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Wipe all servers, launch on dec 15h as planned open to ALL players


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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


I Agree.

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I hate the staggered launch but really wipe the servers for what?


People are fairly playing when they got access. The broken mechanic with the PvP matches is BioWare's mistake not the players, PvPers are going to PvP!


Should they have had staggered the launch? No!


Did they have a good reason? No!

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You're right. And then on the 20th, they should undo all of our progress to and wipe the servers. Don't want to make every non-preorder customer or gamer who got a great christmas gift feel behind too.


There's no "first" achievements, people aren't just going to do content once and go "well that was awesome! Not doing that again though", and you're really not going to be missing out on anything.


Take a deep breath, lean back, relax, and chill. We'll all get in soon.


PS: If you're planning on rolling a Jedi, make sure you go dark. I'm not sure the whole "no emotion" thing is working out for you ;)

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Sadly, I don't think its going happen.


but in truth, its not really a race so wiping on 15th is kind of pointless. I don't mind what happens but really would be nice to know when your going to get to play your game.


I decided to cancel my order and go play something else. as really TOR is just game and I have decided that really having to check my email every couple hours to find out if I am able to play a game is not really they way I want to play games. sadly it seems that that they way they want to run this game. I don't mind waiting, but its unknown that I am might have wait 1 day or even up to 20th before I get to play with my friends. not really the MMO experience I was looking for sadly.


Yes....I totally believe you're going to play "another" game. ROFL.


Sadly. Too much. :rolleyes:

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The OP just wants to be the first to 50, and will not get the chance now. In the world of nerd rage getting cyber bragging rights for the 15 seconds or very limited fame validates their life.


For me I have leveled to chars to 10, and am having trouble picking a main one.

Edited by Celestry
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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


This is the ONLY chance Bioware has to redeem itself, else go down in gaming history among the epic fails, and this one is true darwin launch. In order to prevent a situation where a lot of players are unable to play due being in server queues, they created a system that left the vast majority of players STUCK IN QUEUES with unknown wait times, waiting for their game access to be turned on. They've chosen by far the greater of two evils.


And when dec 20th comes around, with the current system they're probably going to end up with queues and server crashing anyway. How dumb.


Then they'll need to wipe every week .... 'to be fair to everyone'.



Or ... people could just have read what they bought..... I know - too easy.

Edited by xandax
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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve the problem of me not being invited yet.



Fixed that for you.

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Is it true that some have made lvl 50 already? LOL!


Don't worry, they missed out on all the content anyway ;) I don't see why people want to rush to the end anyway. I'm going to be loving the story and doing what I feel like doing at the moment in game. Not staring at my exp bar thinking of how to get it to move faster :)

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Funny stuff. These forums are like watching daytime soaps.


Seriously, it's a game and if you don't like how bioware is rolling it out, then return your copy and go play star wars galaxies or some other game.


As for me, I'm just waiting for the invite and don't mind waiting, being later than others, having to start at level 1. :):)


Funny funny stuff. Now go smoke a J and RELAX!

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Umm no.


They have let in a lot of people, and more seem to be getting invites every day. So screw all of them over just because you didn't preorder on time?


Wait wait, every expansion, they should wipe the servers too because new expansions generally bring in new players and its not fair that we my have a year or two head start.


Actually, every single time someone makes a character on the server, it should get reset so its fair and balanced for all.

Edited by ReiperX
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Dear OP,


Your need to QQ is high, the rage within you fills more and more and your attempts to troll and gain attention keep getting ignored, maybe there is a reason for that sir.


Here is a Look at your last 24 hours:


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=17237 <~ closed by Mods with no replies

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=14656 <~ Very Close to your /rant here

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=15078 <~ LOL boycott servers?

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=15461 <~ Livestream QQ with no links to support you

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=15133 <~ The 13 is launch

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=14910 <~ More staggered launch rage where you self bump your post to keep it on top...until creating a new thread quite quickly

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=15353 <~ more EGA rage

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=14841 <~ even more EGA rage

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=14414 <~ wow more EGA rage with some "servers are empty talk"

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=7471 <~ Wow another topic where you EGA rage

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=10716 <~ Even more EGA rage with self bumps

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=10507 <~ Hey look an identical thread to this one!

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=10200 <~ More let me in now/im mad that I'm not playing EGA rage

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=8657 <~ EA/BW is playing the players and making fools out of them....

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=6060 <~ EGA/Staggered Launch rage

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=6869 <~ EGA/I want in now




You have lost all credibility with me and more than likely with a lot of people who look into people whose names always show up with no replies.


Please keep it to one thread, I am flagging you for spam/overpost/trolling


See you at Launch


Let me know what server your going to play on. World chat is going to be awesome.


+1 Internetz


I will be rolling on my guilds server - Helm of Graush


Most of the baddies in WoW trade chat have me /ignore because of simple posts like the one I posted that make it clear what the deal is :D

Edited by Enitan
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The 'disadvantage' complaint is not really pertinent to this game. It is a super casual game with fast leveling. Most people will play it slow. Hardcore people concerned about disadvantages with from a few days delay in entry to the game really won't have much of a problem. You can probably hit max level within a month and be able to molest lowbies very quickly. I've been in early access from day 1; a hardcore player who gets in the 20th will likely out level me by the 21st. You'll catch up to the other hardcore people very fast.


I understand not being able to play with friends as an issue, but isn't that a common issue all the time? Like, unless you are scheduling your lives around the game, don't you often play when your friends can't and vice versa? I think you kinda need a personal plan of stuff you can do in game by yourself that won't outlevel you for playing with friends.


I'm not saying that the staggering isn't inconvenient or frustrating to those without access yet, but it really won't hurt you in the long run (or even if you just play a month). And so far, my experience with this launch is far better than 2 other early access MMO launches I participated in.

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Ooooh, Oooooh, and after launch, they should do this once a week because, after all, people buying the game after lauch will be at a disadvantage, too. As a bonus, this solves the perpetual problem in MMOs what to do at end game: Relevel your character from the start. Plus, think of all the server space you can save with Alt-o-holics. Their main is their Alt.
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i totally agree with this, why should anyone be at a disadvantage?


Yeah, well selfishness leads to the dark side, so no.


Its a bad idea that can only be supported by people so anxious to get into the game that they'd be willing to screw other the people that have their invites already.

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