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Why is SW:TOR an MMO?


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Thousands of other players you say?


That's odd, since I play on one of the very few servers listed as FULL or VERY HIGH the game still manages to feel incredibly lifeless.


Probably because when there's more than 90 people on a planet they make a new instance, for no reason what so ever.


Giving Bioware the tools for an MMO was a cute idea on paper, but they've just gotten almost everything wrong.


In your humble opinion. I see people all over the place, making me wait for that Boss to spawn again, because they killed it just before I got there. Some of you people must be oblivious, blind or just Trolls. Or worse all three combined into one.

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I mean, short of the obvious explanation that EA would really really like some of that sweet, sweet subscription cash, I'm seeing exactly jack **** in the gameplay that justifies a recurring monthly subscription fee.


It's an MMO because it's damn good at being an MMO.

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Is the world massive pretty much is it multiplayer yes indeed and online well duh.


The word "massively" in this context doesn't refer to the size of the game world, it refers to there being a "massive" number of players, hence "massively multiplayer". I'm not saying it isn't an MMO but your definition here is incorrect.

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What you guys all on the same troll team? He your Brother? Sister? Why would you care what I say about someone on a forum, LOL keep trying tho, gonna need a bigger ship


Why do you keep posting when you provide no creative input whatsoever and only post to get a reaction out of others?


Wait.. isn't that trolling?

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It's not an MMO? It's a single player game with a box and subscription cost.


What would you prefer? Being "forced" to group with people just to get the simplest of tasks completed.


I say no thanks, had enough of that in EQ. I prefer this new breed of MMO's much more. Where I can go it solo or group up if I want too.


Thank the Force that the day's of forced grouping just to get anything accomplished have been relegated to the dust bin of MMO history.

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MMOs are much more resistant to piracy than single player games. That's why every developer is trying to make all their games into MMOs, even if they shouldn't be.


not for the massive amount of $$$ they can make by recycling the same concept over and over?


It happens in other genres too. FPS games for example.

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The word "massively" in this context doesn't refer to the size of the game world, it refers to there being a "massive" number of players, hence "massively multiplayer". I'm not saying it isn't an MMO but your definition here is incorrect.

Even if it did, the worlds aren't particuarly large (though, I do grant that there are quite a few of them). You're just forced to slog across them very slowly, earning slightly faster methods of travel by degrees.


MMOs are much more resistant to piracy than single player games. That's why every developer is trying to make all their games into MMOs, even if they shouldn't be.

Sadly, they're also much more resistant to satisfying gameplay.

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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One can only wonder...


no seriously why would your account be under suspension if you didnt pay for it why are you upset that you didnt cancel .problem taken care of. .and if you have been banned for illegal activities then you deserve to not play



so seriously why would your account be under suspension?

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Thousands of other players you say?


That's odd, since I play on one of the very few servers listed as FULL or VERY HIGH the game still manages to feel incredibly lifeless.


Probably because when there's more than 90 people on a planet they make a new instance, for no reason what so ever.


Giving Bioware the tools for an MMO was a cute idea on paper, but they've just gotten almost everything wrong.



have you ever tryed to compelet a quest with 90-100 people doing that same quest ?

tryed to kill one mob that have 10 people watting for it to sporn ?



that is a dam goos reason to have more then one instance

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Here's the thing though. It's already so heavily instanced that... why not just take it one step further and keep every player in his or her own little universe unless they actively choose to group with other players or friends? Then it could be even more like a singleplayer game, and we could largely dispense with the need for centalised servers entirely... No more maintainence, no more downtime.


This is the direction I find my throughts travellening in every time. Is my gaming experience REALLY enhanced by assorted other players passing by on speeders and occasionally turning ip in Cantinas?


I'm forced to conclude that the presence or absence of other players really doesn't feel like it adds anything at all to the game for me.

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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Thousands of other players you say?


That's odd, since I play on one of the very few servers listed as FULL or VERY HIGH the game still manages to feel incredibly lifeless.


Probably because when there's more than 90 people on a planet they make a new instance, for no reason what so ever.


Giving Bioware the tools for an MMO was a cute idea on paper, but they've just gotten almost everything wrong.


Did you stop playing on day one? They've been both increasing server size and shard size gradually as they find out what their servers are capable of doing without crashing- I've seen shards in the hundreds lately, and considering they clearly said 'sharding is to reduce lag at launch and will go away once things stabilize', I believe that would translate to meaning... oh yeah, sharding was to reduce lag at launch and will be going away once things stabilize.


