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World first Operations - Casual/RPers need not reply.

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Unless there is an in game recognition of it, it's a nonpoint. Competing against less than 10% of the potential population is just a small pool, you got more people than anyone. Good on you for getting them down.


Frankly, given the immersive leveling system I'm probably not going to take most of the first sets of world/server firsts seriously. A lot of people are going to sit down an enjoy the game, as most of them are here to distance themselves from That other Game.


Hell, I'm not even openly recruiting yet because who is playing what class, and who is just here to sightsee a new mmo, and who is here to grind out and push content is still up in the air, everyone starts a new game with the best intentions.

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I am not a casual player i had a crazy amount of achievemnts raid kills and all that on another game even a realm 1st. So ill actually repley to your statement. Look i personally think they shouldnt start that crap up here in starwars because here is the far sighted answer to it. So they start using the data to say whats hard core to whats casual and begain to push to make nerfs with how many haves vrs have nots. I am totally against nerfing a game becase the casuals find it to hard and then they nerf everything till us hard core pll dont want to play cuz there isnt a challange.

If end game content is your idea of fun awesome mine too:) So you will gravitate on your own to or threw differnt guilds till you find the hardcore ppl in the meantime stop and enjoy the game in the process. You do realize you are playing in a new era of gameplay right its story driven and also the whole game talks. I get mad when ppl complain about it talks to much its like would you rather be reading texts or skip it and looking it up on the map and rereading it anyways cuz you have to do somoethin special and not just kill everything in sight?

Edited by morganlion
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This is a thread to the hardcore raiding portion of our community.



If this does not include you, do not reply.



How will you value any Guilds world first achievement given the staggered launch?



How does this compare to other MMO's?


Just because we don't have 24/7 to be hardcore now doesn't mean we haven't been there more than long enough to be able to reply to your thread believe it or not. It's pretty simple this tier doesn't mean ****. There's no equal footing for the hardcore guilds at all and it's been cleared already. You could essentially have a ranking for nightmare modes but even then people who got in early have the advantage. Next tier (and hopefully by then we have actual server forums) make an official thread, use ss to verify like we used to before achievements ever existed and montior it among the hardcore community. I never had any issues when the guilds I was in did it this way and for the most part this let the hardcore people have their server first and the casuals left them the hell alone in their own thread.


Edit: I also never understood why the casuals get so pissy about hardcore people doing what they enjoy in a game they pay the same money for. If they want to compete among eachother who really cares. If some of them are *********s and simply must spout how amazing they are in a video game and tell you how bad you are for not being hardcore you can just assume they have a ****** life and feel bad for them. For the most part though the hardcore players I've played with are ******* and only care about their competition with other hardcore guilds, not rubbing it in everyone elses face.

Edited by Lheoric
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Take anything and everything wow related and go back to there.




No one cares about your achievements and e-sports.



BW has already announced that server firsts (etc...) will not be integrated into the SWTOR game because (a) the game's bread is voice-acted questgiver interaction, and (b) its butter is story-driven character progression. Conquest grazing rights aren't even on the radar. Flashpoints and operations are merely advanced (though integral) pieces to the game's storytelling puzzle and drive nothing by themselves.


Next thing you know someone who still isn't getting it will start a thread polling whether or not party leaders should be granted dictatorship to override a player's choice to interact with the quest cinematics.


Like it or not, this ain't WoW ... thank you BioWare!

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'll probably not give a crap about world firsts in this first tier. Everything was downed in beta anyways so who cares. Tier 2 ftw.
No, everything was not downed. Who told you that?

BW has already announced that server firsts (etc...) will not be integrated into the SWTOR game because (a) the game's bread is voice-acted questgiver interaction, and (b) its butter is story-driven character progression. Conquest grazing rights aren't even on the radar. Flashpoints and operations are merely advanced (though integral) pieces to the game's storytelling puzzle and drive nothing by themselves.

Story and voice acting is fine and dandy but end game won't thrive on voice acting. Sorry. We already have the codex system, and if you read carefully there are *gasp* achievements listed. It wouldn't require much work to implement a system where others can see achievements, and add more into the game. Since, well, mmo's have a level cap and people do stuff there. We don't all just level alt after alt because the story is THAT awesome.

What does e-sports have to do with raid achievements?

Lmao, this.


