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Grapple Into Safezone Instakill Is Legal - Ticket #2106483


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Yeah I have and I've won most. Cry all you want but it's a legal strat according to them so you can cry or you can come up with a solution. Saying it's to hard doesn't change anything.


This happens like ones every 10 game so i don't really care since i always play premade but it's still pretty stupid. I'm guessing those same power tech cry their eyes out when we pass them the huttball so they get isnta killed instead.


Howver your "idea" was laughable. It's like saying that to counter Scoundrel burst you should always bring a sorcerer friend or always have guard on you.

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Well I usually queue as a group with a marauder, assassin tank and inquisitor and we use vent so it's not uncommon for me to call for a heal or guard if I need it or them to call for someone to drop the person cc'ing them. If you run unorganized then you will typically lose if the other team has any organization.
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This has got to be a joke reply. That tactic isn't feasable for SO many reasons.

Have you even played a single game of Huttball?


Its just as feasible has having a BH spawn at the right time to yank the ball carrier. Heres a better idea, throw the ball to the Powertech/Vanguard, it will insta kill him and send the ball right back to you.


There is your defense. Use it.

Edited by DarthDartheous
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It very well maybe an exploit and I'm not sure if it is in fact truly legal but I have done it a quite a few times and it isn't always a 100%. If you don't get them right as they get on the plat form it is likely to help the score. If they have a lot of resolve or using that jedi speed then it will fail.


If it is a exploit they should fix it and if it was working as intended they should come out and say it. With that being said I've actually had the grappled BC compliment me after killing him.

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Grapple has what, a 30m range? So that means you have to be standing within 30m of their safezone, which, btw, doesn't cover the entire scoring area. Yeah, I agree with Bioware on this, grapple-on. Or maybe people could just not stand close to the other teams respawn.


For people who don't know this, you can reset your timer by walking around the outside ledge. As soon as you turn the corner the timer will go away and come back. You can stand up there and prevent (almost) any scoring from happening using this ledge exploit.


The only way to block it is with a full resolve bar or by passing it to a stealthed person who is already in scoring range.


It's definately an exploit but as we know in MMO's when anything is widely known no one will get punished for doing it so people may as well use and abuse. Not sure why it'd be hard to just make the inactivity buff prevent grapples, seems like a 10 minute code fix to me along with how equally easy the other warzone exploits are to fix as well.

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Stand on the far side of the goal area (out of grapple range), throw the ball to the one standing on the ledge, they (and anyone near them) will die instantly and you will get the ball back :D


You have the same range with passing the hutt ball that I have with grapple.

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Being on empire I have seen endless amounts of huttball and I've never seen this once. The timing of it would have to be perfect, and if they miss time it, they're booted from the match. Exaggerated problem is exaggerated.


It's actually really really easy. You don't need it to be perfect, you just need to stand on the ledge with no one targeted with a keybind on harpoon or whatever. Spam it. When they get into range it will instantly hit the closest person, which will generally be the ball carrier. Either that or just select them at a distance and as they approach spam the button.

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Grappling into the safe zone should not be in of itself an exploit. There just shouldn't be an autokill field up there outside of the spawn door. Inside the spawn? Fine. Outside the spawn? No.


Until that is the case I will continue to call this an exploit because it results in an autokill, regardless of what some clueless droid says.

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Hey what happens if you kill somebody who is standing there trying to do that? Does their timer reset and they get booted or what?


I was on my sorc and there was a BH or Trooper or something standing up there shooting people. Nobody else was there so I killed him after I scored. It was near the end of the match but I was wondering if this has happened to anybody, do you get booted?

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I am a jedi shadow, a tank hybrid, so I got the pull skill.


Few things to keep in mind:


1) You can pull people over the score line, but make sure to pull people far enough over the line to kill them, otherwise they will score (I got a video where I actually got pulled when carrying the ball and actually scored. I even survived somehow and was standing on top of the other team's safe zone.


2) You can reset the "kick-out-timer" by going to the sides of the safe zone, which should really be adressed. You can stay in your base forever as a perfect goalkeeper as a shadow / assassin, because you can stealth and just wait for them to come.


3) 2 ways to prevent: Full resolve, or get a resilience shadow to score the ball, because he can be immune to any force/tech attacks for 3 to 5 seconds depending on build.


4) I consider this entire pull-thing really lame, and should be fixed as soon as possible. I mean... you pull somebody PAST the line, so the ball crossed it... so it should be a goal.





PS: I only pull people up the ledge if the other team has a lamer / bugabuser / exploiter in their team, which thankfully does not happen that often. Oh... and of course if I fight my own guild so we can have a good laugh on ventrilo :D

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THE BALL HAS MORE RANGE THEN GRAPPLE.......... If you die to this strategy your the one failing not bio-ware.... chuck the ball at him and kill him.. You will get the ball right back an score. Its perfectly legal. Stop trying to simplify a war zone. Be happy that this is the only war zone in history that actually has some Dynamics other then mindless killing an capturing bases which has been done for a million times on a million different games. They finally give people a war zone that gives you a bonus for having a brain an people are crying?


Sounds like people want a game that caters to low IQ.

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THE BALL HAS MORE RANGE THEN GRAPPLE.......... If you die to this strategy your the one failing not bio-ware.... chuck the ball at him and kill him.. You will get the ball right back an score. Its perfectly legal. Stop trying to simplify a war zone. Be happy that this is the only war zone in history that actually has some Dynamics other then mindless killing an capturing bases which has been done for a million times on a million different games. They finally give people a war zone that gives you a bonus for having a brain an people are crying?


Sounds like people want a game that caters to low IQ.


stealthed assassin mocks your IQ.

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