Reading comprehension, *** does it mean!?


I had no problem finding people in the Fleet, Nar Shaddaa, even DK at any time- planets aren't packed, but they're far from empty, they're just big and thus having 100 people on a planet doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be competing at all times. The 'problem' is that they put content in every inch of every map- unlike say WoW, where you may have a 5 km map, but since all the quests worth doing are... oh who am I kidding, it's not like WoW because 99% of the server isn't in the main city sitting in LFD.

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no seriously why would your account be under suspension if you didnt pay for it why are you upset that you didnt cancel .problem taken care of. .and if you have been banned for illegal activities then you deserve to not play



so seriously why would your account be under suspension?


I only understood the last bit of what you wrote. When you can construct a proper coherent post I might respond to the latter part, which is the only part I did understand.

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I love star wars and i love the fact that they tried. But seriously. Eight years ago one company built an mmo with much more content. And hundreds of more hours before you had a full template. How did two companies copy WoW and expect people to want to pay 15 bucks a month for this. I will literally have everything done except for operations once this free month they gave us is up. They need to update and add content fast or lucasarts will cancel this game aswell. And seriously i got like two new skills from maxing out my talents..... the talent trees have a serious lack of effort. And why did i go from level 15 to level 38 wearing the same exact robe, every time i looted one it was the same exact model just a different color. My companions get better looking gear than consulars do. I could script in several armor sets in a few weeks, seious lack of effort there. And as far as the "full diologue" thing, my toon stopped saying unique things around level 2015 now every convo he repeats "the jedi way is to serve" or "sounds dangerous, ill take care of it" then they just decided to spam mobs everywhere and let them knock u right off ur mount. Crafting is pathetic because u click one buttone and it crafts. As far as PvP goes, i will never respect a pvp syatem that allows some pathetic toon Twenty levels below me keep up with me in combat with some kind of stupid pvp buffs. There is an upsetting lack of content for light/dark side levels. Light side rank 2 3 and 4i get no tittle. Like it would have been difficult to think of a tittle to give. The vendors offor one stupid mouse bot, one level 5015 mount and no complete sets of armor. I actually keep walking to the light side vendor thinking something will actually be added to it that is usefull. No tittles for maxed out crew skills. Would it have been didficult to give 400 diplomacy a "diplomat" tittle? Who here likes it that npcs have the ability to knock u off platforms and cliffs all over the place an u have to run all the way back to the boas avain. I could continue to go on and on

All in all i totally agree that we should not be charged till the game is somewhat complete. I tbought i would love this game but as it stands, i will purchaae three months and if they sont clean their act up here I will not sit around grinding for PvP gear. Sorry bw and ea its not good enough to be a mmo.


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Did you stop playing on day one? They've been both increasing server size and shard size gradually as they find out what their servers are capable of doing without crashing- I've seen shards in the hundreds lately, and considering they clearly said 'sharding is to reduce lag at launch and will go away once things stabilize', I believe that would translate to meaning... oh yeah, sharding was to reduce lag at launch and will be going away once things stabilize.


Reading comprehension, *** does it mean!?


I had no problem finding people in the Fleet, Nar Shaddaa, even DK at any time- planets aren't packed, but they're far from empty, they're just big and thus having 100 people on a planet doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be competing at all times. The 'problem' is that they put content in every inch of every map- unlike say WoW, where you may have a 5 km map, but since all the quests worth doing are... oh who am I kidding, it's not like WoW because 99% of the server isn't in the main city sitting in LFD.


I still play today to get my see as much class story as possible before my free month is up since i'm certainly not paying a monthly fee for this level of mediocrity.


I have a 50 sage and a 44 guardian, the lifeless feel is still apparent and it's often the talk of general chat on my server. What now?

Edited by Kamiosoup
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A KOTOR game being an MMO is an interesting idea. I just hope the inevitable new story additions/expansion content to the game take some actual thought, care, and effort. Content expansions for MMOs these days are just lazy, or maybe I'm just thinking about WoW.


Though honestly, I think it would have been a lot more epic if EA gave Bioware development rights for an Ultima Online 2. Who knows, maybe it wouldn't get canceled!

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I only understood the last bit of what you wrote. When you can construct a proper coherent post I might respond to the latter part, which is the only part I did understand.


there are only two ways your account is under suspension


1) you failed to pay..and if that was the case you shouldnt worry about removing your credit card information


2) you broke the rules. and therefore you dont deserve to play the game in my opinion





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