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Everything posted by AlmightyGrain

  1. So true, I lived in Anchorhead for a long time after moenia.
  2. Actually at 5:06 in the video I take out one of the rifles and at 5:15 i'm falling back to heal, firing the rifle with one hand which looks cool. lol
  3. I, fortunately, made out extremely well with those conversions. I had one Cdef rifle and another similar weak rifle (can't remember name) turn into the 2 best rifles on the server, I had 1 rifle for my elder jedi and 1 for my BH, that helped me out alot during that transition.
  4. It is important to remember that SWG died way after the holo-grind was gone. The Holo-grind made the game unique, the village and it's endless xp requirements killed the game.
  5. This game will flop and won't live half as long as SWG. SWG 2 would have lived twice as long. Sry SWG was too complicated for you.
  6. This is an imperial invasion of Anchorhead on the server Scylla. I posted it a couple years ago on youtube and the music was disabled for it, that issue was resolved and the music is back on for it. it is a bit laggy because it was Fraps and SWG took a lot of computer power back then.
  7. Why I am past the considering stage of quiting: Since my thread made Bw butthurt presumably, here is my crtiticism again. This is just a single player game, people don't really talk outside guilds, there is no real place to go hang out. Much earlier MMOs than this allowed neutral areas for all factions where they couldn't attack each other, but could hangout I always think of MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf when playing this game. Where everyone runs around the base waiting for a match to start. Just like sitting at the republic fleet. GREEEEAT job on making every single endgame character look exactly the same, because everyone who has worked hard to get to 50 really wants to spend their time grinding for the same armor everyone else has. NOT. I suggest making multiple armor sets, which there are different ways to get This is just a little side thing but I find it very annoying. I havn't ever in 10 years played an online game where you could not add people to your friends list unless they are online. So bioware, when we sign offline we suddenly don't exist?? pathetic?? Also, changing the name and the color of an armor set does not make it new. Same goes for charging 200 commendations for mounts which you changed the color of. You guys added nothing significant to this game. And for those of you hurting to say "it's just the beginning, what you expect." Judging by whats been attempted thus far, the game will never improve enough to really be an enjoyable star wars MMO. Yay everyone lets run around with the same robe and on the same mount with the same little sandcrawler following us. Sucks how its been two months and most of the classes are pissed off about nerfs. I have to change the way I fight because things weren't properly balanced to begin with? Ok so I got to 50 and decided, "ok there is nothing to do but ateast I can PvP and get some gear bags with a fun chance to get a piece of gear. I was on my way to completing my champion set, having a good time with the random bags. Now there have been two PvP gear system *uck ups. I still need the same three champion pieces of armor that i did before it got screwed up. Yes bioware, I would have played with your random gear bag system. No, I will not spend my time grinding commendations. The system you guys had to get gear before was nice, now it is simple and repetitive, like the rest of the game. Consider me incapacitated by your Endgame, and screwing up the gear bags are the Deathblow, from which I won't be reviving this month. Where it took SOE a couple years to start nerfing and killing the game, it took you guys a couple months, do not attempt another MMO BW, I hope EA doesn't damage their name further by working with you guys on an online game again. What is here to pay monthly for???
  8. I ask myself, why doesn't it feel like i'm logging in to star wars?? The truth is that only one game has been able to get the MMO world of star wars right. That was SWG. I am sorry if anyone feels different or did not play SWG to reference, but the way they put jedi in that game was remarkable. One reason this game does not feel like star wars is because right away there are wayyyy too many jedi, and far too many jedi with double bladed and double sabers. Those were in fact rare lightsaber forms. And lightsabers dropping off mobs... what the hell were you thinking????? lightsabers took a crazy amount of skill and materials to make and only jedi had them, jedi should be crafting them in this game. I should not be able to loot an ultimate jedi weapon off some dumb mob. There is no arguing that on less populated servers more than heavily populated ones, this is just a single player game, with the option of multiplayer. I always think of MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf when playing this game. Where everyone runs around the little room waiting for a match to start. Just like sitting at the republic fleet waiting for a wz. BTW Bioware, since you don't know what an MMO is I will help start you off. It is a game where a ton of people can play together and be UNIQUE, and like THEIR OWN saga. GREEEEAT job on making every single endgame character look exactly the same, because everyone who has worked hard to get to 50 really wants to spend their time grinding for the same armor everyone else has. NOT. This is just a little side thing but I find it very annoying. I havn't ever in 10 years played an online game where you could not add people to your friends list unless they are online. So bioware, when we sign offline we suddenly don't exist?? pathetic?? Also, changing the name and the color of an armor set does not make it new. Same goes