months. Good luck.


PS: Zelda the new one got a 7.5 from Gamespot. Which is also one of the highest rated games of the year. It must be a total failure now because a 7.5 is a 1.0 by some of your logic. Worst gamer generation ever. Bunch of spoiled, whiny brats.

Edited by Improv-
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An 8.0 is harsh lol...


I am so disgusted with this generation of gamers.


Going to skip these forums for a couple of months like I do with every major MMO to come out. WoW, Rift, AoC, etc. it's the same thing every major release. These forums were a pleasure to be in but now it's horrendous. I really hope the lot of you especially the conspiracy theorists who think all 25 + reviews were bought out unsub. But of course you will keep paying and continuing to cry and troll on these forums. I go to the Rift forum and the SAME people who had threatened to quit in the first and second month are still their crying and moaning about how big of a disaster Rift is. Must have no lives at all to continue to pay for a game you don't enjoy just to troll people.


I'll see the sane ones in a few months. Good luck.


PS: Zelda the new one got a 7.5 from Gamespot. Which is also one of the highest rated games of the year. It must be a total failure now because a 7.5 is a 1.0 by some of your logic. Worst gamer generation ever. Bunch of spoiled, whiny brats.


Did you even read what I wrote? Maybe you need to go outside for a bit?

Re-read it. Compare it with their other reviews. That's where I was coming from ffs.

I never threatened to quit. Seriously dude. Who do you think you are coming off like that? You're absolutely right the forums are bad- you just proved that completely.

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woah 40 players, I can count that many hanging out in SW around the AH.


That is because World of Warcraft doesn't have a world due to the LFD feature. Blizzard might aswell just remove the entire world and when you make a new character, you spawn inside a big room with a mail box, an auction house and a bank. Dungeons, raids and PvP would all be instanced and all you had to do was queue up and enjoy your free epics for doing jack ****.

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well Swtor has alot of stuff they need to improve if they want the game to last any reasnoable amount of time...as it feels now I am giving this game until the end of january to see if I want to continue playing.


My Concerns so far:


1. Ability delay ---- as has been said in many threads already this is gamebreaking and must be fixed asap.


2. horrible pvp loot system, the RNG system need to be changed.


3. game needs a dungeon finder quite badly imo. spamming chat for hours looking for players is not fun and adding a dungeon finder will not destroy the community like some say...


4. quests lacking variety...they are all pretty much the same thing. (hard to change now but for future quests etc)


5. loading times....it way annoying going through mutliple loading screens to get from one planet to another. just make the ship land instantly.

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An 8.0 is harsh lol...


I am so disgusted with this generation....


PS: Zelda the new one got a 7.5 from Gamespot. Which is also one of the highest rated games of the year. It must be a total failure now because a 7.5 is a 1.0 by some of your logic. Worst gamer generation ever. Bunch of spoiled, whiny brats.


you do realize people have always thought this about the next generation pretty much forever.


You just sound old when you say these kinds of things.


For the record I'm not young myself but get over it already.

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Do we care what a reviewer says? Are we caring about this now? Nobody told me!



Oh, and to the guy who said if you give this game above an 3.5 your an idiot... sweeping statements like this are a sign of someone without a reasonable agrument. Personal attacks merely make the individual engaging in such character assasinations to appear weak. At least to those of us able to form a rational arguement. Also consider the difference between an objective fact and a subjective opinion. You apparently have difficulty distinguishing between the two.



I give this game an 8.5 out of 10. I could do a full review if I wanted, but I don't feel I have to justify my score to anybody but myself, and my pocket book.

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The thing is, when you review an MMO you should not consider things like oh well it just launched let's give it 8/10 instead of 3/10. You should be objective from the very beginning.


That's why the real score should be 3-4/10, by anyone who is NOT paid to give high ratings and who are not total idiots.


Nothing more repulsive than that mentality. 'They don't agree with MY opinion(ie fact) therefore they must be paid."

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I was initially against a dungeon finder, but I'm now inclined to agree that this game really does need one. It's so difficult finding groups for flashpoints. And it's not a case of a lack of effort either.


I still wouldn't like it, but if they do implement it I really doubt it will be cross server, BW is heavily against anything cross server.

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game-spot are..."encouraged" to give good scores to some company's. One guy was sacked couple years ago for admitting that gamespot was paid to give some company's title a 10 score....

I ignore anything they say these days.


Link or you're talking out of your ***

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