But to reply to the OP, it's hard to say. The real progression that will matter will be finishing the tier on nightmare, so whoever does that first wins. I sincerely doubt having a 7 day head start will affect the outcome too much. ie. A guild could come into the game on the 20th and end up beating the content before anyone who had EGA.

Edited by arnoldlol
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I'll probably not give a crap about world firsts in this first tier. Everything was downed in beta anyways so who cares. Tier 2 ftw.


love people that talk out of their arse lol, this is BS, some bosses were so bugged it was impossible to down them.


OT: we will be going for server firsts etc but without achievments / reconition for it its pretty pointless, we will however be trying to make a name for ourselfs as one of the best on the server.

Edited by snowmon
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No, everything was not downed. Who told you that?


Story and voice acting is fine and dandy but end game won't thrive on voice acting. Sorry. We already have the codex system, and if you read carefully there are *gasp* achievements listed. It wouldn't require much work to implement a system where others can see achievements, and add more into the game. Since, well, mmo's have a level cap and people do stuff there. We don't all just level alt after alt because the story is THAT awesome.


Lmao, this.


But to reply to the OP, it's hard to say. The real progression that will matter will be finishing the tier on nightmare, so whoever does that first wins. I sincerely doubt having a 7 day head start will affect the outcome too much. ie. A guild could come into the game on the 20th and end up beating the content before anyone who had EGA.


Well if u go by the fact people who come in a week later are undegeared compared to the week long players yeah it'll matter

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its hard to call anything a true world first until 100% of the population are playing the game, then you get competition in its true sense. Until that time i have no care at all for world firsts, although i would like to go for a few if my guild is in the position to do so.
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Flashpoints and operations are merely advanced (though integral) pieces to the game's storytelling puzzle and drive nothing by themselves.


Next thing you know someone who still isn't getting it will start a thread polling whether or not party leaders should be granted dictatorship to override a player's choice to interact with the quest cinematics.


Like it or not, this ain't WoW ... thank you BioWare!


I have news for you, the end game content will make or break this game.


rerolling a new alt just to 'hear the story' 8 times might not be what a big chunk of players want to or care to do.


There better be newer flashpoints and operations or people will unsub once they've seen all the story they care to see.

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Take anything and everything wow related and go back to there.




No one cares about your achievements and e-sports.


To be fair you should say *you* do not care about this. And probably a lot of people share your opinion. But "no one" is not correct. I am saying this despite not being a person who is into "World First Kills". This sounds too much like a job to me. There is even a site swtorprogress already (I think it is even done by the same people like wowprogress).


As to the matter asked: I think it will be like at WoW, the only thing mattering will be the kills in the highest difficulty level, and in the end (at the level of skill the "World first guilds" are) probably mainly who kills the final boss first. On highest difficulty setting.


How relevant this will be will I think largely depend on the difficulty level of nightmare difficulty operations.


There are already a lot of famous WoW Endgame guilds preparing for the content, like "For the Horde" who switched over from WoW, and the guild Irae Aod (I think they play several MMOs). So if the difficulty rating is hard enough the "usual suspects" will be up for the race as it seems (and potentially also some "newcomers"?)


And as always: Not everyone will be interested in that kind of thing. Have to admit myselves I also read the reports about the latest things of this kind of guilds always with a bit of amusement. Would be not my sort of thing to put in so much into a game like them. Still, interesting read. Like reading about your favourite sports club or whatever.

Edited by Kesitah
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This is a thread to the hardcore raiding portion of our community.



If this does not include you, do not reply.



How will you value any Guilds world first achievement given the staggered launch?



How does this compare to other MMO's?


This doesn't include me, but I just wanted to say Hi.

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The people who do the world first kills, or even the server first kills, do not do it because of a badge or achievement.


Yeah this...

On my Server a group of 24 of us just downed the Coruscant World Boss, which was a server first. (I realise its not an operation persay but ya know).


It just gives you a good feeling that you have done something no one else has (Actual game, not beta).

None of the guys and girls that did it want or even mentioned wishing for an "Server first achievement". We just did it because the robot owned us yesterday...


Its part of the game to want to be the first to do stuff within reason.

All we wanted was a pat on the back and a "Well done" which we got.

For me, Ops and Flash's are just about enjoying the game with a lot of other people and not bothering about "Well its already been killed so why bother"

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