for charging 200 commendations for mounts which you changed the color of. You guys added nothing significant to this game. And for those of you hurting to say "it's just the beginning, *** you expect." Judging by three years of work, and the patching they have attempted thus far, the game will never improve and everyone will run around with the same robe and on the same mount with the same little sandcrawler following them. Funny how its been two months and Bioware has already pissed off most of the classes with nerfs, without talking to us the ones who know what a game should be like. Ok so I got to 50 and decided, "ok there is nothing to do but ateast I can PvP and get some gear bags with a fun chance to get a piece of gear. I was on my way to completing my champion set, having a good time with the random bags. Now there have been at least two PvP gear system *uck ups since I have been grinding gear. I still need the same three champion pieces of armor that i did before loot chances lowered. Yes bioware, I would have played with your random gear bag system. No, I will not spend my time grinding commendations. The system you guys had to get gear before was nice, now it is simple and ignorant, like the rest of the game. Consider me incapacitated by your stupid Endgame, and screwing up the gear bags are the Deathblow, from which I won't be reviving this month. Where it took SOE a couple years to start nerfing and killing the game, it took you guys a couple months. Does anyone see anything on this game they will enjoy paying for after all the single player stuff is done? BTW, I hate hearing my character talk, never saying what i want him to say. Huuuge waste of time and money on that. It would be quicker and less repetitive if the NPCs would just go after you click your choice, and you didn't have to listen to your toon say something he's already said 100 times. I think i got chills from something actually cool my consular said a whopping twice?? Failed.
  9. I would kill Corso on my gunslinger because he *****es about every darkside choice i make instead of getting used to it. On my consular I would kill the droid, rebuild, and kill it again, even though u said it's no option.
  10. Of course they would attack. The companions don't have AI.
  11. That is a cartoonish complete mess of crap. Whats he standing on a triangle. **** with ur complete **** game. I played it, it sucks, dont post wow things in this forum.
  12. I love star wars and i love the fact that they tried. But seriously. Eight years ago one company built an mmo with much more content. And hundreds of more hours before you had a full template. How did two companies copy WoW and expect people to want to pay 15 bucks a month for this. I will literally have everything done except for operations once this free month they gave us is up. They need to update and add content fast or lucasarts will cancel this game aswell. And seriously i got like two new skills from maxing out my talents..... the talent trees have a serious lack of effort. And why did i go from level 15 to level 38 wearing the same exact robe, every time i looted one it was the same exact model just a different color. My companions get better looking gear than consulars do. I could script in several armor sets in a few weeks, seious lack of effort there. And as far as the "full diologue" thing, my toon stopped saying unique things around level 2015 now every convo he repeats "the jedi way is to serve" or "sounds dangerous, ill take care of it" then they just decided to spam mobs everywhere and let them knock u right off ur mount. Crafting is pathetic because u click one buttone and it crafts. As far as PvP goes, i will never respect a pvp syatem that allows some pathetic toon Twenty levels below me keep up with me in combat with some kind of stupid pvp buffs. There is an upsetting lack of content for light/dark side levels. Light side rank 2 3 and 4i get no tittle. Like it would have been difficult to think of a tittle to give. The vendors offor one stupid mouse bot, one level 5015 mount and no complete sets of armor. I actually keep walking to the light side vendor thinking something will actually be added to it that is usefull. No tittles for maxed out crew skills. Would it have been didficult to give 400 diplomacy a "diplomat" tittle? Who here likes it that npcs have the ability to knock u off platforms and cliffs all over the place an u have to run all the way back to the boas avain. I could continue to go on and on All in all i totally agree that we should not be charged till the game is somewhat complete. I tbought i would love this game but as it stands, i will purchaae three months and if they sont clean their act up here I will not sit around grinding for PvP gear. Sorry bw and ea its not good enough to be a mmo. I
  13. Because most of the work put into the game is outside the ckass quests. Stop complaining and level up
  14. I really thing BW should let you guys transfer servers. let those of us settled in guilds stop dealing with queues aswell.
  15. I would never roll need on a blue for my companion. I roll need for other items for my companion if everyone else rolls greed. If everyone did that it should be fine.
  16. I am on the server The Constant During the year 3,900 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) The Constant along with sister ships The Beneficent and The Tasia were part of a three ship expansionary mission team, led by Kwilaan ( A Galactic Republic explorer who stumbled upon Naboo 50 years prior), which were the first to colonize Naboo. The Expansion effort was sponsored by Queen Elsinore den Tasia of the Grizmallts.
  17. It's the Sith, and they join it because they might like playing that bad guys, like the color red, theres several reasons. Also they get force lightning lol
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