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Grapple Into Safezone Instakill Is Legal - Ticket #2106483


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I submitted a request for a GM ruling on the grapple issue. For those that don't know what this is.


In huttball you can stand in the safezone (for a limited amount of time before your kicked) and if you grapple someone into the safezone, it instakills them


This has caused quite a rucaas, a lot of tears, and emo, and cries of exploit and hacks.

Well I sent in a ticket requesting a ruling, exploit or fairplay


I just spent 30 min talking with W5-v3, and its considered fair play.



Greetings Taze,


I am Protocol Droid W5-V3, Human-Cyborg Relations, and I was the droid you dealt with earlier in-game.


Since we’ve resolved the problem that you were having, I’m closing your ticket. To reiterate, the grapple to safezone move in Huttball is legal.


Thank you for your interest in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and if there’s anything further we can help you with please don’t hesitate to let us know.


Galactic Support is our specialty.



Protocol Droid W5-V3 aka Christian

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!


If you dont believe me or think Im making this up and wish to submit a ticket that im a exploiter, feel free, and reference ticket ID #2106483


Grapple on! - Better pay attention to who just died and respawned and whos gonna be standing on that ledge when you run the ball now!

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Grapple has what, a 30m range? So that means you have to be standing within 30m of their safezone, which, btw, doesn't cover the entire scoring area. Yeah, I agree with Bioware on this, grapple-on. Or maybe people could just not stand close to the other teams respawn.
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Being on empire I have seen endless amounts of huttball and I've never seen this once. The timing of it would have to be perfect, and if they miss time it, they're booted from the match. Exaggerated problem is exaggerated.
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This depresses me, and for people posting about it saying that they have never seen it. I question if you ever run the ball, or ever fight a half brained powertech? Just today I had this *glitch* abused on me 3 times. I get the huttball, make it incredibly close to capping, and then get pulled into the safe zone, insta die, and ball resets.


I actually played a powertech that knew VERY well of this mechanic, I saw him one time, after I grabbed the ball, run into the acid and stand in it till he died. Upon getting close to a cap, guess who was sitting up there waiting for me to get close? I then proceeded to get pulled to my insta-death, and the ball reset. I think this technique should be an insta-cap instead of an insta-reset.


Also, to whomever said it is hard to pull off..no, you are wrong..no timing is needed...just target the ball handler, stand on safezone, and pull, 0 skill needed. *ONLY* potential counters to this, is 1.) an already full resolve bar before the pull 2.) a player already sitting in the goal line, as you are 30m away, and then throw it to him, but even in circumstance #2, the powertech could probably latch the person being thrown the ball fast enough to kill him.




The pull into safe zone is dumb.

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Look on the bright side. It doesn't count as a kill/death so at best it's just annoying. If you want to get back at them try this. Grab the ball and run to their goal line. Find a player standing on the ledge and throw the ball to them. KABOOM!!!! They blow up. To top it all off, if you're close enough to them and in front of the goal line when you throw it, you get the ball back and get to do it again. :p
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I question if you ever run the ball, or ever fight a half brained powertech? Just today I had this *glitch* abused on me 3 times. I get the huttball, make it incredibly close to capping, and then get pulled into the safe zone, insta die, and ball resets.


the ball resets because when you pull the ballhandler to the safe zone they score



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the ball resets because when you pull the ballhandler to the safe zone they score




I wish this were the case. The ball actually goes to any nearby teammates if they are attacking the ball carrier. That's usually a bad thing because they're just going to try to run the ball, get killed, and give the enemy the ball back.


I'm glad to hear that this is legal, however, as I've been doing it openly on some games where my team is just too derpy or too slow to get on the carrier until it is too late. Gripping's not as successful, either. Besides giving the ball to derpy teammate that dies anyways, people like to CC the carrier with no coordination, and what ends up happening is they all white bar him near the end with weak stuns and no damage so they just limp past the goal like with five people beating on them.


I like to think of it as the last line of defense, like a goalie. Since all the other previous defenses failed. If the ball carrying warrior takes advantage of the stupid teammate that tries to range DPS from a "safe high spot", why not?

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the ball resets because when you pull the ballhandler to the safe zone they score




You and everyone else is missing the fact that when you do this to the BC, your team gets the ball. You could just have 2 BH's standing in fire to kill themselves and easily prevent the other team from ever scoring.

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first of all it should be an instant touchdown, you are crossing the *********** goal line with the ball, so just how the **** that isnt a touchdown is beyond me, but at this point is expected from the worthless mother *********** at bioware. the fact that they actually ruled this as anything other than an exploit or an unintended function of the game is without a doubt some persons on the spot decision to let it go cuz it would be too much work to fix. **** you bioware, that is all.


p.s. how havent they fixed the character screen bug that sometimes happens upon entering a warzone? I am certain i could take a **** into the toilet, turn around, grab said **** out of the toilet, and it would produce more results than the stupid *************** currently working at bioware.


p.s.s. I like to cuss when something makesmemadbro.

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If you dont believe me or think Im making this up and wish to submit a ticket that im a exploiter, feel free, and reference ticket ID #2106483




There's a rather loud explosion when you pull them up to the area, which is what I assumed to be an intentional feature. Never really considered it an exploit (though I thought maybe it would be changed). Without first hand knowledge (no combat log) I've been told you can take like 80k damage?


edit: I do it several times a day and never had any one ask me about it or complain (we're all on the same faction in huttball usually).

Edited by Roezz
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first of all it should be an instant touchdown, you are crossing the *********** goal line with the ball, so just how the **** that isnt a touchdown is beyond me, but at this point is expected from the worthless mother *********** at bioware. the fact that they actually ruled this as anything other than an exploit or an unintended function of the game is without a doubt some persons on the spot decision to let it go cuz it would be too much work to fix. **** you bioware, that is all.


You have to touch the floor in the scoring zone to get a touchdown. Hope this helps.

Edited by Zetara
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